Reaction to: “Educational Equality and the Dream That Never Was: The Confluence of Race Based Institutional Harm and Adverse Childhood Experiences (Aces) In Post-Brown America”
In this article, Carr argues that although the famous Brown v. Board of Education ruling outlawed legal school discrimination, state-sanctioned racism has been recon- stituted into new forms of educational inequality. Carr begins by discussing how the effects of structural racism contribute to and exacerbate the prevalence and conse- quences of “adverse childhood experiences” (ACEs). Carr argues that impoverished children, and particularly minority children, are more often subjected to these ACEs than privileged non-minorities. Children who are subjected to ACEs experience more significant physical and mental health problems, an increased risk of unhealthy behaviors, violence and re-victimization, higher rates of substance abuse, and prema- ture mortality. Carr last argues that ACEs, especially when cumulative, can result in low academic achievement, increased absenteeism, disruptive behavior, increased risk for substance misuse, emotional and conduct issues, and increased use of special edu- cation services.
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