Spring Break: Poverty’s Impact On Children
March 24, 2021 by Aburiyeba Amaso
All too often we hear that “children are our future.” If that is true, then our future is not so bright. The pandemic and current race relations have further exposed the plight of children in low income communities. Children in these communities have been neglected for far too long. This edition addresses some ways we can mitigate the damage caused by the inequities in our system.
All opinions and views expressed in these articles are solely of the respective authors and not of any third parties.
The IDEA: Designed for All, Enforced for Few
by Rachel Gold
Child Welfare and the Criminal System: Impact, Overlap, Potential Solutions
by Tressa Palcheck
Disconnected: Internet Access and McKinney-Vento Obligations During the COVID-19 Pandemic
by Emily Webb
Reopening Schools Requires Drastic Investment in School-Based Mental Health Services
by Michael Yu