Brief Bio

Manuela is Associate Professor in Administrative law at the School of Law of the University of Turin. She holds a PhD in Public Law.

She has been teaching Public Law, Administrative Law, Immigration Law, Public Procurement Law, Welfare and Social Service Administrative Law, Administrative Environmental Law for many years.

She is member of the Board of the Human Rights and Migration Law Clinic of the School of Law of the University of Turin.

She has been Invited Visiting Professor at the Universitad Complutense de Madrid – Escuela Universitaria de Trabajo Social for the years 2012 and 2014 within the LLP – Erasmus Teaching Exchange Program and Visiting Scholar at the Boston University School of Law in 2009 (Jan-July).

Manuela’s research interests lie in Public Law area: Administrative Law, Migration Law, Public Utilities Law, Health Law, Disabled People Civil Rights, Poverty Law, Public Procurement Law, Local Authorities Law. She is interested in social assistance services and healthcare systems (citizens’ rights, right to welfare, right to health care; consumers and services of general interest; accreditation of healthcare organizations) and she studied in depth the accreditation of healthcare organizations and the not-for-profit sector. Beside this, she studied the models of organization and the legal rules governing the supply chain in the healthcare disposals and services market, focusing on the US model of the Group Purchasing Organizations (GPOs).

She published three books (in Italian) and several articles in scientific journals, contributions to law encyclopedias and dictionaries, contributions to collections.

Her books examine the rules governing the migration of professionals and the principle of mutual recognition of professional qualifications, the accreditation of social services and healthcare providers by studying the relations between accreditation, public procurement and concession, the administrative legal issues arising when a country receives asylum seekers.

Manuela is a member of the Editorial Board of Diritto amministrativo review and Ius Publicum Network Review. She is a member of the European Network for Clinical Legal Education (ENCLE), the Procurement Law Academic Network ( – University of Nottingham, the Comparative Administrative Law Initiative List, Yale Law School (New Haven, CT, USA).

Representative Publications


La tutela amministrativa del migrante involontario. Richiedenti asilo, asilanti e apolidi (The forced migrants’ administrative protection. Asylum seekers, Refugees and Stateless people), Napoli, Jovene, 2016;

L’immigrazione intellettuale. Verso un mercato unico dei servizi professionali (The Migration of Knowledge. Towards a Common Market of Professionals), Napoli, Jovene, 2012;

Accreditamento e terzo settore (Accreditation Systems and the Not for Profit Sector), Napoli, Jovene, 2009.

Law Journal Articles and Contributions to Collections:

Most of the articles, written in Italian or in English, deal with the Administrative Law as well as the Public Law, particularly Public Utilities Law, Public Procurement Law and Migration Law.

Gli stranieri di fronte al diritto alla salute e all’assistenza (Addressing Migrants’ Right to Health and Social Protection), in E. Grosso, A. Giorgis, M. Losana (a cura di), Diritti uguali per tutti: anche per gli stranieri?, Milan, 2017, 155-180;

Modelli organizzativi d’integrazione europea: il diritto di asilo e la libera circolazione dell’asilante (Toward a EU Integration by the Development of Organisational Models: the Right to Asylum and the Freedom of Movement of Asylum Seekers and Refugees), in I modelli organizzativi delle pubbliche amministrazioni. Studi per il Convegno celebrativo del 150° anniversario delle leggi di unificazione nazionale. Atti del Convegno nazionale, Firenze University Press, 2016;

L’immigrazione tra pluralismo valoriale e multiculturalismo (Migration between Values’ Plurality and Multi-Culturalism), in Fenomenologia e Società, Torino, n.2/2014, 47-67;

Il diritto all’assistenza sociale (The Right to Social Benefits and Social Services), with J. Long, M. Riverditi, in L. Lenti (edited by), Tutela civile del minore e diritto sociale della famiglia, Trattato di diritto di famiglia diretto da P. Zatti, Vol. VI, Milano, 2012, 795-864.

The publications in English include: The Organization of Social Services in Europe: from Philanthropy to Social Solidarity, in D.A. FRENKEL (edited by), International Law, Conventions and Justice,Athens, 2011, 179-191; The organization of social services in the European welfare market, Paper, in Comparative Law eJournal Vol 11, Issue 33, April 19, 2011; in Economic Inequality &the Law eJournal Vol 6, Issue 23, April 18, 2011; in European Public Law: EU eJournal Vol 8, Issue 36, April 15, 2011 e in Nonprofit & Philanthropy Law eJournal Vol 6, Issue 7, April 21, 2011.

Courses taught at CTLS

  • The Asylum Seekers’ Protection (Spring 2018)
  • The Movement of Professionals (Spring 2018)