As the key platform for the study of Asian Law at Georgetown, the Center for Asian Law is deeply committed to student engagement in all aspects of our work, and to facilitating student-led initiatives, including student research and writing, campus events, and networking with lawyers and experts from across the Asian region.
As one of the leading law schools focused on international and comparative law, Georgetown University Law Center has a number of course offerings on Asian law, including courses on international arbitration in Asia, Asian constitutionalism, the Japanese legal system, and foreign investment law in China. In addition, the Center for Asian Law works closely with Georgetown Law students on arranging summer work projects in Asia. We also advise students on careers in Asian law.
Each year, the Center for Asian Law also selects a small number of students to be Student Fellows. Student Fellows assist the Center for Asian Law in ongoing research projects, and also assist in various legal reform projects conducted in collaboration with experts based at key American and Asian universities and research institutes.