Academic Co-Director 2016-2017
Areas of Expertise:
Brief Bio
Full Professor of Criminal Procedural Law
Criminal and civil procedural law of the EU (English), Criminal procedural law (Italian); Judicial cooperation in criminal matters (Italian); Law of the enforcement of criminal decisions (Italian).
Recent international teaching experiences:
June2016: visiting professor, FGV Dereito, Sao Paulo, Brasil (course: Society and Law: the Italian experience of “Manipulite”).
July 2015: Member, Teaching Board, Law School Global League Summer School, Cape Town, South Africa (course:The Role of Corporations in Human Rights Protection. Anti-Corruption, Compliance and Liability).
A.Y. 2014-2015: faculty member at Center for Transnational Legal Studies, London (Courses of: Comparative Criminal Law; European Human Rights System).
Scientific Boards: Member of the Turin Law Department PhD school. Mentor of several Ph.D. dissertations, also in the international PhD programme with France.
Editorial Boards: Editor of the scientific review “La legislazione penale”;co-editor of the series “Legal Studies of International, European and Comparative Criminal Law”, for Springer Verlag, Heidelberg.
Rapporteur to many national and international congresses and investigator in either national and international projects.
Recent publications:
– (2016) L’altra faccia della medaglia: l’impatto della particolare tenuita’ del fatto sul processo penale, in Criminalia, 2016, pp. 225-245
– (2016) Assenza e irreperibilita’, in Enciclopedia del diritto, Annali, vol. IX, Giuffre’, Milano pp. 29-57
– (2016) Right to access to a lawyer in Europe: anything new under the sun?, in Petrova (ed.), Festschrift fuer August Nacke, Plovdiv University Press, pp. 270-296
– (2016) The Role of Compliance Programs in Italian Counter-Corruption Policies, in JOURNAL OF CIVIL & LEGAL SCIENCES, DIOI: 10.4172/2169-0170.1000185
– (2015) The Right to Information in EU Legislation, in Ruggeri S. (ed.), Human Rights in European Criminal Law, Springer, pp. 81-93
– (2015) Un faticoso assetto intertemporale, in La legislazione penale, pp. 669-675
– (2015) Deflazione e razionalizzazione del sistema: la ricetta della particolare tenuità dell’offesa, in Processo penale e giustizia, pp. 159-171
– (2015) Tenuità del fatto: genesi e metamorfosi di una riforma a lungo attesa, in Daniele, Paulesu (eds.), Strategie di deflazione penale rimodulazione del giudizio in absentia, Giappichelli, 97-131.
Courses taught at CTLS
- Comparative Criminal Law: Sanctions, Criminal and Other (Spring 2015)
- Core Course: Transnational Perspectives on Law (Spring 2017)
- Criminal Law: Comparative Perspectives (Fall 2016)
- European Human Rights System (Spring 2015)