Access World News

Subjects: Newspapers and Newspaper Indexes

Provides full-text articles from newspapers, wire services, and electronic editions from U.S. (national, state, and local) as well as foreign and international news sources. Most are in English, but there are some foreign language articles.

ACLS Humanities e-Book

Subjects: e-Book Collection, Gender Studies, History

"The Humanities E-Book collection (formerly the History E-Book Project) is a fully searchable collection of high-quality books, primarily in history and Women's Studies, that have been recommended and reviewed by historians. The database includes newly published books, from many publishers, as well as already-published titles that have been converted into electronic format due to their status as books regularly consulted by scholars."

ACM Digital Library

Subjects: Medicine, Science and Technology, Journals and Journal Indexes

The ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) Digital Library allows users to search and browse all ACM publications, including journals, conference proceedings, technical magazines, newsletters and books. The site also includes the ACM Guide to Computing Literature, a comprehensive bibliographic database focused on computing.

Acts of the U.K. Parliament

Subjects: Foreign Law, Great Britain

Acts of the U.K. Parliament provides links to the full text of all U.K. Parliament Public General Acts and all Local Acts as they were originally enacted. As an exception The European Communities Act 1972 and Northern Ireland Assembly Disqualification Act 1975 are also available. [Internet resource: free on the Web]


Created by the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) and is intended to be a one-stop-shop for immigration law research. It contains electronic copies of most AILA publications, including Kurzban's Immigration Law Sourcebook, Business Immigration: Law and Practice, and AILA's Asylum Primer. The database also contains statutes, regulations, cases, and more.

ALM compass.

On campus access only. Covering rankings and surveys -- attorney counts, billing, branch offices, lateral moves, corporate representation and capital markets work, corporate legal departments, mergers & acquisitions modeling, diversity and pro bono -- ALM Compass enables top U.S. and international law firms and their clients to assess competitors, identify client opportunities, and benchmark performance. ALM also includes the AmLaw200 rankings from 1999 to the present.

Alt-Press Watch

Subjects: Journals and Journal Indexes

Alt-PressWatch is a full text database of 270 newspapers, magazines and journals from alternative and independent presses. Titles include Eugene Weekly, Missoula Independent, The Village Voice, City Limits, Dissent, Against the Current, and Ability Magazine.

Alternative Press Index

Subjects: LGBTQ, Gender Studies, Journals and Journal Indexes

Alternative Press Index (API) is a bibliographic database of journal, newspaper, and magazine articles from over 300 international alternative, radical, and left periodicals. Covering theories and practices of socialism, democracy, anarchism, and revolution alongside ecology, feminism and organized labor, indigenous peoples and gays/lesbians, API coverage is both international and interdisciplinary. Coverage begins in 1991.

America: History and Life

Subjects: History, Legal History

America, History and Life is a primary index to research U.S. and Canadian history. It provides abstracts of scholarly literature on the history and culture of the U.S. and Canada from pre-historic times to the present. Abstracts are available for over 1,800 journals from 1895 to the present. Some full-text articles are provided, plus citations with links to full text articles in other databases.

American Lawyer

Subjects: Lawyers

Note: Current 6 months available on ALM website above. Older content may be searched by article title on Lexis under Legal News > Publisher: ALM Media or on Bloomberg Law > ALM Media News. Contact the Reference Desk for assistance. Access Note: Georgetown Law users may create a user ID for customized features like searches, alerts, and newsletters sent directly to your inbox for ALM news sources. Register at – Registration using your Georgetown Law email. After you complete your registration, sign in to or any of the ALM websites using your Georgetown Law email and password. IDs expire annually, and re-registration is required.Access the American Lawyer, a leading news resource of the legal industry. A tab for Surveys and Rankings provides access to the AmLaw100, AmLaw200, NLJ 500, and the Global100 rankings. Monthly magazines are also available online.

American Periodicals

Subjects: History, Journals and Journal Indexes

Digital images of historically significant American periodicals from 1740 to 1900, including literary and professional journals, children's and women's magazines, and popular magazines. All typography, drawings, graphic elements, and article layouts appear exactly as originally published. Allows searching by article type (e.g., letter, obituary, poetry, recipe, ad, editorial cartoon, review).


Ancestry Library Edition provides access to billions of records in census data, vital records, directories, photos, local narratives, oral histories, indexes and other resources in over 30,000 databases that span from the 1500s to the 2000s.

Annual Reviews

Annual Reviews publishes analytic reviews in 32 disciplines within the Biomedical, Physical, and Social Sciences. Each year, Annual Reviews critically reviews the most significant primary research literature to guide you to the principal contributions of the field and help you keep up to date in your area of research.

Antitrust practice center.

The Bloomberg Law Antitrust Practice Center provides a comprehensive antitrust practitioners' toolkit including a range of practice tools, primary sources, secondary analysis, and news.

Archives Unbound

A multi-disciplinary resource, this database covers a broad range of topics from the Middle Ages to World War II to twentieth-century political history. Particular strengths include U.S. foreign policy; U.S. civil rights; global affairs and colonial studies; and modern history. Collections are chosen based on requests from scholars, archivists, and students. Topically-focused and fully searchable, this collection includes books, manuscripts, newspapers, and more.

Art Full Text

Subjects: Art Law, Journals and Journal Indexes

Search for articles on fine arts, decorative and commercial art, folk art, photography, film, and architecture. Covers wide range of art journals back to 1984 and indexes dissertations and art reproductions. Art Index Retrospective covers the same material from 1929-1984.

