Mission Statement

The Center for Transnational Legal Studies focuses on the law that governs interactions among different peoples of the world at all levels of human activity. The Center brings together faculty, students and practitioners from a broad diversity of legal cultures to study international, transnational and comparative law to further the following objectives:

  1. Recognizing that globalization presents challenges concerning the integration and coexistence of diverse goals and values of the world, to study the multifaceted roles that law plays in such developments.
  2. To promote the study of such law with the understanding that it must respect and accommodate the cultural, social and other norms of the different peoples of the world.
  3. To equip students to be effective global lawyers in a wide variety of settings with deeper understanding of the role that they will play in the future of transnational law.
  4. To advance theoretical and practical knowledge of the ways in which law serves many goals including distributive justice, human freedom and global well-being.

Our Team

Maike Kotterba-Wilson

Executive Director

Mina Elton

Assistant Director

Rhianna Mclean

Student and Communications Assistant