Georgetown Law Technology Review

Each issue of GLTR covers pertinent areas of technology law and policy in an in-depth but accessible way through articles from academics, student notes, literature reviews, explanations of complex technologies, and discussions of legal developments.

The publication draws from the major themes of privacy, cybersecurity, intellectual property, and telecommunications, but also looks to cover new developments where technology meets the legal profession.

GLTR publishes two major issues per year with other content regularly published in between. In keeping with the technological ethos, all content will be published exclusively online with open access.

Meet the Editor-in-Chief

GLTR is the only journal at Georgetown Law that focuses specifically not on technology law, but on technology and the law. That means that in addition to publishing pieces on technology, we also publish pieces that speak to how technology is affecting other areas of the law, whether employment law, criminal law, housing law, and more. I joined the journal because I thought it was a great opportunity to be exposed to cutting-edge scholarship in technology and the law. GLTR is a relatively young journal and after seeing how the previous Board continued to mold it into a journal that’s innovative and inclusive, I put myself forward as the EIC to build on that trend.