Our faculty members are leading scholars and thought leaders who routinely participate in the highest-level policy discussions in each of the core fields of international economic law. Faculty at the Institute of International Economic Law (IIEL) include prestigious appointees and advisors to a diverse array of global stakeholders, including U.S. and foreign governments, multilateral organizations, central banks, parliaments, embassies, and the private sector.

Their contributions to and close involvement with the day-to-day work of the Institute distinguish us from other centers and institutes in the international economic law field. IIEL faculty scholarship appears consistently in law reviews, think tank policy pieces, op-eds and Congressional testimony. Through their contributions, our faculty help shape national and international economic policy-making from the nation’s capital.

Learn more about distinguished IIEL Faculty below.

IIEL Co-Faculty Director

Professor Shaffer is a globally recognized expert on law and globalization, with a specialization in international trade law

IIEL Co-Faculty Director

Professor Hillman is founding director of the Center on Inclusive Trade and Development and an expert in international business and international trade.

IIEL Co-Faculty Director

Professor Claussen is a leading expert in international economic law and procedure.

IIEL Faculty

Professor Faulhaber is an expert in international law and taxation at Georgetown Law

IIEL Faculty

Professor Gelpern is founding director of the Sovereign Debt Forum and nonresident senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics

IIEL Faculty

An expert in international taxation, Professor Grinberg formerly represented the U.S at the Office of International Tax Counsel of the Department of the Treasury

IIEL Faculty

Professor Kuhlmann's work focuses on the intersection between law and development, international economic law, trade and development, regional trade models, agricultural regulation and food security, comparative law, and international legal and regulatory reform.

IIEL Faculty

An expert in international trade and labor law, Professor Santos served as Deputy Chief Negotiator of the USMCA Agreement with the new Mexico government

IIEL Faculty

Professor Thompson teaches courses in the corporate and securities area, including mergers and limited liability.

IIEL Faculty

Professor Whitesell has practised with law firms in both the United States and in France, and has acted as arbitrator and counsel in numerous international arbitration cases.