Certificate in WTO & International Trade Studies
Georgetown Law’s Certificate in WTO & International Trade Studies reflects the school’s long-standing reputation and expertise in international trade law, in particular, regarding legal aspects of the World Trade Organization (WTO), preferential trade agreements, and U.S. laws and regulations affecting international trade including trade remedies and export controls. The Certificate, open to a small but specialized cohort of Georgetown Law students, combines a course credit component (one basic trade course; minimum of two specialized trade courses) with a trade-related capstone project.
To future employers, the Certificate signals a solid academic and practical background in the important and growing field of international trade, covering trade in goods and services and trade-related issues frequently addressed in modern trade agreements such as digital trade, intellectual property, health and safety, investment, e-commerce, and environment and labor concerns. You may submit your eligibility for the Certificate in WTO & International Trade by completing this Notification Form. You may only access the form using your Georgetown credentials
You can learn more about the Certificate in WTO & International Trade Studies, including eligibility requirements, here. Please email lawiiel@georgetown.edu with any questions.