Avalon Project at Yale Law School

Subjects: Constitutional Law, Legal History

"The Avalon Project mounts digital documents relevant to the fields of law, history, economics, politics, diplomacy and government. It adds value to texts by linking to supporting documents expressly referred to in the body of the text. The Federalist Papers are a collection of 85 essays by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay that explain the philosophy and defend the advantages of the U.S. constitution. They are available at the web site of the Avalon Project. [Internet resource: free on the Web]"""

Banking & finance practice center.

The Bloomberg Law Banking & Finance Practice Center provides a comprehensive financial services practitioners' toolkit including a range of practice tools, primary sources, secondary analysis, and news.

Bankruptcy practice center.

The Bloomberg Law Bankruptcy Practice Center provides fully integrated analysis, news, business development resources, case law, transactional resources, and other primary and secondary sources, including Bloomberg Law's continuously updated bankruptcy treatise, to offer a comprehensive, nuanced understanding of critical issues in bankruptcy law.

Benefits & executive compensation practice center.

The Bloomberg Law Benefits & Executive Compensation Practice Center provides a comprehensive practitioners' toolkit on employee benefits and executive compensation. It includes a range of primary sources, secondary analysis, news and practice tools.

Bepress Legal Repository

The Bepress Legal Repository is a network of law-related research materials. Law schools, research units, institutes, centers, think tanks, conferences, and other subject-appropriate groups post materials to specific publications. This content may be downloaded freely by interested readers. Sign up for emailed notices of newly posted scholarship or to get RSS feeds from the Legal Repository.""

Biography in Context

Subjects: Biography, History, Legal History, Reference

Integrates Gale biographies with full-text magazine articles, images, and website links. Search for current or historic people by name, occupation, nationality, ethnicity, birth/death dates and places, gender, or by keyword. The Marquis Who's Who module provides quick reference information on over 1 million additional people whose entries have appeared in more than 20 Marquis sources published from 1985 to the present.

Bloomberg Law

Subjects: Business, Legal Research and Bibliography

Bloomberg Law provides court dockets, cases, news, legal analysis, and legal tools. A Bloomberg Terminal, which allows more sophisticated searching of financial data and access to additional financial and company information, is located in the library's Reading Room. New Georgetown Law students will receive registration information during Orientation. Students who do not receive registration codes or need new ones should contact the Reference Desk. Georgetown Law faculty and staff should contact Library Research Services.

Borderlex : news and analysis on trade policy in Europe

Borderlex is a specialized online news source that reports on international trade and investment policy developments in Europe and beyond. Although its primary focus is on EU trade policy, the UK’s post-Brexit trade policy, and the World Trade Organization, Borderlex also covers many trade-related topics (climate change mitigation, digital regulation, industrial subsidies, etc.) that have wider policy implications. In addition to its news coverage, Borderlex publishes informed commentary and analysis by contributors who are experts in the field of trade policy.

British History Online

Subjects: Great Britain, History, Legal History

British History Online is a digital library containing some of the core printed primary and secondary sources for the medieval and modern history of the British Isles. Much of the material in this digital library is free, but additional premium content is available by subscription only. The library does not subscribe to the premium content.

Business Market Research Collection

The Business Market Research Collection contains company, industry, economic and geopolitical market research from three sources, including Hoover’s Company Profiles, OxResearch from Oxford Analystica, and Snapshots.

Business Source Complete

Subjects: Business, Economics, Journals and Journal Indexes

Full-text business publications and hundreds of scholarly, peer-reviewed journals covering all aspects of business. Coverage goes as far back as 1886. Additional full text, non-journal content includes financial data, case studies, investment research reports, market research reports, country reports, company profiles, SWOT analysis, books, videos, major reference works, book digests, and conference proceedings.

CALI Lessons

Subjects: Legal Education

The Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI) Library of Lessons is a collection of over 1,000 computer-based, interactive tutorials that cover narrow topics of law. These interactive tutorials written by law faculty supplement traditional law school instruction. Register for a new account on the CALI site using our law school authorization code available at CALI Lessons for Students.

Cambridge books online.

Cambridge Books Online offers access to eBooks from our world-renowned publishing programme, covering subjects from all disciplines across science, technology and medicine, as well as humanities and social sciences.

Canadian Tax Foundation Publications

Canadian Tax Foundation publications include Canadian Tax Journal and newsletters such as Canadian Tax Highlights, The Arnold Report, Canadian Tax Focus, Tax for the Owner-Manager, Perspectives on Tax Law and Policy. Current Georgetown Law students, faculty and staff may retrieve a username and password to access the Canadian Tax Foundation website.

Catalog of U. S. Government Publications

Subjects: Government Documents

A finding tool for federal publications that includes descriptive information for historical and current publications as well as direct links to the full document, when available. Users can search by authoring agency, title, subject, and general keywords, or click on "Advanced Search" for more options. Records begin in July 1976.

Catholic Research and Resources Alliance.

Website of the Catholic Research Resources Alliance (CRRA), which provides global access to Catholic research resources in the Americas through The Catholic Portal and Catholic News Archive. The Catholic Portal is a searchable database of bibliographic records for rare and unique member-held resources contributed by participating institutions. Catholic News Archive aims to provide access to all extant Catholic newspapers in North America. The Archive currently has more than 30,000 issues from more than 20 publications from 1831-present.

CCAR Reform Responsa Collection

Subjects: Philosophy and Religion, Newspapers and Newspaper Indexes

The Central Conference of American Rabbis (CCAR) applies Jewish scholarship and transition to contemporary issues through the creation of Reform Responsa, based on the historic Jewish system of providing answers to questions about Judaism and Jewish living. The Reform Responsa is a collection of replies to actual questions of Jewish law and practice made by rabbinic scholars on issues of everyday Jewish life. It contains an alphabetized list of more than 600 topics with cross-references and a guide to sources.

