Volume 16, Number 2 (Summer 2018)
Symposium: Who’s Afraid of Substantive Due Process Papers
The Argument Renewed: Who’s Afraid of Substantive Due Process?
Hadley Arkes
Irresistible Force Meets Immovable Object: Hadley Arkes, Due Process, and Me
Matthew J. Franck
Twelve Problems with Substantive Due Process
Christopher R. Green
The Substance of Dred Scott and Roe v. Wade
Justin Buckley Dyer
Tenth Annual Rozenkranz: Resolved: Lochner v. New York: Still Crazy After All These Years
Against Lochner
Akhil Reed Amar
After All These Years, Lochner Was Not Crazy—It Was Good
Randy E. Barnett
A Draft Opinion Overruling Roe v. Wade
Clarke D. Forsythe
States’ Rights and Federal Wrongs: The Misguided Attempt to Label Marijuana Legalization Efforts as a “States’ Rights” Issue
Paul J. Larkin, Jr.
The Trump Administration and the Congressional Review Act
Paul J. Larkin, Jr.
Partisanship, Norms, and Federal Judicial Appointments
Keith E. Whittington
Surveillance Technology and Graymail in Domestic Criminal Prosecutions
Charles M. Bell
Patents in the Political Branches
Justin Burnam
The Constitutional Objector: How Servicemembers Can Restore the Constitutional Separation of War Powers
John Maniscalco