The Present and Future of WTO Dispute Settlement (featuring Jorge Castro, Director, Legal Affairs Division, WTO)
The Georgetown Law Society for Trade, Investment, and Development (GSTID) and Center on Inclusive Trade and Development (CITD) are thrilled to be hosting a virtual lecture delivered by the Director of the WTO’s Legal Affairs Division, Jorge Castro, on the present and future of WTO dispute settlement. Mr. Castro received his law degree from Universidad Central de Venezuela, after which he completed graduate coursework in international trade law at the University of Michigan, followed by receiving his Master of Science in Foreign Service from Georgetown University. He has spent over twenty years at the WTO Secretariat, working in multiple positions including the Director General’s Cabinet, the Rules Division, the Institute for Training and Technical Cooperation, and his current post as Director of the Legal Affairs Division. We are both thrilled and honored to host Mr. Castro for this virtual lecture at the Georgetown Law Center.