CCH Tax Research Network

Subjects: Accounting, International Taxation, Taxation

CCH Tax Research Network contains the online counterparts to CCH's many tax publications, including the Standard Federal Tax Reporter and tax materials for all 50 states. Includes full text of all primary sources, plus CCH's own commentary and analysis. User can search full text, browse by code section, or retrieve a document by its citation.

Century of Lawmaking for a New Nation: U.S. Congressional Documents and Debates, 1774-1873

Subjects: Government Documents, Legal History, Legislation

From the Library of Congress's American Memory collection, this site consists of browsable scans of published congressional records from the Continental Congress through the 43rd Congress, (1774-1875). It includes the Statutes at Large (1789-1875), congressional bills and resolutions for selected sessions beginning with the 6th Congress (1799), The House Journal (1789-1875), the Senate Journal (1789-1875), the Senate Executive Journal (1789-1875), and Journals of the Continental Congress (1774-89).


Note: You may create a user ID for customized features like alerts, folders, and saving documents or searches. Register at the Checkpoint registration page using your Georgetown Law email to receive a username and password. IDs automatically expire on July 31 and December 31 each year. Re-registration is required.

China Legal Knowledge Resources

Subjects: China, Foreign Law

The largest and most comprehensive electronic database published by CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure), China Knowledge Resource Integrated Database is an all-rounded access to resources in Chinese language including CAJ (China Academic Journals covering 10 major academic disciplines from 1994 onward ); CJP (Century Journal Project, 1915-1993), China Doctoral Dissertations Full-Text Database (from 1999 onward), China Master's Thesis Full-Text Database, China Proceedings of Conferences Full-Text Database (from 2000 onward), China Core Newspapers Full-Text Database (2000 onward), China Yearbooks Full-Text Database (1912 onward) and China Reference Works Online. Single database searching or cross-database federated searching option is available.CLKD integrates the only content officially sanctioned by the People's Republic of China allowing users to follow both national and local laws enacted from 1949 to date. Includes: Laws and regulations from 1949 to date; Cases from 1979 to date; Law reviews/journals from 1994 to date from 2, 900 journals published in China (including a growing number in English); Dissertations/theses from 1999 to date, from 35 JD and 130 LLM programs; Conference proceedings from 2000 to date (90% full text in Chinese, 10% in English); and Newspaper articles from June 2000 to date.

Choice Reviews Online

Subjects: Book Reviews

Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries is the premier source for reviews of academic books, electronic media, and Internet resources of interest to those in higher education. Each year Choice publishes more than 7,000 reviews, and the site includes a searchable database of reviews issued in the print magazine since Sept. 1988.

Chronicle of Higher Education

Subjects: Education

Provides online searchable full text access to the latest issues of the Chronicle and archives back to 1989. Also includes daily news, advice columns, current job listings, and discussion forums.

Civil Rights Digital Library

Subjects: History, Legal History, Race and Ethnicity, Civil Rights

The Civil Rights Digital Library contains three principal components: 1) a digital video archive of historical news film of key events of the Civil Rights Movement, 2) a civil rights portal providing a seamless virtual library on the Movement by connecting related digital collections on a national scale, and 3) a learning objects component delivering secondary Web-based resources .

Communication & mass media complete

Subjects: Communications Law, Journals and Journal Indexes

Communication & Mass Media Complete was formed by the merging of the databases CommSearch and Mass Media Articles Index. It offers information from over 600 journals in communication, mass media and related fields; includes abstracts, indexing, bibliographical citations and author profiles, as well as full text from more 240 titles.

Communication abstracts

Subjects: Communications Law

Comprehensively covers communication-related articles, reports, papers, and books from a variety of publishers, research institutions, and information sources on a world-wide scale. Coverage includes not only communication literature but also literature in other disciplines that is relevant to communication researchers, such as international literature in film studies, the role of technology in human communications, risk communication, crisis communication and public opinions.

Corporate Counsel

Note: Current 6 months available on ALM website above. Older content may be searched by article title on Lexis under Legal News > Publisher: ALM Media or on Bloomberg Law > ALM Media News. Contact the Reference Desk for assistance.Access Note: Georgetown Law users may create a user ID for customized features like searches, alerts, and newsletters sent directly to your inbox for ALM news sources. Register at – Registration using your Georgetown Law email. After you complete your registration, sign in to or any of the ALM websites using your Georgetown Law email and password. IDs expire annually, and re-registration is required.

Corporate practice center.

The Bloomberg Law Corporate Practice Center provides a comprehensive corporate practitioners' toolkit including a range of practice tools, primary sources, secondary analysis, and news.

CQ researcher plus archive

Covers the most current and controversial issues of the day with summaries, pros and cons, bibliographies and more. Note: CQ Researcher is limited to 10 concurrent users.

Credo Reference

Subjects: Reference

Provides full-text online versions of general and subject dictionaries and encyclopedias.

This French-language database offers access to the text of various French legal codes, including the civil code, civil and criminal procedure codes, and the family code, among many others. Our subscription to Dalloz also offers users the ability to search case law for various French courts. This includes both courts that focus on private law, like the Court of Cassation (Cour de cassation) , as well as courts that focus on public law, such as the Constitutional Court (Conseil constitutionnel) and State Council (Conseil d’Etat).

Subjects: Statistics and Data provides public access to machine readable datasets generated by the executive branch of the United States federal government. It includes a searchable data catalog that includes access to data in two ways: through the raw data catalog and using tools. By accessing datasets or tools offered on, the user agrees to the Data Policy, which should be read before accessing any dataset or tool.

