
Center on Inclusive Trade and Development
At the Center on Inclusive Trade and Development, we are continuing Georgetown's legacy as a leader in international trade law by building a first-of-its-kind, interdisciplinary research hub.

Sovereign Debt Forum
In the Fall of 2019, at the International Monetary Fund in Washington, D.C., Georgetown Law's IIEL, the Centre for Commercial Law Studies at Queen Mary University of London, and Duke University Law School launched the Sovereign Debt Forum, an initiative to address urgent debt policy challenges. The Forum serves as a research hub and a platform for capacity building. The Forum’s programs focus on low- and middle-income countries at risk of sovereign debt distress, as well as countries that have recently gained market access and have limited debt management experience.
Oral History Project of the World Trading System
The Oral History Project of the World Trading System, initiated by Prof. John Jackson in 2001 at Georgetown University Law Center, captures insights from key figures in global trade. Interviews include officials from governments, the EU, GATT, and WTO.