VOLUME 37, ISSUE 1 (Forthcoming Fall 2024)


Agency Statutory Authority and the Pennsylvania Environmental Rights Amendment
John C. Dernbach & Robert B. McKinstry, Jr.

More Than a Hill O’ Beans:  A Typology for Incorporating Plant-Based Protein Measures into Municipal Climate Action Plans
Linda Breggin, Bruce Myers, Sarah Backer, and Taalin RaoShah

VOLUME 36, ISSUE 3 (Spring 2024)


Coal Phase Out and Foreign Investment Protection: Tackling China’s Global Carbon Footprint
Anatole Boute and Francine Hug

Between Sky and Space: NEPA’s Extraterritorial Application to the Stratosphere and Implications for SpaceX’s Starlink Satellite Constellation
Steven Michael McKevett

Line of Best Fit: Understanding Emerging Article III Standing Doctrine Through Environmental Law
Nika D. Sabasteanski


Weathering the Storms: Recommendations for Preparing Regional Trade Agreements for Climate Change
Samantha Leah Cristol

VOLUME 36, ISSUE 2 (Winter 2024)


The Silent Strength of CERCLA: Private Party Cleanups––and the Judicial Decisions Jeopardizing Them
Rachel Guthrie

Viewing the Package Half Full: The Case for Federal Legislation to Reduce Environmental Harm from Shrinkflation and Slack-Fill Packaging
Michael Conklin & Chad Marzen


Keeping Offsets Honest
Jonathan Gerstell

The EPA in the Age of Chevron Deference Ambiguity and Decline
Alyssa Greenstein

One SEP Forward, Two Steps Back? Supplemental Environmental Projects, Environmental Justice, and Deterrence
Diego Huerta

VOLUME 36, ISSUE 1 (Fall 2023)


Regulatory Antecedents and the Major Questions Doctrine
Richard L. Revesv and Max Sarinsky

A Wrong Turn with the Rights of Nature Movement
Noah M. Sachs

A Proposed Policy for Interpreting ‘Significant Portion of Its Range’ for the U.S. Endangered Species Act, 1973
John A. Vucetich, Jeremy T. Bruskotter, Nicholas Arrivo, and Michael Phillips


To Build a Septic System An Analysis of EPA’s New Environmental Justice Policies for Rural Communities Lacking Adequate Wastewater Sanitation
Liz Goldstein

VOLUME 35, ISSUE 3 (Summer 2023)


Cloud Seeding, Wildfire Smoke Emissions, and Solar Geoengineering: Why Is Climate Modification Unregulated?
Karen Bradshaw and Monika U. Ehrman

Climate Dominance
Keith H. Hirokawa and Cinnamon P. Carlarne


False Claims, Real Climate Harm: How Whistleblowers Can Fight Fraud in the Renewable-Energy, REC, and Carbon-Offset Markets
Patrick Reilly

Toxic Film: Analyzing the Impact of Films Depicting Major Contamination Events on the Regulation of Toxic Chemicals
Sarah Chen Small

VOLUME 35, ISSUE 2 (Winter 2023)


The Case Against the Case for Zoning
Michael Lewyn

“OG ESG”: How African Sovereign Wealth Funds Can Show the Way Forward for International ESG Investing
Jordan Metoyer

Climate Change and the Specter of Statelessness
Mark Nevitt

Nanotechnology in Drinking Water Treatment Systems: Risk and Regulatory Compliance
David Strifling, Jacob Dalton, and Veronika Folvarska


Beefing Up Our Tax Policy: Why Local Governments Should Tax Red and Processed Meat
Reuben Ilan Siegman

Working Against Climate Change: Connecting Labor Rights and Environmental Justice
Shannon Twiss

VOLUME 35, ISSUE 1 (Fall 2022)


Trespass Plus: Ag-Gag and the Right to Exclude
Anthony B. Derron

Carbon Restructuring: A Grassroots Strategy to Combat Climate Change
Matt Elgin

Unleashing Ecocide: Conscripting International Prosecutors into the Fight Against Climate Change
Ethan A. Heller

Environmental Injustice and COVID-19: Addressing the Link Between Pandemics and Pollution in Racial and Ethnic Minority Communities Under the Clean Air Act
Eric v. Hull

“We Want to Live!” Climate Change and the Limits of Civil Disobedience
Frédéric Mégret & Amar Khoday


Is FAST-41 Permitting All that Fast? Why Congress Must Take a More Serious Approach to Streamlining Federal Permitting
David Stepovich

VOLUME 34, ISSUE 3 (Summer 2022)


Legal Challenges of Building Resilience for Informal Settlements in Developed, Democratic Contexts
Ju-Ching Huang

