Article Submissions

The ACLR Articles Committee works diligently to select articles that are timely and relevant to the field of American criminal law, clear and polished, thoroughly researched, and that speak to the journal’s practitioner reader base. As a general rule, the ACLR looks for articles ranging from approximately 8,000-13,000 words, though the staff of the ACLR reserves the right to make exceptions. The ACLR follows the Texas Manual of Style. Citations in manuscripts should appear in footnotes, not endnotes, and follow The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (21st ed.). Please upload your submissions as a .doc or .docx file.

The American Criminal Law Review is accepting submissions for Volume 62.

The ACLR accepts submissions through Scholastica and takes email submissions through

The journal also accepts printed submissions, which can be mailed to:

Senior Articles Editor
American Criminal Law Review
600 New Jersey Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20001

If your submission has been offered publication with another journal, we will make every effort to comply with a request for expedited review. To request an expedited review, please email and include the following information:

Your name
Phone number
Title of the article
Journal that has accepted the article
Your deadline

Note Submissions

The American Criminal Law Review accepts note submissions from GULC students as well as law students studying at other institutions. Notes must relate to American criminal law in a meaningful way and should be approximately twenty-five to forty typewritten pages (excluding footnotes).

While ACLR accepts note submissions from students who are not ACLR staff members, the journal requires each staff member to research, write, and submit for consideration at least one note of publishable quality during his or her membership on the staff. Most staff members submit a seminar paper as their note.

A staff member’s note usually is completed by the end of his or her first year on the staff. However, notes will be accepted until approximately 30 days after the start of the staff member’s last semester (early February).

Ideas for notes can be obtained from various sources. Staff members may consult with the Notes Editors or Notes Development Editors for ideas on note topics. The ACLR’s law library liaison, Anne Mira Guha ( can also assist staff members with developing a topic, research plan, and running a preemption check. She is an outstanding resource, and all journal members are strongly encouraged to take advantage of the opportunity to work with her.

Additionally, several loose-leaf services, reporters, and newsletters may be consulted for current criminal law topics:

  • The Criminal Law Reporter
  • United States Supreme Court Cases and Comments: Criminal Law and Procedure
  • White Collar Crime: Business and Regulatory Offenses
  • Criminal Law Newsletter
  • West’s Criminal Law News

Please contact our Notes Editor at for further information and to submit a note for consideration.

Online Content Submissions

The American Criminal Law Review always welcomes submissions for our online journal. Submissions should be shorter than traditional law review articles and should focus on a contemporary issue in criminal law. We welcome submissions from professors, practitioners, and students: anyone who has something to add to the conversation. Submissions can contain footnotes or can use hyperlinks instead, though the text should conform to Bluebook guidelines. Please email submissions to