Areas of Expertise:
Brief Bio
Professor of Civil Law at ESADE Law School (Barcelona) – currently – and Visiting Scholar at Cornell University Law School (New York) – Summer 2014. Awarded as the second best Law Student in Spain (year 2008). After finishing his legal studies he worked as a lawyer at the Litigation area of one of the most prestigious Spanish Law offices (Uría Menéndez). He also obtained a scholarship from the Spanish Government to undertake his doctoral studies on the issue of change of circumstances in contracts.
He specializes in Contracts but also teaches and do research on Real State, Corporate, Family and Inheritance Law. He has recently participated in numerous conferences and seminars regarding the latest proposals for the unification of European Contract Law.
Representative Publications
Hacia una nueva configuración de la doctrina rebus sic stantibus: a propósito de la Sentencia del Tribunal Supremo de 30 de junio de 2014, 4/2014 InDret: Revista para el Análisis del Derecho 1-26 (2014) ( [Redefining the rebus sic stantibus doctrine: the 30 June 2014 ruling by the Spanish Supreme Court]
Pacta sunt servanda, imprevisión contractual y alteración sobrevenida de las circunstancias. 29/2012 Revista Aranzadi de Derecho Patrimonial, 71-106 (2012) [Pacta sunt servanda, contractual unforeseeability and unexpected change of circumstances].
¿Existe (o debe existir) un deber de renegociar los contratos?, in Abel Lluch, X. (ed.), Las medidas preventivas de conflictos jurídicos en contextos económicos inestables, J.M. Bosch Editor , Barcelona, 821-828 (2014). [Is there or should there be a duty to renegotiate contracts?]
La alteración sobrevenida de las circunstancias en las más modernas propuestas para la unificación del Derecho de contratos, in Gómez, F., Enciso, M. & Emaldi, A. (eds.), Globalización y derecho: desafíos y tendencias, Publicaciones Universidad de Deusto, Bilbao, 31-38 (2013) [The unexpected change of circumstances: the newest proposals for the unification of contractual law]
La ineficacia de los pactos en previsión de la ruptura conyugal ante el cambio sobrevenido de circunstancias, in Questions actuals del dret català de la persona i de la famÃlia: Materials de les Dissetenes Jornades de Dret català a Tossa. Documenta Universitaria, Girona, 605-615 (2013) [Change of circumstances and inefficacy of prenuptial agreements]
Courses taught at CTLS
- Comparative Family Law (Fall 2015, Fall 2018)
- International Contracts and Sales Law (Fall 2015)