Areas of Expertise:
Brief Bio
Celia Fassberg is a Professor at the Law Faculty of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Her research focuses primarily on Private International Law (Conflict of Laws) and Comparative Law. In addition to these subjects she has taught International Transactions, Admiralty Law, Transnational Family Law, Transnational Insolvency Law, She received her LL.B, from the Law Faculty of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and her S.J.D. from Harvard Law School. She clerked in the Israeli State Attorney’s office and on the Supreme Court of Israel (for Justice Aharon Barak).
Representative Publications
Foreign Judgments in Israeli Law: Deconstruction and Reconstruction (Jerusalem, 1996) (in Hebrew)
Private International Law (2 vols, 2013) (in Hebrew)
“Form and Formalism: A Case Study”, 31 Am.J.Comp.L.627(1983); “The Forum: Its Role and Significance in Choice-of-Law”, 84 Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft 1 (1985);
“Choice-of-Law Models: The Internal Interreligious Context”, 2 Mélanges Vander Elst 885 (Brussels, 1986);
“Coherence and Continuity: A Study in Comparative Codification”, 22 Is.L.R. 184 (1987);
“On the Finality of Foreign Judgments”, 18 Mishpatim 35 (1988) (in Hebrew);
“Product Liability and the Conflict of Laws: Theory and Practice”, 9 Tel Aviv University Studies in Law 205 (1989);
“Classification for Choice-of-Law”, 19 Mishpatim 401 (1990) (in Hebrew);
“The Intertemporal Problem Reconsidered: Israeli Matrimonial Property” 39 Int. & Comp. L.Q. 856 (1990);
“Cross-Border Insolvency in Israeli Law”, Cross-Border Insolvency: National and Comparative Studies 128 (ed. I. Fletcher, Max Planck Institut für Ausländisches und Internationales Privatrecht, Vol. 36, 1992);
“Judicial and Legislative Jurisdiction in the Hague Conventions on Private International Law” 27 Is.L.R. 460 (1993);
“Israel and the Palestinian Authority: Jurisdiction and Legal Assistance”, 28 Is.L.R. 318 (1994);
“Choice-of-Law and the Assessment of Damages in Torts”, 26 Mishpatim (1995) 367 (in Hebrew);
“Legal Aspects of Israeli-Palestinian Economic Relations” The Arab-Israeli Accords: Legal Perspectives 157 (ed. Cottran and Mallat, Kluwer, 1996);
“Rule and Reason in the Common Law of Foreign Judgments” 12 Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 193 (1999);
“Law and Justice in Choice-of-Law: Matrimonial Property after Nafisi v. Nafisi” 31 Mishpatim 97 (2000)(in Hebrew);
“On Time and Place in Choice-of-Law for Property”, 51 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 385 (2002);
“Language and Style in a Mixed Legal System”, 78 Tulane Law Review (2003);
“Lex Mercatoria: Hoist with its own Petard?”, 5 Chicago International Law Journal 67 (2004);
“Religious Diversity and Law” Human Diversity and Law 25 (eds. Mauro Bussani, Michele Graziadei) (Staempfli, Bruylant, Sakkoulas, 2005);
“Recognition of Foreign Judgments: Negative Declarations”, 28 Tel Aviv University L.R. 951 (2005) (in Hebrew);
“Conflict of Laws: United States Law”, Encyclopedia of Legal History (ed. Lawrence Friedman et al.) (OUP)(2009);
Courses taught at CTLS
- Comparative Law: Theory and Practice (Spring 2015)
- Private International Law – Conflicts of Law (Spring 2015)