DC Historic Preservation Decisions

Subjects: District of Columbia, Government Documents, Historic Preservation

Contains the decisions of the Mayor's Agent of the District of Columbia as well as the D.C. Federal and local courts regarding historic properties. The D.C. Preservation Law protects all landmarks or structures that contribute to a historic district listed in the District of Columbia Inventory of Historic Sites. Under the law, permit applications involving a listed property, a building contributing to a historic district or its site must be reviewed for historic compatibility prior to issuance.

DC Superior Court opinions

Current Georgetown Law students, faculty and staff may retrieve a username and password to access the Daily Washington Law Reporter website.

Delaware Business Court Insider

Note: Current 6 months available on ALM website above. Older content may be searched by article title on Lexis Advance under Legal News > Publisher: ALM Media. Contact the Reference Desk for assistance. Delaware Business Court Insider provides detailed coverage, analysis and commentary on the Delaware courts, corporate law and business.Access Note: Georgetown Law users may create a user ID for customized features like searches, alerts, and newsletters sent directly to your inbox for ALM news sources. Register at – Registration using your Georgetown Law email. After you complete your registration, sign in to or any of the ALM websites using your Georgetown Law email and password. IDs expire annually, and re-registration is required.

Digital National Security Archive.

A full-text database of over 50 core collections of declassified government documents covering U.S. policy toward critical world events, including their military, intelligence, diplomatic and human rights dimensions, from 1945 to the present. Each core collection is focused on one topic, e.g., Cuban Missile Crisis, Iran-Contra Affair, Terrorism and U.S. Policy, and includes diverse policy documents supplemented by contextual and reference material.


Subjects: Reference

DigitalGeorgetown supports the advancement of education and scholarship at Georgetown and contributes to the expansion of research initiatives, both nationally and internationally. It encompasses Digital and Special Collections content from the university library, the University's institutional repository of scholarly works, and select titles from Georgetown University Press.

Documentary history of the ratification of the constitution

Subjects: Constitution law

This landmark work in historical and legal scholarship draws upon thousands of sources to trace the Constitution's progress through each of the thirteen states' conventions. The digital edition allows users to search the complete contents by date, title, author, recipient, or state affiliation and preserves the copious annotations of the print edition.

E-discovery practice center.

The Bloomberg Law E-Discovery Practice Center is a comprehensive solution that integrates news, primary sources including both published and unpublished state and federal court opinions, tools, sample forms, and expert guidance.

Early American Imprints. Series I, Evans, 1639-1800

Subjects: Arts and Literature, History, Social Sciences

Based on the Evans American Bibliography, this collection contains the full text of all known existing books, pamphlets and broadsides printed in the United States or in the British American colonies from 1639 through 1800. It provides a foundation for research in early American history, literature, philosophy, religion, politics and nearly every aspect of life in early America.Georgetown has access to Series I, Series II, and the Supplements from the Library Company of Philadelphia. America's Historical Imprints is an interface that permits full cross-searching of related Readex collections.

Early American Imprints. Series II, Shaw-Shoemaker, 1801-1819

Subjects: Arts and Literature, History, Social Sciences

Provides full-text access to the 36,000 American books, pamphlets and broadsides published in the first nineteen years of the 19th century. In addition to books, pamphlets and broadsides, this collection features many state papers and government materials, including published reports; presidential letters and messages; congressional, state and government materials, including published reports; presidential letters and messages; congressional, state and territorial resolutions. Georgetown has access to Series I, Series II, and the Supplements from the Library Company of Philadelphia. America's Historical Imprints is an interface that permits full cross-searching of related Readex collections.

Early English Books Online

Subjects: Arts and Literature, e-Book Collection, History, Legal History, Social Sciences

Digitized books, pamphlets, proclamations, almanacs, and broadsides published in the English language in any country from 1475 through 1700. Note that searching is limited to title, author, and subject. It includes the works listed in: --Pollard & Redgrave's Short-Title Catalogue (printed materials published in English from 1475 to 1640) --Wing's Short-Title Catalogue (printed materials published in English from 1641 to 1700) --Thomason Tracts (compendium of broadsides on the English Civil War printed between 1640 and 1661).

East India Company

Subjects: Great Britain, India, History

East India Company records digitized from the British Library spans 1595 to Indian independence in 1947, and includes royal charters, meeting notes of the Council of India, reports of expeditions and government memoranda.

Economist Historical Archive 1843-2003

Subjects: Economics

"The Economist Historical Archive delivers a complete searchable copy of every issue of The Economist from 1843 to 2003. New full-colour images, multiple search indexes, exportable financial tables and a gallery of front covers highlighting a key topic of each week - all combine to offer a primary source of research covering the 19th and 20th centuries."


Subjects: International Law

EISIL has been developed by the American Society of International Law (ASIL). ASIL'S goal is to ensure, through EISIL, that web searchers can easily locate the highest quality primary materials, authoritative web sites and helpful research guides to international law on the Internet. To this end, EISIL has been designed as an open database of authenticated primary and other materials across the breadth of international law, which until now have been scattered in libraries, archives and specialized web sites.

Election Law @ Moritz

Subjects: Politics, State and Local Government Law

Election Law @ Moritz is a web site maintained by Ohio State University's Moritz College of Law. Contains information about election laws, election litigation, and election news from around the nation. The focus of the web site is election administration - laws dealing with voter registration, voter ID, early and absentee voting, provisional balloting, poll workers and polling place procedures, recounts and election contests, and other related issues.


