Areas of Expertise:
Brief Bio
Dr. Iris Canor is a lecturer at the Law School of the College of Management Academic Studies. She teaches European law and private international law. She also held visiting positions at the Max-Planck Institute of Public International Law, Heidelberg, and Columbia Law School. Dr. Canor received her LL.B. from the Tel-Aviv University Law School, a masters degree from the College of Europe Brugge Belgium and a Dr. Iur. from from Europa-Institut, University of Saarland, Germany (suma cum laude). Her research interests and publications cover issues relating to the relationship between European law and International law; limits of national sovereignty and international human rights. Her present research focuses on the indirect application of international norms into the Israeli legal system. Dr. Canor has published a book on The Limits of Judicial Discretion in the European Court of Justice, Security and Foreign Affairs Issues (Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 1998) and written numerous articles in English, Hebrew and other languages.
Courses taught at CTLS
- European Private International Law in a Globalized World (Spring 2011)
- Multilayered Protection of Human Rights in Europe (Spring 2011)