Abdullah Hasan
Class of 2026
Abdullah Hasan is an aspiring attorney eager to change hearts, minds, and [privacy] laws with a J.D. in hand.
He most recently served as President Biden’s lead spokesperson at the White House on some of the most complex and pressing issues of our time, including climate change, criminal justice, student debt relief, and immigration. Prior to joining the White House, Abdullah spearheaded communications at the ACLU on technology, privacy, national security, and speech issues. He told the viral and compelling story of Robert Williams, the first person known to be wrongfully arrested because of a false face recognition match, and helped shape the communications strategy for Carpenter v. United States, the consequential Supreme Court case expanding Fourth Amendment protections in the digital age. Abdullah has also advised multiple government, business, and technology leaders, helped launch start-ups, and started his career in the Obama White House, where he served in various communications roles.
Abdullah graduated summa cum laude from the University of Connecticut in 2015.