Academic Search Premier (EBSCO)
Medicine, Science and Technology, Arts and Literature, Book Reviews, Journals and Journal Indexes, Social Sciences
Full-text publications from all academic areas of study, including the sciences, social sciences, humanities, education, computer science, engineering, language and linguistics, arts & literature, medical sciences, and ethnic studies.
Choice Reviews Online
Book Reviews
Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries is the premier source for reviews of academic books, electronic media, and Internet resources of interest to those in higher education. Each year Choice publishes more than 7,000 reviews, and the site includes a searchable database of reviews issued in the print magazine since Sept. 1988.
New York Review of Books
Arts and Literature, Book Reviews, Political Science and Government
"The New York Review of Books is a biweekly publication that reviews current books and contains articles on literature, culture, and current affairs."
ProQuest Research Library
Book Reviews, Journals and Journal Indexes
"ProQuest Research Library includes more than 3,700 titles -- over 2,500 in full text. It features a diversified mix of scholarly journals, trade publications, magazines, and newspapers. This database contains the text of some articles plus FULL TEXT AT GU LAW links out to the articles in other databases. USE THIS LINK TO SEARCH THE ENTIRE DATABASE OR FIND INDIVIDUAL TITLES IN THE LIBRARY CATALOG."
TLS Historical Archive
Arts And Literature, Book Reviews, Newspapers And Newspaper Indexes
"The TLS Historical Archive provides searchable access to the full text of the Times Literary Supplement from 1902 through 2005. It includes more than 300,000 reviews, letters, poems and articles."