Women's Law & Public Policy Fellowship Program

We offer two types of Fellowships. One is our WLPPFP Fellowship, which is a 12-month work experience, where Fellows from the United States work on women’s legal issues with a public interest organization, or as a two-year clinical teaching fellow at Georgetown Law. The application for the 2025-2026 fellowship year is now available! WLPPFP-Application-Form-2025-2026 The application is due on Friday, November 15th, 11:59pm Eastern time.

The other is our Leadership & Advocacy for Women in Africa (LAWA) Fellowship, where women’s rights lawyers from Africa earn a Master of Laws (LL.M.) degree from Georgetown Law focusing on international women’s human rights, and then participate in a post-graduation summer legal internship experience before returning home to continue advancing women’s rights in their own countries. The application for the 2025-2026 fellowship will be available in October 2024 and due in January 2025, but you can find an example of the old application here: LAWA Application 2024-2025 updated.

Although each Fellowship experience is unique, all of our Fellows learn together about substantive women’s rights issues, explore a multitude of career paths through which they can advocate for women’s equality, and develop their legal skills through seminars, trainings, networking events, and other activities provided by WLPPFP.