Subjects: International Law, Journals and Journal Indexes

ELEVEN Online brings you journals and loose-leafs in electronic format. The library subscribes to only one publication, Space Law: Basic Legal Documents, via ELEVEN Online. Current Georgetown Law students, faculty and staff may retrieve a username and password to access Space Law. (Access to the European Journal of Law Reform is available through HeinOnline.)

Elgar Books Online

Edward Elgar specializes in research monographs, reference books and upper-level textbooks in highly focused areas.

Elsevier ScienceDirect Books Complete

ScienceDirect is a leading full-text scientific database offering journal articles and book chapters from more than 4,000 journals and more than 40,000 books. For more info:

Emerald Library

Subjects: Medicine, Science and Technology, Journals and Journal Indexes

This source has over 130 full-text journals published by MCB University Press. Subjects include: general management, human resources, information management, library & information services, marketing, property, engineering, quality, training & education, operations, production & economics. Most of the journals have an international perspective.

Encyclopedia of Espionage, Intelligence, and Security

Subjects: "Security, War And Peace"

The Encyclopedia of Espionage, Intelligence, and Security provides a comprehensive, subject specific guide to the history, uses, scientific principles, and technologies of espionage, intelligence, and security, with special emphasis placed on current ethical, legal, and social issues. Accessed via the Gale Virtual Reference Library.

Encyclopedia of the American Constitution

Subjects: Constitutional Law

"The Encyclopedia of the American Constitution contains essays by leading constitutional scholars, law school professors, judges, historians, and political scientists on practical and theoretical topics dealing with every aspect of constitutional law in the U.S., from the Constitutional Convention in 1787 to the Clinton impeachment. Accessed via the Gale Virtual Reference Library. The six-volume print version of this publication is in the Williams Reference collection at KF4548 .E53 2000."

Entertainment Law Reporter

Subjects: Entertainment Law

"Entertainment Law Reporter is a monthly publication reporting on new legislation, regulations and cases that affect the entertainment industry. It is available as part of the LexisNexis Academic database"

Environment and Energy Publishing

Subjects: Energy and Utilities, Environmental Law

Environment & Energy Publishing (E&E) is a leading source for comprehensive, daily coverage of environmental and energy policy and politics. Georgetown's subscriptions include Energywire, ClimateWire, Environment and Energy Daily, and Greenwire. Key areas covered: US federal legislation; US environmental regulation and federal agencies; International and US climate policy issues; Global energy resources and markets; Alternative energy air and water issues; Hazardous and toxic substances; Public lands; Endangered species; Mining, agriculture; Technology.

Environment Complete

Subjects: Environmental sciences, Journals and Journal Indexes

"Environment Complete offers deep coverage in applicable areas of agriculture, ecosystem ecology, energy, renewable energy sources, natural resources, marine & freshwater science, geography, pollution & waste management, environmental technology, environmental law, public policy, social impacts, urban planning, and more"

Environmental & safety practice center.

The Bloomberg Law Environmental & Safety Practice Center incorporates environment and safety news, laws and regulations, agency and guidance documents, environmental opinions and dockets, and books and treatises.

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Manager

Subjects: Corporations

In-depth profiles of international and US publicly-traded corporations used for ratings, screening and compliance tool. Industry Reports compares companies with key takeaways. Companies can be screened by countries, GICS sub-industries or by issues covered relate to abortion, adult entertainment, alcohol, cluster bombs, contraceptives, firearms, tobacco, gambling, nuclear power, global weapons, and landmines. Reports includes details and controversies on energy efficiency, human capital development, customers, privacy and data securities, human rights, corporation governance, raw material sourcing, labor management, supply change labor, and electronic waste, chemical safety, bribery & fraud, and more.

ESCR-Net: the International Network for Economic, Social & Cultural Rights

Subjects: Human Rights Law

ESCR-Net is a collaborative initiative of groups and individuals from around the world. It creates a way for human rights activists to share information and collaborate. The ESCR-Net Caselaw Database contains cases, broadly defined to include decisions of courts, administrative tribunals, international judicial and quasi-judicial bodies, review bodies of international financial institutions, national human rights institutions and other legal entities. Cases are searchable by keyword, country, 22 global forums, and over 70 thematic issues. The entire database is browse-able.

Ethnic NewsWatch

Ethnic NewsWatch is a current resource of full-text newspapers, magazines, and journals of the ethnic and minority press, providing researchers access to essential, often overlooked perspectives. The database now also contains Ethnic NewsWatch: A History, which provides historical coverage of Native American, African American, and Hispanic American periodicals from 1959-1989.


Subjects: Journals and Journal Indexes, Professional ethics

"Indexes journal articles, book chapters, bills, laws, court decisions, reports, books, audiovisuals, and news articles relating to bioethics and professional ethics. From the Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Library & Information Services, Georgetown University. [Internet resource: free on the Web]"

European Views of the Americas: 1493 to 1750

Subjects: History

Comprehensive index and guide to printed records about the Americas, but written in Europe before 1750. Covers European exploration and colonization including portrayals of native American Peoples.


Subjects: Business, Newspapers and Newspaper Indexes

Provides worldwide full-text coverage of local and regional newspapers, trade publications, business newswires, media transcripts, news photos, business-rich websites, investment analyst reports, market research reports, country and regional profiles, company profiles, and historical market data.

FASB Accounting Standards Codification

Subjects: Accounting

On July 1, 2009, the FASB Accounting Standards Codification became the single official source of authoritative accounting principles recognized by the FASB to be applied by nongovernmental entities in the preparation of financial statements in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles (U.S. GAAP). The Basic View web site allows constituents to view Codification content, perform research, and submit feedback. Users can access the Basic View without creating an account or logging in.

