In Print
VOLUME 32, ISSUE I (Fall 2024)
by Sarah Clements, Renée Cordio, and Maya Hamblin
by Ashley Bassel Griffith
Distance Learning: New Tech, Old Problems
by Andrele Brutus St. Val
An Application of Equality Theories to Commercial-to-Residential Adaptive Reuse Projects
by Madison DeLuca
Climate Gentrification: Addressing Displacement from Sea Level Rise
by Diana Kenealy
by Simone Obadia
Retirement in America: A Luxury Not All Can Afford
by Adela Oldham
VOLUME 31, ISSUE III (Spring 2024)
by Sierra Campbell and Ruby Grace
Symposium Article
Worker Outbursts, Workplace Rules and a Resurgence of Worker Voice
by Mell Chhoy & Mark Gaston Pearce
Symposium Notes
Wage Theft Prosecution: How Prosecutors Can Help Workers and Create More Widespread Adoption
by Wayne A. Comstock
by Julian R. Lutz
Liberty, Equality, & Solidarity: A Constitutional Defense of Modern Work Law
by Blake Phillips
by Erin Fullerton
VOLUME 31, ISSUE II (Winter 2024)
by Sierra Campbell and Ruby Grace
Criminalization of the Unhoused: A Case Study of Alternatives to a Punitive System
by Laurie Hauber
Lending Experimentalism: A New Regulatory Approach to Payday Loans
by David Berman
Who Bears the Cost?: The Public Use Requirement in Failed Economic Development Projects
by Carly Hoffman
Student Debt Is a Racial Justice Issue: Could Antitrust Law Provide a Legal Avenue for Relief?
by Stephanie Kaczowski
District of Columbia Housing Authority Reform: Low-Income Housing Problems and Reformatory Action
by Drew Knauss
by Sierra Campbell and Ruby Grace
A Systematic Reimagining of Poverty Law
by Victoria M. Esposito
Unequal Homes, Unequal Health: Apply the Loss of Chance Doctrine to Landlord-Tenant Cases
by Delaram Takyar
by Sierra Campbell
by Karina Pereira
Heroes Abroad, Forgotten at Home: The Case for Reparation for Black WWII Veterans
by Micah Poulson
by Lauren Smith
by Samantha M. Rudelich and Megan C. Kilduff
by Jon DeCarmine and Joseph S. Jackson
by Rebecca Horwitz-Willis and Leanna Katz
by Pamela A. Izvănariu
by Katherine L.W. Norton
By Lauren Sudeall, Elora Lee Raymond, and Phillip M.E. Garboden
Fighting Child Poverty in the United States: The Universal Child Benefit
by Steven Jessen-Howard
The Detroit Land Bank Authority: A Modern Tool Perpetuating Racism & Classism in the City
by Samantha Rudelich
Reworking Women’s Work: Legal and Policy Solutions for Alleviating Poverty Among Working Women
by Madeline Terlap
Volume 30, Issue II (Winter 2023)
by Samantha M. Rudelich and Megan C. Kilduff
By Mark E. Budnitz
By Marc Canellas
Punishment, Poverty, and the Limits of Judicial Policymaking
By Elaina Marx
The Interplay of Mass Incarceration and Poverty
By Brianna Borrelli
Not Surviving, but Thriving: Indexing to the Cost of Living
By Mohammed Hossain
Promoting Economic Mobility Through Adequate Community College Funding
By Emily L. Webb
Volume 30, Issue I (Fall 2022)
by Samantha M. Rudelich and Megan C. Kilduff
The Need For Affirmative Legislation Supporting Community Land Trusts In Washington, D.C.
by Amelia G. Collins
The Case Against Rental Application Fees
by Eric Dunn
Expanding the Federal Work Product Doctrine to Unrepresented Litigants
by Jennifer A. Gundlach and Zeus Smith
by Alessandra Suuberg and Deyanira Gonzalez
It Takes A Village: Pathways for Achieving Access to Doula Services for Medicaid Enrollees
by Sarah Hart
Maternal Substance Use: How the MLP Model Can Address Issues Surrounding Mandatory Reporting Laws
by Carly Loughran
Volume 29, Issue III (Spring 2022)
by Zachary Krause and Rose Hayden
Symposium: Community Poverty and the University
The Miseducation of Public Citizens
by Etienne C. Toussaint
Universities as Producers, Managers, and Opponents of Poverty: The Case of Food Insecurity on Campus
by Dr. Katharine M. Broton, Charlotte Lenkaitis, and Sarah Henry
Changing Every Wrong Door into the Right One: Reforming Legal Services Intake to Empower Clients
by Jabeen Adawi
by Theodoros Papazekos
Volume 29, Issue II (Winter 2022)
by Zachary Krause and Rose Hayden
by Kelsea A. Jeon
Health Injustice in the Laboratories of Democracy
by Elenore Wade
The Emperor’s New Clothes: Stare Decisis and the Teacher Shortage Crisis
by Chris Yarrell
Segregation, Racial Health Disparities, and Inadequate Food Access in Brooklyn
by Silvia M. Radulescu
by Cassidy Viser
Volume 29, Issue I (Fall 2021)
by Zachary Krause and Rose Hayden
by Siya U. Hegde
Forget (Arguing About) Redistribution
by David Hasen
Strategic Housing Code Enforcement: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Improving Habitability
by Michael Weinberg
Debt and Policing: The Case to Abolish Credit Surveillance
by Tamar Hoffman
Volume 28, Issue III (Spring 2021)
Letter on Diversity and Inclusion in Georgetown University Law Center Journals
by Editors-in-Chief of Georgetown University Law Center journals
by Mira Edmonds
by Michele Statz, Hon. Robert Friday, and Jon Bredeson
by Will Breland
by Alissa Rubin Gomez
Volume 28, Issue II (Winter 2021)
by Victoria King & Rikisha Collins
Power and Possibility in the Era of Right to Counsel, Robust Rent Laws & COVID-19
by Erica Braudy and Kim Hawkins
by Mekonnen Firew Ayano
Poverty, Place and Voter Participation: Bridging the Gap
by Michael Redzich
Claimin’ True: Optimizing Eligible Take-Up of the EITC
by Jaden Warren
Volume 28, Issue I (Fall 2020)
Letter from the Editors
by Victoria King & Rikisha Collins
by Jamie Langowski, William Berman, Grace Brittan, Catherine LaRaia, Jee-Yeon Lehmann & Judson Woods
Bridging the Digital Chasm through the Fundamental Right to Technology
by Haochen Sun
Stay at Home:Rethinking Rental Housing Law in an Era of Pandemic
by Shannon Price
Reconceptualizing Public Housing: Not as a Policed Site of Control, but as a System of Support
by Sarah Miller
Volume 27, Issue III (Spring 2020)
The Civil Self-Representation Crisis: The Need for More Data and Less Complacency
by Christine E. Cerniglia
by Steven A. Krieger
Portable Benefits in the Gig Economy: Understanding the Nuances of the Gig Economy
by Justin Azar
Early Wage Access Products: Twenty-First Century Innovations or Harbingers of Debt?
