Human Rights Organizations
Below is a list of non-governmental and inter-governmental organizations that are active in the human rights field. Though this list is necessarily incomplete, it is provided as a resource for those thinking about summer or post-graduate employment in this area. A list of job search sites is also included at the bottom of the page.
Organizations Based in the United States (may have offices abroad)
American Bar Association
ABA Center for Human Rights
ABA Rule of Law Initiative
ABA Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities
American Civil Liberties Union
Amnesty International USA
Carter Center
Center for Constitutional Rights
Center for Economic and Social Rights
Center for Justice and Accountability
CEJIL (Center for Justice and International Law)
Center for Reproductive Rights
Center for Victims of Torture
Coalition for the International Criminal Court
Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking
Committee to Protect Journalists
Corporate Accountability Lab
Disability Rights International
Doctors Without Borders
EarthRights International
François-Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health and Human Rights
Freedom House
Freedom Now
Global Fund for Women
Global Lawyers and Physicians
Global Rights
Human Rights First
Human Rights Now
Human Rights Watch
Indian Law Resource Center
International Center for Transitional Justice
International Corporate Accountability Roundtable
International Crisis Group
International Labor Rights Fund
Jesuit Refugee Service
Open Society Institute
Physicians for Human Rights
Refugees International
Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights
Save the Children
The Advocates for Human Rights
United Nations Foundation
U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants
Organizations Based Outside the United States
Section 27 (AIDS Law Project) (South Africa)
Al Haq (West Bank)
Amnesty International: International Secretariat (UK)
Anti-Slavery International (UK)
Article 19 (UK)
Centre for Equal Rights in Accommodation (Canada)
Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation (South Africa)
Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions (Switzerland)
Danish Institute for Human Rights (Denmark)
Equitas (Canada)
Global March Against Child Labour (India)
International Federation of Human Rights Leagues (France)
International Commission of Jurists (Switzerland)
International Committee of the Red Cross (Switzerland)
International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights (Austria)
International Service for Human Rights (Switzerland)
Minority Rights Group International (UK)
Redress (UK)
World Organisation Against Torture (Switzerland)
International Courts and Tribunals
International Criminal Court
International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda
International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia
Special Court for Sierra Leone
International Court of Justice
Other International Bodies
United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
United Nations Development Program
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
United Nations Development Fund for Women
United Nations Children’s Fund
International Organization for Migration
Regional Human Rights Bodies
Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
Inter-American Court of Human Rights
Organization of American States
African Commission on Human and People’s Rights
African Union
European Court of Human Rights
Council of Europe
European Union
Job Search Sites
Public Service Law Network: public interest job listings (login required)
Idealist: non-profit job listings, many of which are non-legal
Foreign Policy Association: legal, development, humanitarian, and policy job listings
American Society of International Law: extensive list of organizations that provide international law internships, fellowships, and jobs
Relief Web: humanitarian jobs, many of which are non-legal
Association for Women’s Rights in Development: women’s rights and development jobs, many of which are non-legal
Human Rights Jobs: email for password
Human Rights Tools: see also the links on the right and left sides of the screen
Lawyers Without Borders: click on “jobs” for legal job listings
Pine Tree Legal Assistance: legal aid jobs worldwide
Human Rights Internet: human rights jobs
One World: public interest jobs, many of which are non-legal
Human Rights Resource Center: human rights jobs
United Nations: UN jobs; click on “human rights” or “legal affairs”
United Nations System of Organizations: job listings with UN agencies
United Nations Development Program (UNDP): UNDP jobs
Eldis: development jobs, many of which are non-legal
National Immigration Project: immigration jobs, listed by the National Lawyers Guild job vacancies at international organizations
Non-profit career network: non-profit jobs, many of which are non-legal