FBI Art Theft Program

Subjects: Art Law

The FBI maintains the National Stolen Art File, which is a database of lost or stolen art. This site also has news and notices about recent thefts and other issues relating to art theft.

FEC Laws and Regulations

Subjects: Politics

As the independent regulatory agency responsible for administering the Federal Election Campaign Act, the FEC promulgates regulations that implement the law and issues advisory opinions that apply the law to particular circumstances. The Commission also seeks to defend and uphold the law in district and appellate courts throughout the country. This page provides access to a variety of legal resources, including the statute, regulations, advisory opinions, policy statements and non-enforcement litigation.

Federal digital system (FDsys)

Subjects: Government Documents

GPO's Federal Digital System (FDsys) provides public access to government information submitted by Congress and Federal agencies and preserved as technology changes. You can search all of its collections together, or you can limit your search to one or more collections.

Subjects: Statistics and Data collects data from the U.S. government and makes it easy to search and understand. Information is grouped by 3 general categories: contracts, assistance, and recovery.

Filmakers Library Online

Streaming video of 1,000 documentaries on race and gender studies, human rights, globalization and global studies, multiculturalism, international relations, criminal justice, the environment, bioethics, health, political science and current events, psychology, arts, literature, and more.


Subjects: Business

Provides research reports and data on countries for topics such as global security, international finance, and over 20 major industries. Has extensive economic and political risk ratings and analysis, macroeconomic analysis and forecasts, and financial analysis of debt and equity. Includes profiles for many multinational companies and their subsidiaries, and intra-daily alerts on economic, industrial, and political developments, business deals, multinational joint ventures, and regulatory changes. Also includes podcasts, webinars, and a tool for creating charts and tables to illustrate data and forecasting.

Foreign Law Guide

Subjects: Foreign Law

Provides complete bibliographic citations to foreign legislation and where to find it in English when possible. Offers selected references to useful secondary sources. Arranged by country with an introduction to the legal system of that country as well as the availability of codes, session laws, and court reports. The subject section for each country outlines major laws in that jurisdiction on that subject.

Subjects: International relations, World politics

Access Note: Current Georgetown Law students, faculty and staff may retrieve a username and password to access the Foreign Affairs website.Foreign Affairs covers American foreign policy and global affairs with a print magazine and a website. Foreign Affairs is published by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Georgetown Law users may retrieve a username and password to access the Foreign Affairs website.

Gale Artemis Primary Sources

This is a collection of 16 databases. Most relevant to the law researcher will be the five Making of Modern Law historical databases covering foreign primary law, international law, legal treatises (1800-1926), primary sources, trials (1600-1926). These digitized collections provide access to historical legal resources.

Gale Virtual Reference Library / Lauinger Library

Subjects: e-Book Collection, Reference

Provides online, full text access to Gale subject encyclopedias and dictionaries.Includes Berkshire Encyclopedia of World History; Encyclopaedia Judaica; Encyclopedia of American Foreign Policy; Encyclopedia of American Industries; Encyclopedia of American Religions; Encyclopedia of Bioethics; Encyclopedia of Espionage, Intelligence, and Security; Encyclopedia of Ethical, Legal and Policy Issues in Biotechnology; Encyclopedia of Islam and the Muslim World; Encyclopedia of Population; Encyclopedia of Religion; Encyclopedia of Sociology; Encyclopedia of the American Constitution; Environmental Encyclopedia; Gale Encyclopedia of Multicultural America; Gale Encyclopedia of Psychology; New Catholic Encyclopedia; New Catholic Encyclopedia Jubilee Volume; New Dictionary of the History of Ideas; St. James Encyclopedia of Popular Culture; and West's Encyclopedia of American Law.

Gale Virtual Reference Library / Lauinger Library

Subjects: Philosophy and Religion

"The New Catholic Encyclopedia contains hundreds of new, signed articles on a wide variety of topics. It also features biographies of contemporary religious figures, thousands of photos, maps, and illustrations, and completely updated bibliographical citations. Accessed via the Gale Virtual Reference Library. The print edition is in the Williams Library stacks at BX841 .N44 2003."

Gale Virtual Reference Library / Law Library

Subjects: e-Book Collection, Race and Ethnicity, Reference

The reference e-books in the Law Library's Virtual Reference Library includes a number of books, including the American Law Yearbook, 2005-onward; Acronyms, Initialisms and Abbreviations Dictionary, 2006-2007; Contemporary Black Biography, 2006-2007; National Survey of State Laws, 2005; and Scholarships, Fellowships and Loans, 2007. These reference books are searchable simultaneously through the same search interface.


Gender and women's studies, and gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender research. For more information:

Georgetown Law Dataverse

Subjects: Reference

The Georgetown Law Dataverse is a repository of digital datasets, collections of statistical information or other related data used in empirical scholarship. This service allows authors to permanently preserve and publically release data that they have collected. The Georgetown Law Dataverse supports the empirical research of Law Center faculty members, academic centers and institutes, and legal journals. The Dataverse is a service of the Georgetown Law Library.

Georgetown Law on Archive-It

Archived pages of the Georgetown Law Center website. Includes the monthly "Georgetown Law in the News" pages.

Georgetown Law Scholarly Commons

Subjects: Reference

The Scholarly Commons is designed to offer open, global access to the scholarship of the Georgetown University Law Center. This repository is a service of the Georgetown Law Library.

