Student Life

Estimated Student Budget 2024/25

Please see below for an example student budget for one term at the Center for Transnational Legal Studies: 

Expense Estimated Budget
Student Housing 10,696.00 (7,640 pounds/semester)
Education Abroad Accident and Sickness Insurance and Team Assist Plan (TAP) Emergency Service Provider 130.00
Local Transportation 642.88 (114.80 pounds/month for zone 1-2 with a student discount and Oyster card, for four months)
Food 3,300.00 (using Sainsbury grocery delivery service)
Airfare (roundtrip US to London) 1,200.00
Miscellaneous 1,700.00
TOTAL $18,168.88

All costs are expressed in dollars, using a conversion rate where necessary of 1.4 US dollars to 1 British pound.

Although Georgetown students who are enrolled in the GU Premier Plan domestic insurance may waive the Education Abroad Insurance, the Law Center recommends that all students take the Education Abroad Insurance because it offers more complete international coverage than the Premier Plan alone.