Letter from the Editor

Luke Bunting

Symposium: Commemorating The 100th Anniversary of the Nineteenth Amendment

Seventh Annual Salmon P. Chase Lecture

Thick Women and theĀ Thin Nineteenth Amendment

Martha S. Jones


The Politics of Constitutional Memory

Reva B. Siegel

Mary Lou Graves, Nolen Breedlove, and the Nineteenth Amendment

Ellen D. Katz

Gender, Voting Rights, and the Nineteenth Amendment

Paula A. Monopoli

Revisiting Justice George Sutherland, the Nineteenth Amendment, and Equal Rights for Women

David E. Bernstein


The Unresolved Threshold Issues in the Emoluments Clauses Litigation: The President Has Three Bodies and There Is No Cause of Action for Ultra Vires Conduct

Josh Blackman and Seth Barrett Tillman

Malicious Prosecution as Undue Process: A Fourteenth Amendment Theory of Malicious Prosecution

Hon. Timothy Tymkovich and Hayley Stillwell

Dobbs and the Holdings of Roe and Casey

Eric R. Claeys

Misreading and Transforming Casey for Dobbs

Sherif Girgis

The Choice Between Persuading and Coercing Americans to Get Vaccinated Against COVID-19

Paul J. Larkin

Constitutional Challenges to the OSHA COVID-19 Vaccination Mandate

Paul J. Larkin


On Ilya Shapiro, Cancel Culture, and Color Blindness

Hon. James C. Ho


Stare (In)decisis: The Elusive Role of Precedent in Originalist Theory & Practice

Nicholas Iacono

Walking the Tightrope: Finding Balance Between Strict Nondelegation and the Administrative State through an Examination of State Experiences

Rachel Scholz-Bright

Splitting the Difference: A Bright-Line Proposal for the Ministerial Exception

Joseph Capobianco