Watered Down Voices, Watered Down Justice: A Demand for Polycentricism, Demosprudence, and Praxis in WOTUS Regulatory Reform
Martin McCrory, Inara Scott, Angie Raymond, and Paul Levy

Before the Deluge: Federal Policy and Flood Resiliency
Brian McWalters


Killing Two Myths with One Stone: How the Public Trust Doctrine Can Improve Climate Resiliency by Stopping Gentrification
Alexandra Votaw

The Systematic Exclusion of Complainants and Impacted Communities in EPA External Civil Rights Compliance Office’s Title VI Resolution Process: Recommendations for ECRCO and States
Maxine Walters

Constitutional Environmental Rights as Tools of Environmental Justice: Applications in the United States Based on Examples From Brazil and France
Sara Zaat

Volume 34, Issue 2 (Winter 2022)


Enforcing Conservation Easements: The Through Line
Nancy A. McLaughlin

Clean Air Act Section 115: Is the IPCC a “Duly Constituted International Agency”?
Adam D. Orford

The Positive Obligation to Prevent Climate Harm Under the Law of State Responsibility
Agnes Chong

Vermin of Proof: Arguments for the Admissibility of Animal Model Studies as Proof of Causation in Toxic Tort Litigation
Kristen Ranges and Jessica Owley

Toward a Decolonized Non-Anthropocentric Legal System: Why the Rights of Nature Movement Should Codify Indigenous Customary Laws and Look to the Indigenous Bagungu People for Best Practice
Caitlin Skurky

Volume 34, Issue 1 (Fall 2022)


The Local Public Trust Doctrine
Sean Lyness

Aristotelian Decency as a Corrective for Compliance-Induced Environmental Racism
Daniel T. Ostas & Gastón de los Reyes


A River Used to Run Through It: Protecting the Public Right to a Sustainable Water System
Samuel C. Yang

Two Underdogs and a Mutual Interest Lost in the Wind: The Shortcomings of Environmental Law and Animal Law in Protecting Animals and Suggestions on How to Reconcile the Two Movements
Jessica Meltzer

Volume 33, Issue 3 (Summer 2021)


Time for Plan(et) B? Why Securities Litigation Is a Misguided Attempt at Regulating Climate Change 
Robert K. Cowan

Penn Central in Retrospect: The Past and Future of Historic Preservation Regulation
J Peter Byrne

Rethinking Conservation of Marine Biodiversity Beyond National Boundaries: Justice, Property, and the Commons
Anna Aseeva

Legal History Repeats Itself on Climate Change: The Commerce Clause and Renewable Energy
Steven Ferrey

Volume 33, Issue 2 (Winter 2021)


The Rocky Road to Energy Dominance: The Executive Branch’s Limited Authority to Modify and Revoke Withdrawals of Federal Lands from Mineral Production
Hillary M. Hoffmann & Robert L. Glicksman

Rethinking the Supreme Court’s Interstate Waters Jurisprudence
Jamison E. Colburn


Using the Public Trust Doctrine to Balance the Impacts of Renewable Energy Projects
Kayla A. Steinberg

Is Twitter the New FTC and EPA? Publicized Private Action as the Anti-Greenwashing Mechanism in Modern Society
Claire Fischer

Volume 33, Issue 1 (Fall 2020)


A Canary in a Coal Mine: What We Haven’t Learned from Deepwater Horizon and How Courts Can Help
Abigail E. André

Arbitrary and Capricious: The Dark Canon of the United States Supreme Court in Environmental Law
Oliver A. Houck

International Environmental Law and Climate Change: Reflections on Structural Challenges in a “Kaleidoscopic” World
Jutta Brunnée


Another Step Forward: Reconsidering the Current State of Offshore Drilling in the Arctic
Austin Holtshouser

Polluting ’til the Cows Come Home: How Agricultural Exceptionalism Allows CAFOs Free Range for Climate Harm
Ryan Levandowski

Volume 32, Issue 4 (Summer 2020)


State Authority to Regulate Mobile Source Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Part 2: A Legislative and Statutory History Assessment
Greg Dotson

From Factory Farming to a Sustainable Food System: A Legislative Approach
Michelle Johnson-Weider


Indian Reserved Rights to Groundwater: Victory for Tribes, for Now
Catherine Schluter

The Role of Courts in Remedying Climate Chaos: Transcending Judicial Nihilism and Taking Survival Seriously
Scott Novak

Volume 32, Issue 3 (Spring 2020)


Environmental Rule of Law in the Context of Sustainable Development
Arnold Kreilhuber & Angela Kariuki

