Letter from the Editors
This year, we started off this volume with a deep commitment to honoring the last twenty-nine volumes of the Georgetown Journal on Poverty Law and Policy. We came to this year both reflecting on the foundation of our journal and charting the path forward, with the rapid of change the past couple of years at the forefront of our minds. Where do we go from here? We strived to find scholarship that cen-tered practioners and the voices of people most affected by poverty in this country that could answer this persistent question. We are very proud of our staff for taking their roles so seriously when soliciting, reviewing, and editing this scholarship. And we are thankful to our Board of Advisors for helping us grow our community of authors and scholars who are deeply committed to this work.
This issue we highlight some grounding-breaking and unique scholarship we are so proud of. This issue has eight pieces, a reflection of the excitement our authors have to discuss pressing issues in their home communities and propose practical solutions. Our first Article, written by advocate Jon DeCarmine and Professor Joseph S. Jackson, describes their efforts in Gainesville, Florida to suc-cessfully utilize a housing engagement approach to a homeless encampment. Our second Article, by Rebecca Horwitz-Willis and Leanna Katz, analyzes access to childcare in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic for women of color in Chelsea, Massachusetts, a low-income, largely immigrant population in Boston’s metropoli-tan area. Our third Article, written by Professor Pamela A. Izvănariu, uses ground-breaking archival research to discuss the work of John P. Davis and his fight for Black labor and substantive equality in the Jim Crow era.
Our last two Articles both focus on the court system in this country and the impact of virtual hearings on Access to Justice. The first Article, written by Professor Katherine Norton, discusses the impact of virtual hearings and the new technology for low-income litigants in the civil system. The second Article, written by Professors Lauren Sudeall, Elora Raymond, and Phil Garboden, compiles their interviews and research on the perspective of judges and advocates when imple-menting federal eviction protections in the court system. Both of these Articles dis-cuss a pressing issue: how do we ensure that low-income people have access to courts as the courts evolve in the wake of COVID-19?
The last three pieces are our student-written Notes. We open this section with a Note written by Steven Jessen-Howard, focused on child poverty and proposing a practical Universal Child Benefit. Then we have a piece written by our Editor-in- Chief, Samantha M. Rudelich, discussing the impact of the Detroit Land Bank Authority on racial and class equity in Detroit. We close with a piece written by Madeline Terlap, one of our Articles Editors, proposing legal and policy solutions for working, low-income women.
As we close out Volume 30, we want to thank our incredible executive board and staff for their dedication to creating community, editing scholarship, and pub-lishing an incredible volume. This issue is larger than our typical four to six pieces, and we are so grateful to their hard work and reliability in finishing out this volume strong. We want to specifically thank our online team, led by Online Managing Editor Marianna Yearboro, for reinvigorating our online presence and putting out more than 30 pieces this year. We are deeply grateful to our Board of Advisors for their reliable support in soliciting scholarship, developing program-ming, and mentoring for our staff. We thank Professors Peter Edelman and Yael Cannon, for their consistent support as our faculty advisors. We want to thank our authors for their significant contributions to the field of poverty law and policy. Lastly, we want to offer our sincere gratitude to our readers, for their willingness to engage in this work with their hearts and minds. We wish the best to Volume 31, we know that they will continue to build on this vision, centered in hope and optimism. This is a labor of love and devotion to a kinder, better world. We close this volume as we started; the work continues.
Samantha M. Rudelich, Editor-in-Chief, Vol. 30 Megan C. Kilduff, Managing Editor, Vol. 30