Global Investigations Review - Just Anti-Corruption

On Campus Access Only. For off-campus access, Georgetown Law users may retrieve a username and password to access the Global Investigations Review website. Global Investigations Review (GIR) is a substantive newsletter devoted to legal anti-corruption development around the world. Published by Law Business Research, its aim (like that of another of its databases to which the library subscribes, the Global Arbitration Review, GAR) is to provide practitioners and researchers with news of changes to transnational and foreign anti-corruption laws as well as significant case law and corruption prosecutions. The site provides guides to the entire anti-corruption framework for several major non-U.S. jurisdictions. News is placed in a valuable context, as, for example, the new U.S. administration personnel changes are situated in a report that reviews the success or leadership of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act as a model. Compliance standards that were once seen as almost unilaterally applied by the U.S. and enforced with regard to business abroad are now widely-adapted and place less burden on any one jurisdiction. Review of jurisdictions is now facilitated by this database.


Subjects: Foreign Law, Business

Use to retrieve legislation and regulations from 90 jurisdictions worldwide. For non-English speaking jurisdictions, machine-generated English translations are provided, along with links to the laws in their original language. Enter search terms in English. Then use the country filters on the left to narrow the results by jurisdiction. Or click on the "Advanced Mode" link to refine the results by adding additional search terms.

Google Books

Subjects: e-Book Collection, Library Tools

Portal to Google's massive library digitization project. Depending on copyright restrictions, you may either see full text or limited parts of books (tables of contents, book covers, sample chapters, etc.).

Google Public Data Explorer

Subjects: Library Tools, Statistics and Data

The Google Public Data Explorer makes large datasets easy to explore, visualize and communicate. As the charts and maps animate over time, the changes in the world become easier to understand. You don't have to be a data expert to navigate between different views, make your own comparisons, and share your findings.

Google Scholar

Subjects: Library Tools, Reference

Searches across many disciplines and sources: peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, abstracts and articles, from academic publishers, professional societies, preprint repositories, universities and other scholarly organizations. For on campus or GU-authenticated users, results contain links to electronic full text from GU-subscribed content, especially journal articles. (If off campus, click on Settings and then on Library Links. Type Georgetown in the search box.)


Subjects: Environmental Law

Focuses on the relationship between human beings and the environment, with well-researched information on topics ranging from global warming to recycling to alternate fuel sources and more. Includes citations to scholarly and general interest titles, as well as government documents and reports. Some full text documents are included.


Subjects: Foreign Law, Great Britain

Hansard (the Official Report) is the edited verbatim report of proceedings in both Houses. Commons Hansard covers proceedings in the Commons Chamber, Westminster Hall and Standing Committees. Lords Hansard covers proceedings in the Lords Chamber and its Grand Committees. Both contain Written Ministerial Statements and Written Answers. Daily Debates are published on this website the next working day at 8 am.

HarpWeek: The Civil War Era, Reconstruction I & II and Gilded Age I (1857-1912)

Subjects: History, Legal History, Newspapers and Newspaper Indexes, Social Sciences

Provides electronic access to all issues of Harper's Weekly (including all illustrations and advertisements) published between 1857 (first issue) and 1912, with the capacity to browse or search by date, by literary genre, and by a person's occupation. Provides four topical indexes: subject, illustrations, literature & publishing, and advertising.

HathiTrust Digital Library

Subjects: e-Book Collection, Library Tools

HathiTrust is a partnership of academic & research institutions, offering a collection of millions of titles digitized from libraries around the world. To login to Georgetown's instance of HathiTrust click on the large yellow "Log In" button. Select "Georgetown University" as your partner institution and click "Continue". Once prompted, login in using your NetID and password.

Health care practice center.

The Bloomberg Law Health Care Practice Center is a comprehensive solution that integrates news, legal analysis, analytics, and primary sources as well as tools, sample forms, and expert guidance.


One of the premier sources for legal and political information. Full-text law journals are a major part of the database, but HeinOnline also includes deep historical collections of U.S. federal government documents. Titles digitized include the Congressional Record, the Federal Register, bills and public laws in the Statutes at Large, the United States Code, the Code of Federal Regulations, selected legislative histories, Supreme Court documents, Presidential documents, and more. Search the Sources of Compiled Legislative History database by Public Law or Bill number, from the 37th to the 107th Congress. The U.S. Federal Legislative History Title Collection has full text legislative histories on significant legislation in banking, civil rights, labor, digital rights, the USA PATRIOT act, and other selected laws.

HeinOnline Business and legal aspects of sports and entertainment (BLASE)

Topical database including legal periodical literature, full-text books and bibliographies, federal and state documents, legislative histories, carefully selected court decisions, and links to relevant external websites. Per publisher, treatment of sports-related material is comprehensive; entertainment-related materials focus on movies, music, television and theater.

HeinOnline Executive privilege

"This database provides primary and secondary source material such as government documents from the executive, legislative, and judicial branches, as well as law review articles and books invoking, debating, and exploring instances of executive privilege from the country's founding to the present day."

HeinOnline World Treaty Library

Works from Rohn, Dumont, Wiktor, and Martens create the richest collection of world treaties available, spanning from 1648 to present. Includes related treaty publications, scholarly articles, and a bibliography.

HeinOnline: ABA law library collection periodicals

This collection digitizes ABA Law Library Collection Periodicals, along with 44 periodicals previously only available to ABA section members. It provides access to current volumes of included periodicals and covers all subject areas of American law.

HeinOnline: American Indian law collection

With nearly 1,000 titles unique to this collection and more than 1.2 million total pages dedicated to American Indian Law, this library includes an expansive archive of treaties, federal statutes and regulations, federal case law, tribal codes, constitutions, and jurisprudence.