Defending the Future: Intergenerational Equity in Climate Litigation
Lydia Slobodian

Edith Brown Weiss as a Pathfinder: Strengthening Property Rights and Community-Based Resource Governance for Indigenous Peoples Worldwide
Kirk Talbott, Sera Song, & Janis Alcorn

In Fairness to Future Generations of Eaters
Steph Tai

Greenish, but with More Dimensions: A Framework for Identifying Binding Instruments of International Environmental Law
Carl Bruch, Imad Antoine Ibrahim & Rachel Lerner

Fifty Shades of Green
Daniel Magraw & Lin Qin

Contextual Accountability, the World Bank Inspection Panel, and the Transformation of International Law in Edith Brown Weiss’s Kaleidoscopic World
David Hunter


The International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine and Other Stories: An Argument for the Mandatory Inclusion of Non-Governmental Organizations in International Agreements 
Sophie Grueterich

Safeguard Reforms at the World Bank: Mutual Accountability or a Race to the Bottom?
Kathryn D. Priester

Volume 32, Issue 2 (Winter 2020)


Rising Tides and Rearranging Deckchairs: How Climate Change Is Reshaping Infrastructure Finance and Threatening to Sink Municipal Budgets
Christine Sgarlata Chung

Tools for Regulators in a Changing Climate: Proposed Standards, State Policies, and Case Studies from the Western Grid
Adam D. Orford

Sustainable Use and Shared Species: Navigating AEWA’s Constraints on the Harvest of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds
Melissa Lewis


Time-of-Need and Amount-of-Need: Overcoming Two Key Issues with Deploying Clean, Renewable Electricity Generation
Molly Blei Fellus

Here Comes the Sun: Bringing Efficiency and Renewable Energy Solutions to Affordable Housing in the U.S.
Cecilia Turchetti

Recommending Judicial Reconstruction of Title VI to Curb Environmental Racism: A Recklessness-Based Theory of Discriminatory Intent
Leora Friedman

Volume 32, Issue 1 (Fall 2019)


IPR Management in International Cleantech Cooperation
Joy Y. Xiang

From Sovereignty to Self-Determination: Emergence of Collective Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Natural Resources Management
Shawkat Alam and Abdullah Al Faruque

Exporting Nature’s Gift: An Analysis of Contemporary Water Law Issues in Aotearoa New Zealand
Isabelle Smith


The Sambor Dam: How China’s Breach of Customary International Law Will Affect the Future of the Mekong River Basin
Lynn Phan

Feeding the Beast: Addressing the Internet’s Insatiable Power Consumption
Kevin Hotchkiss

Electric Buses and Clean Energy Financing: How Transit Authorities Can Leverage State and Federal Funds to Buy More Zero-Emission Buses
Rebecca Strauss

Volume 31, Issue 4 (Summer 2019)


Volume 31, Issue 3 (Spring 2019)


From Paris to Pittsburgh: U.S. State and Local Leadership in an Era of Trump
Vicki Arroyo

Shintech: Environmental Justice at Ground Zero
Oliver A. Houck

Mitigating Malheur’s Misfortunes: The Public Interest in the Public’s Public Lands
Sandra B. Zellmer


Owning the World’s Seed Supply: How Seed Industry Mergers Threaten Global Food Security
Sara Ellen Mahoney

Consumers, Plastic, and What It Means To Be “Biodegradable”
Sanya Shahrasbi

How Deepwater Offshore Drillers Have Failed to Uphold Their End of the Bargain: The Policy Infirmities of BSEE’s Current Oil Spill Response Framework
Michelle West

VOLUME 31, ISSUE 2 (Winter 2019)


Returning to Clean Air Act Fundamentals: A Renewed Call to Regulate Greenhouse Gases Under the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) Program
Howard M. Crystal, Kassie Siegel, Maya Golden-Krasner, and Clare Lakewood

The National Flood Insurance Program at Fifty: How the Fifth Amendment Takings Doctrine Skews Federal Flood Policy
Christine A. Klein

Regulatory Regimes for Preventing Major Accidents in Offshore Operations: Evolution of Approaches in the United States and China
Yuan Yang


In the Backyard of Segregated Neighborhoods: An Environmental Justice Case Study of Louisiana
Julia Mizutani

All in the Community: Using Community Solar Gardens to Bring the Benefits of Renewable Energy to Low-Income Communities
Megan O’Connor

Western Regional Transmission Organization: Creating a Market to Support Renewable Energy
Chris Westfall

VOLUME 31, ISSUE 1 (Fall 2018)


The Resilience of the Paris Agreement: Negotiating and Implementing the Climate Regime
Rafael Leal-Arcas & Antonio Morelli

