Volume 15

See That in a Small Town: Visual Rhetoric, Race, and Legal History in Tennessee

by Lucy Jewel
When it comes to racism and the law, visual rhetoric has played and still plays an outsized role. Jason Aldean’s music video for “Try That in a Small Town” aptly illustrates this thesis. The video shows Aldean and his band performing in front of the Maury County Courthouse in Columbia, Tennessee, the same location where, […]

Confronting Racist Authority: The Vertical Narrowing of Whren v. United States

by Lauren McLane
Professor Derrick Bell stated, “At its essence, the willingness to protest represents less a response to a perceived affront than the acting out of a state of mind.” This piece honors Professor Bell, his protest, and the state of mind he embodied: confronting authority. It seeks to embolden the everyday, persevering practitioner or judge who […]

“Don’t Shoot!”: Racialized Policing, Gunshots, and The Fourth Amendment

by Reviewed by Harvey Gee
Police consistently adopt techniques and practices that infringe on the rights of Black people, and rapidly-developing policing technology has only increased this risk. This review builds on the cutting-edge scholarship offered in Devon Carbado’s book Unreasonable: Black Lives, Police Power, and the Fourth Amendment (Unreasonable) and Christopher Slobogin’s book Virtual Searches: Regulating the Covert World […]

Thinking Outside of the “White Box”: An Afrofuturistic Critique of Terry Stops

by Nina-Simone Edwards
What would the future look like if the privacy invasions that Black Americans are currently subjected to were not so normalized? This Note brings an Afrofuturistic perspective to the analysis of Terry stops, putting forward an alternative legal paradigm that uplifts Black Americans, their privacy, and their experiences, rather than police practices. Part I of […]