Volume 19, Number 2 (Summer 2021)
Thomas M. Cooley Book Prize & Symposium
The Supreme Court as a Symbol in the Culture War
Keith E. Whittington
Story Time with Whittington: Judicial Review in Repugnant Laws and Commentaries on the Constitution
Adam M. Carrington
Party Coalitions and Supreme Court Politics: Additional Lessons from Whittington’s Repugnant Laws
Howard Gillman
Repugnancy and Restraint: A Commentary on Keith Whittington’s Repugnant Laws
Nancy Maveety
“Brother, Can You Spare a Million Dollars?”: Resurrecting the Justice Department’s “Slush Fund”
Paul Larkin and Zack Smith
Gunfight at the New Deal Corral
Paul J. Larkin Jr. and GianCarlo Canaparo
Making the Fourth Amendment “Real” in Grand Jury Proceedings
Brett Raffish
A Hail Mary for the Administrative State: An Originalist Defense of Chevron Deference
Rachel Scholz-Bright
Nathan A. Williams
Heckling the Umpire: John Roberts, Public Scrutiny, and the Court’s Legitimacy
William Spruance