Signature Events Overview

As a result, few academic centers in the world can rival the opportunities provided by the Institute’s constant intersection of academic scholarship and policymaking. We regularly convene stakeholder meetings, conferences, and executive training, bringing together public and private sector leaders across multiple areas of international economic law. Anchoring the Institute’s constant evolution is a series of signature events, taking place annually alongside the center’s weekly array of colloquia, speeches, workshops, and conferences.

Please find an overview of our Signature Events below.

DC Fintech Week

Ever since kicking off on the campus of Georgetown University Law Center in 2017, DC Fintech Week has had a simple objective: democratize information and allow everyone—from nonprofits and technologists to entrepreneurs and regulators—to engage in a meaningful dialogue about fintech and the future of finance. Thought leaders from fintech firms across the country describe their business, and explain how their services intersect with markets for a global audience consisting of policymakers, market participants, lawyers, and thought-leaders. Top regulators and lawmakers join the conversation to lend their unique perspectives to share with the audience.

Global Trade Academy (GTA)

Our signature Executive Education program, the GTA is an indispensable week-long boot camp offering participants an unparalleled deep dive into the most salient and complex legal and policy issues in global trade today. Each year, GTA cohorts meet in a seminar-like atmosphere on the Georgetown Law campus to explore the past, present, and future of the global trading system, the legal foundations and constitutional underpinnings of the WTO. GTA faculty consists of leading global trade experts from Georgetown Law, governmental agencies, and the private sector who offer a deep dive into the most cutting-edge global trade issues of the day.

G2 Conference

For nearly twenty years, Georgetown Law and the Graduate Institute, Geneva have hosted leading conferences on transatlantic and global trade law. Earning a reputation as one the most important academic events of its kind, the G2 Conference assembles practitioners, WTO Appellate Body staff and Members, and NGO stakeholders, to discuss the status and future of international economic law, and its intersection with regional developments. The Conference alternates between Washington, D.C. and Geneva.

Greenwald Lecture and International Trade Update

The Institute of International Economic Law co-sponsors the International Trade Update, Washington, D.C.’s premier conference for the discussion of international trade law. Every year, hundreds of top-level trade lawyers and officials arrive at Georgetown Law’s campus to tackle contemporary challenges relating to international trade, from sanctions to sustainable development to tariffs and beyond. The conference is launched by the John D. Greenwald Lecture, made possible by a generous gift by the law firm Cassidy Levy Kent.

International Economic Law and Policy Colloquium Series

Our annual Colloquium Series offers a rigorous platform for developing theoretical foundations and tools for policy analysis in International Economic Law. As part of the Colloquium, our faculty, students, IIEL Fellows, visiting researchers, and friends of the Institute are invited to attend weekly sessions with thought leaders from the government, academia, international organizations, and the private bar. Students interested in receiving credit for attending Colloquia may enroll in the two-credit International Economic Law and Policy course offered each Spring Semester.

International Tax Policy Forum

Each year, the IIEL and the International Tax Policy Forum co-host a conference examining international tax competition as the United States stands on the brink of business tax reform. Routinely covered by U.S. and global media, the tax conference attracts top tax thought-leaders and policymakers from Capitol Hill and the White House.

Law and Macroeconomics Conference

Georgetown Law and the Institute of International Economic Law hosted their first Law and Macroeconomics Conference in 2019 to engage diverse perspectives on the relationship between law and macroeconomics and evaluate it as a field of inquiry.