Brief Bio
Silvia Mirate is Associate Professor of Administrative Law at the University of Turin, Law Department, where she teaches Comparative Administrative Law and Comparative Public law. She also teaches the international course of European and Italian Wine Law at the Department of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences.
She received her PH.D. degree in Public Law at the University of Pavia (2003) and she obtained the National Scientific Qualification for the call in the role of Full Professor of Administative Law (2020).
She is a member of the Academic Board of the PH.D. in Rights and Institutions, Department of Law, University of Turin, and she is on the editorial boards of a number of Italian law reviews.
She is the author of a book on the impact of the ECHR on the administrative justice in Italy, France and United Kingdom, and of a book on the access to the administrative judge in the Italian system, as well as of several articles concerning a comparative analysis of the administrative procedure, the law of the expropriation and the consumer’s protection in the public service. She is currently working as Italian reporter for the project “Procedural requirements in procedures restricting property rights”, as a part of the ERC Project “CoCEAL – Common Core of European Administrative Law.
Silvia Mirate’s main research interests concern access to administrative justice (in particular with reference to Euopean Union Countries), politics and administration in a comparative approach, European Convention on Human Rights and its influence on the administrative process and procedure, European wine law.
Courses taught at CTLS
- Judicial Review of Administrative Action in the EU Countries (Fall 2021)