by Alexis Christensen
Voting While Poor: Reviving the 24th Amendment and Eliminating the Modern-Day Poll Tax
by Valencia Richardson
Volume 27, Issue II (Winter 2020)
Symposium: Fulfilling Olmstead
Introductory Remarks
Peter Edelman
Panel: Building Coalitions and the Disability Rights Movement
Judith Heumann and Eve Hill
Panel: Olmstead v. L.C.: The Supreme Court Case
Samuel Bagenstos, Irv Gornstein, Michael Gottesman, and Jennifer Mathis
The Costs and Benefits of Affordable Housing: A Partial Solution to the Conflict of Competing Goods
Michael Diamond
Meeting the Integration Mandate: The Implications of Olmstead for the Home Care Workforce
Kezia Scales
The Cost of Doing Business: Institutional Bias and Community-Based Services and Supports
Emily Shea Tanis
The Paradox of Inclusion: Applying Olmstead’s Integration Mandate in Prisons
Jamelia N. Morgan
Behind Bars and in the Hole: Applying Olmstead to Incarcerated Individuals with Mental Illness
Sahar Takshi
Volume 27, Issue I (Fall 2019)
Food, Shelter, Hope: Examining the Possibilities of Agricultural Tiny Home Communities for the Homeless
Caitlyn Greene
(Under)Enforcement of Poor Tenants’ Rights
Kathryn A. Sabbeth
The Collateral Consequences of Substandard Public Housing on Tenant-Families
Josette M. Barsano
Volume 26, Issue III (Spring 2019)
Challenging Inaccurate Sex Designations on Birth Certificates Through Disability Rights Law
Kevin M. Barry
Closing the Disability Gap: Reforming the Community Reinvestment Act Regulatory Framework
Michael Morris, Nanette Goodman, Angel Baker, Kyle Palmore, and Peter Blanck
Explaining “Not Disabled” Cases Ten Years After the ADAAA: A Story of Ignorance, Incompetence, and Possibly Animus
Nicole Buonocore Porter
Volume 26, Issue I (Fall 2018)
Overdrafts: When Markets, Consumers, and Regulators Collide
Aluma Zernik
A Union for All: Collective Associations Outside the Workplace
Christopher Bangs
Volume 25, Issue III (Spring 2018)
Symposium: The Future of Low-Wage Work
Is There a Future for Work?
Wendi S. Lazar & Nantiya Ruan
An Argument for Regulating Debt Buyers Under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act
Rachel Deitch
The Even Start Family Literacy Program: The Rise and Fall of Family Literacy and the Need for its Return
Jennifer Soliman
Condemned to Repeat History? Why the Last Movement for Bail Reform Failed, and How This One Can Succeed
Rachel Smith
Volume 25, Issue II (Winter 2018)
Seed Libraries and Food Justice: Cultivating an Effective Legal and Policy Environment
Ursula Ramsey
Social Justice Advocacy and Innovation: The Wisconsin Center for PublicRepresentation 1974–Present
Louise G. Trubek
The “Free College” Illusion: How State Tuition Support Programs Are Widening the Opportunity Gap
Lauren A. DiMartino
Jill C. Morrison
“Bad Moms” and Powerful Prosecutors: Why a Public Health Approach to Maternal Drug Use is Necessary to Lessen the Hardship Borne by Women in the South
Mina Dixon Davis
Inconceivable: How Barriers to Infertility Treatment for Low-Income Women Amount to Reproductive Oppression
Madeline Curtis
Volume 25, Issue I (Fall 2017)
WWZZZ: Zombie Debt, the Zlaket Rules, and Regulation Z
John F. Serafine
Enforcing the Americans with Disabilities Act for the “Invisibly Disabled”: Not a Handout, Just a Hand
Ariana Cernius
Turner in the Trenches: A Study of How Turner v. Rogers Affected Child Support Contempt Proceedings
Elizabeth G. Patterson
Pauper’s Parity: Taking Away the Fine Print of “Your Contribution is Tax Deductible”
James Patrick Huston
Protecting TenantsWithout Preemption: How State and Local Governments Can Lessen the Impact of HUD’s One-Strike Rule
Robert Van Someren Greve
Expungement Law: An Extraordinary Remedy for an Extraordinary Harm
Mackenzie J. Yee