ICAP and Law Forward represent Wisconsin taxpayers, voters, and presidential electors in a lawsuit against the fraudulent electors and their co-conspirators who sought to have their votes for Trump and Pence counted on January 6 instead of the votes of the legitimate presidential electors whose ballots represented the will of the Wisconsin voters. Access emails, texts, photos and videos about the fraudulent electors’ scheme here, obtained as part of the settlement of our litigation against Wisconsin Trump campaign attorney James Troupis, legal adviser Kenneth Chesebro, and the 10 Trump-Pence electors in Wisconsin.


  • 03/04/2024 — Entered a settlement with Defendant James Troupis, Trump’s Wisconsin lawyer who facilitated the fake electors plot in Wisconsin and spearheaded its spread to six other states, and filed a Stipulation of Dismissal, which the court entered by order dated
  • 03/05/2024.  Under the settlement, Troupis agreed that he would not assist any presidential campaign in the future in the preparation of fraudulent electoral certificates, and agreed to pay plaintiffs a monetary settlement.  He also provided us with a trove of documents.  Read more about the settlement in ICAP’s press release.
  • 03/01/2024 — Entered a settlement with Defendant Kenneth Chesebro, the principal architect of the fake electors plot, and filed a Stipulation of Dismissal, which the Court entered by order dated 03/04/2024.  Under the settlement, Chesebro agreed that he would not assist any presidential campaign in the future in the preparation of fraudulent electoral votes, and provided us with a trove of documents.
  • 02/28/2024 — Filed a reply brief in support of motion to compel discovery from Defendant James Troupis.
  • 02/20/2024 — Filed a Motion to require Defendant James Troupis to immediately produce all documents withheld in discovery for in camera inspection by the Court.
  • 02/19/2024 — Filed an opposition to Defendant James Troupis’s motion seeking a protective order to delay his deposition
  • 02/13/2024 — Filed a Motion to Compel the production of documents from Defendant Kenneth Chesebro and supporting brief
  •  02/09/2024 — Filed an opposition to Defendant James Troupis’s motion seeking to keep his privilege log under seal.
  •  02/05/2024 — Filed an opening brief in Plaintiff Bonnie Joseph’s appeal of the dismissal of her claims.
  •  01/24/2024 — Filed a Motion to Compel the production of documents from Defendant James Troupis and supporting brief
  • 12/6/23 – Entered a settlement with the ten defendants who met at the Wisconsin State Capitol on December 14, 2020, and falsely signed papers certifying that they were Wisconsin’s presidential electors, and filed a stipulation of dismissal, which the court entered by order dated 12/7/23. Under the settlement, the ten individuals acknowledged that their false electoral votes were used to as part of an effort to overturn the results of the 2020 election and disrupt the peaceful transfer of presidential powers; affirmed that President Biden won the 2020 presidential election; and agreed not to serve as electors in the next election or to sign a certification in any future election in which they are not duly certified electors under Wisconsin state law.  Further details are available in the press release issued by ICAP and our partner Law Forward.  As part of the settlement, we are authorised to publish over 500 pages of discovery materials. The case continues as to two remaining defendants
  • 10/20/2023 — Filed a Notice of Appeal from the Court’s September 5, 2023, decision dismissing the claims of Plaintiff Bonnie Joseph
  • 8/10/23 – Order issued by the Wisconsin state court denying in substantial part defendants’ motions to dismiss and allowing the case to proceed to discovery, finding that the complaint adequately alleged claims for civil conspiracy, public nuisance, and quo warranto (unlawful usurpation of public office) against the Wisconsin fraudulent electors.
  • 6/21/23 – Filed a brief in Wisconsin state court opposing defendants’ motion to strike certain sections from our complaint that provide important context for their actions
  • 6/21/23 – Filed a brief opposing defendants’ motion to dismiss in Wisconsin state court
  • 3/24/23 – Filed an amended complaint in Wisconsin state court
  • 2/10/23 – Order issued by U.S. District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin remanding case back to Wisconsin state court
  • 5/17/22 – Filed a complaint in Wisconsin state court