The Lacey Act and Civil Forfeiture: Can the Government Sell Forfeited Wildlife and Plants?
Lynn A. Long

Just Dipping a Toe in the Water? On the Reconciliation of the European Institutions with Article 9 of the Water Framework Directive
Paolo Turrini


In Good Times and In Bad: An International Water Law Analysis of Minute 323
O.W. Bussey

The Next Wave of Climate Change Litigation: Comparing Constitutional Inverse Condemnation Claims in the United States, South Africa, and Japan
Gary Dreyzin

(Re)negotiating the Environment: Implications of Trade Promotion Authority
Lauren Sillman

VOLUME 30, ISSUE 4 (Fall 2018)


The Unfulfilled Promise of Effective Air Quality and Emissions Monitoring
Adam Babich

No Murr Tests: Penn Central is Enough Already!
Timothy M. Harris

Get Out From Under My Land! Hydraulic Fracturing, Forced Pooling or Unitization, and the Role of the Dissenting Landowner
Heidi Gorovitz Robertson, J.D., J.S.D.


Let It Burn: An Argument for An Adaptive Resilience Approach to Federal Wildfire Management in the Western United States
Leigh Barton

Implications of the Trump Administration’s Withdrawal of the Final CEQ Guidance on Consideration of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and the Effects of Climate Change in NEP A Reviews
Thien T. Chau

Volume 30, Issue 3 (Spring 2018)


From Exxon to Paris: A Review of Environmental Law over the Last 30 Years
Hilary C. Tompkins


The Paralysis Paradox and the Untapped Role of Science in Solving “Big” Environmental Problems
Jan G. Laitos & Christopher Ainscough

Melting the Polarization Around Climate Change Politics
Cale Jaffe


Two Ideas, Many Outcomes: How Anti-waste Sentiments and the Public Trust Doctrine Support Varied Interests in Fracking-Related Litigation
Lily Ricci

Innocent in the Land of the Guilty: Promoting Efficiency and Fairness in CERCLA Defenses
Andrew W. Marrero

Regulatory Silos: Assessing the United States’ Regulation of Biotechnology in the Age of Gene Drives
Carlene Dooley

Volume 30, Issue 2 (Winter 2018)


Climate Change Beyond Environmentalism Part II: Near-Term Climate Mitigation in a Post-Regulatory Era
Jonathan Lovvorn

Effectiveness of the Renewable Fuel Standard in Sparking Innovation in the Cellulosic Biofuels Industry
Laura Powell

The Missing Element of Environmental Cost-Benefit Analysis: Compensation for the Loss of Regulatory Benefits
Karl S. Coplan


A New Path to Climate Justice: Adaptation Suits Against Private Entities
Thomas Landers

A Method of Neutralizing: The Contentious Relationship Between Chemical Weapons Destruction and U.S. Environmental Law
Kate Mccormick

Waters of the United States: How the Governmental Branches Struggled to Settle the Jurisdiction of the Clean Water Act
Hannah Duus

Volume 30, Issue 1 (Fall 2017)


From Smokes to Smokestacks: Lessons from Tobacco for the Future of Climate Change Liability
Martin Olszynski, Sharon Mascher, and Meinhard Doelle

The Warming War: How Climate Change is Creating Threats to International Peace and Security
Dr. Kirsten Davies and Thomas Riddell

Attempting to Define the Human Right to Water with an Annotated Bibliography & Recommendations for Practitioners
Jootaek Lee and Maraya Best


PACE-Ing Flood Resilience
Ryan A. Reed

A Fracking Nuisance: How States Can Compel Their Neighbors to Regulate Hydraulic Fracturing with Judicial Equitable Relief
Rebecca Faye Eschen

Nonbinding Subnational International Agreements: A Landscape Defined
Aaron Messing

Volume 29, Issue 4 (Summer 2017)


Political Costs and the Challenge of Tradable Environmental Allowance Markets
David Bullock

Animating Performance Zoning at Sustainability’s Competitive Edge
Michael N. Widener

The South China Sea Award: A Milestone for International Environmental Law, the Duty of Due Diligence and the Litigation of Maritime Environmental Disputes?
Stephen Fietta, Jiries Saadeh and Laura Rees-Evans


A Lesson from the Shale Revolution in the United States, Canada, and China
Da Young Kim

Getting to the Root of Environmental Injustice: Evaluating Claims, Causes, and Solutions
R. Shea Diaz

The End of the Line: Shutting Down Enbridge Line 5, Still a Pipedream?
Paul Leahy


Older issues can be viewed on gelr.org.