
The Challenges of Identifying Medical Debt in Court Records

James Carey & Margaret Haughney

This report looks into the hurdles to medical debt research in court records and investigates several methods of identifying which cases are medical debt collection cases.

Civil Court Data at the Local Level: Interviews and Insights from Four Locations

The CJDC Team

This report is the result of interviews with 32 civil justice stakeholders in Cleveland, Ohio; Washington, DC; Oklahoma; and Wisconsin discussing the benefits of and barriers to sharing civil court data.

Data Commons Models

The CJDC Team

This report lays out the fundamentals of a data commons and looks at other data commons and data repositories to find best practices and innovations.


Example Evictions Dashboards

James Carey

These dashboards show the kinds of insights that can be gained from civil justice data. They were created as an example of the value understanding this data can provide to the public and courts. These dashboards were created using data published by the Maricopa, AZ County Courts.


Measuring Civil Justice for All: What Do We Know? What Do We Need to Know? How Can We Know It?

Tanina Rostain, contributor

American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Measuring Civil Justice for All: What Do We Know? What Do We Need to Know? How Can We Know It? (Cambridge, Mass.: American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2021)

The Civil Justice Data Gap

Tanina Rostain and Amy O’Hara

Chapter in Legal Tech and the Future of Civil Justice (Cambridge University Press, 2023)

Supporting Fair and Equitable Practices Around Data Ethics and Access in Government and Philanthropy (forthcoming)

Amy O’Hara and Stephanie Straus

Show Me the Evidence, Project Evident and Brookings Institution

Conference participation

Access to Civil Justice, Regulatory Reform and Just Solutions

Arizona State University Conference, February 17-18, 2022

State and Local Court Data: Access, Anyone? by Tanina Rostain

Trust and Doubt in Public-Sector Data Infrastructures

Data & Society Virtual Workshop, March 25, 2021

Data and Civil Justice by Amy O’Hara

Legal Tech and the Future of Civil Justice

Stanford Law School Virtual Conference, March 3, 2021

Access to Data as Access to Justice by Tanina Rostain