Volume 36

Weathering the Storms: Recommendations for Preparing Regional Trade Agreements for Climate Change

by Samantha Leah Cristol

Climate change poses a threat to the wellbeing of the international community, especially in regard to international trade. Foreseeable impacts to trade are identifiable in both the production and transportation segments of global value chains, and preparation will require international cooperation. Regional trade agreements offer nations an opportunity to prepare for the impacts of cli-mate change, both by allowing for the diversification of trading partners and products, and by reaching beyond borders to align preparation plans.

To incorporate climate change readiness into trade agreements in an inclusive, equitable, and meaningful way, negotiators should seek to directly address climate emergencies, promote technology transfer, lower technical barriers to trade, and harden regional infrastructure. This paper proposes methods for accomplishing these goals and presents an evaluative framework to help negotiators understand and identify climate change preparation gaps while drafting or revising trade agreements.

Continue reading Weathering the Storms: Recommendations for Preparing Regional Trade Agreements for Climate Change.



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