Model Agreements
Sharing data arrangements need to be formalized in legal agreements, in contracts and licenses, to ensure all parties agree on how it is used. Especially when researchers deal with courts and vice versa, it can be critical to get this language correct. But many don't know where to start...
...which is where these knowledge base examples come in handy!
Example Data Sharing Agreement
This example DSA can be used as a template for a contract between a court and a researcher or between two research organizations wishing to share data between themselves. Most Civil Justice Data Commons DSAs are based on this template!
CJDC Researcher Access Agreement
The Civil Justice Data Commons Researcher Access Agreement is used for researchers interested in working with the data in the secure Commons repository.
Court Statistics Project Example Documents
The Court Statistics Project from the National Center for State Courts has a wealth of example documents for policy researchers looking to work with courts, from Data Breach Policies to Memorandums of Understanding with courts to Public Records Requests.