Volume 113
Oct. 2024

Punishing Involuntary Resistance

by Omavi Shukur
Prosecutors should have to prove voluntariness in cases arising out of resistance to arrest. During an arrest, police violence—such as the use of pepper spray or police canines—may induce involuntary […]

Less Discriminatory Algorithms

by Emily Black, John Logan Koepke, Pauline T. Kim, Solon Barocas & Mingwei Hsu
In discussions about algorithms and discrimination, it is often assumed that machine learning techniques will identify a unique solution to any given prediction problem, such that any attempt to develop […]

The Importance of Civil Pathways to Protection Orders

by Lisa V. Martin
Civil protection orders (CPOs) were created in part to offer legal pro-tections from domestic violence for those who do not want police or other criminal justice interventions. For CPOs to […]

A Jesuit and Nine Justices: Environmental Protest as Protected Religious Exercise

by Joseph J. Lorusso III
Introduction: The Supreme Court and a Supreme Pontiff In what Justice William Brennan Jr. referred to as “the most important principle of constitutional law,” “the rule of five” represents the […]