HeinOnline: American Law Institute Library

Subjects: Jurisprudence

Contains full runs of the Institute's Annual Reports, Proceedings, Annual Meeting Speeches, and the Institute's newsletter, The ALI Reporter. It also includes both current and archival Restatements of the Law, Uniform Commercial Code, Model Penal Code, ALI-ABA Periodicals, and the Statement of Essential Human Rights (a pioneering ALI project of the mid-1940s).

HeinOnline: Association of American Law Libraries (AALL)

This collection includes AALL publications such as AALL Spectrum, American Association of Law Libraries Newsletter, American Association of Law Libraries President's Newsletter, Index to Legal Periodicals and Law Library Journal, Law Library Journal, Publications Clearing House Bulletin, and Technical Services Law Librarian.

HeinOnline: Congress and the Courts

Subjects: Constitutional Law

Congress and the Courts is a collection of primary source documents on the interaction of the courts with Congress. Includes congressional hearings, reports, and other documents. Coverage from 1978-2016.

HeinOnline: English Reports

Subjects: Great Britain, Legal History

Search all 176 volumes of the English Reports which has English court decisions from various sources from 1220-1867. There is a finding aid and index if you have citations to the original nominative reports. We have the print version in the library.

HeinOnline: Foreign Relations of the United States

This is the official documentary historical record of major U.S. foreign policy decisions and significant diplomatic activity. It's produced by the U.S. State Department and has tons of resourceful historical information. We have the print version in the library which can ne useful.

HeinOnline: Harvard Research in International Law

Subjects: International Law

This publication existed 1929 and 1939 during which its advisory boards wrote draft conventions several topics in International Law such as nationality, piracy, extradition, territorial waters, diplomatic privileges and much more. Excellent contemporary views during that time period.

HeinOnline: Immigration Law Policy in the U.S.

Subjects: Immigration

"HeinOnline Immigration Law Policy in the U.S. is a compilation of the most important historical documents and legislation related to immigration in the United States as well as current hearings, debates and recent developments in immigration law."

HeinOnline: Legal Classics Library

Subjects: e-Book Collection

"The HeinOnline Legal Classics Library offers more than 1,500 works from some of the greatest legal minds in history. In addition to many classics, this collection includes rare items that are found in only a handful of libraries around the world. The collection focuses on constitutional law, political science, and other classic topics. You can browse or search this large collection of classics by title, author and/or subject."

HeinOnline: National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws - Archive Publications

Subjects: State And Local Government Law

"Included in the archive of HeinOnline's National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws (NCCUSL) are all available transcripts of the Proceedings of each Annual Meeting, as well as the transcripts of the discussions in the Committee of the whole of each Uniform and Model Act. Also included are the approved successive drafts"" of each Uniform and Model Act."""

HeinOnline: Philip C. Jessup Library

Subjects: Legal Education

"Through special arrangement with the International Law Students Association (ILSA) this collection provides access to all of the top moot court competitions since 1960. It draws together the Problems, Judges' Briefs, Rules, and leading written memorials which comprise each competition. In addition, several publications of ILSA are also available."

HeinOnline: Religion and the law

Subjects: Religion

"Canon Law resources, Jewish Law material and other major publications on religion are featured in this database. You can search the entire resource or pick one particular volume for searching. Scholarly articles and religious focused journals are included also."

HeinOnline: Selden Society Publications & the History of Early English Law

Subjects: e-Book Collection, Great Britain, Legal History

"The initial release of this collection on HeinOnline contains official publications from the Selden Society, including the Selden Society Annual Series vols. 1-117 (1887-2000), the Supplementary Series vols. 1-13 (1965-2000), and the Centenary Guide to the Publications of the Selden Society. Also included are links to law review articles that discuss the development of early English history, plus English legal history classics."

HeinOnline: State Attorney General Reports and Opinions

Subjects: State and Local Law

This collection includes: Access to the State Attorney General Reports & Opinions for all fifty states as well as Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands Access to the Opinions of the Office of Legal Counsel of the United States Department of Justice and the Official Opinions of the Attorneys General of the United States.

HeinOnline: State Statutes: A Historical Archive

Subjects: Government Documents, Legislation, State and Local Government Law

"State Statutes: A Historical Archive includes superseded state statutes for all fifty states. Browse or search the statutes by state, publication title, date, and text. Coverage goes back until 1717. Note: this library does not contain current state statutes. The titles included for each state were verified against Pimsleur’s Checklist of Basic American Legal Publications."

HeinOnline: Taxation and Economic Reform in America - a Historical Archive 1781- 2010

Collection contains thousands of volumes and millions of pages of legislative history materials and other documents, including the complete Carlton Fox Collection, containing nearly 42 years of historical legislation related to the internal revenue laws from 1909-1950. It includes more than 100 other legislative histories related to taxation, economic reform, and stimulus plans.

HeinOnline: Treaties and Agreements Library

Subjects: Treaties

"The Treaties and Agreements Library on HeinOnline includes all U.S. treaties, whether currently in-force, expired, or not-yet officially published. This is the world's largest and most complete online collection of U.S. treaties and agreements and includes such prominent collections as the United States Treaties and Other International Agreements set (commonly referred to as the Blue set""), as well as famous sets from Bevans, Miller, Malloy and others. Senate Treaty Documents contain the text of treaties as submitted to the U.S. Senate for ratification by the President of the United States and are numbered consecutively from the 1st session through the 2nd session of a Congress."""

HeinOnline: U.S. Attorney General Opinions Library

Subjects: Administrative Law, Government Documents

"HeinOnline has various modules, which are are fully-searchable. This library contains PDF documents for Attorney General's National Committee to study the antitrust laws (1955) -- Attorney General. Annual Report. U.S. Department of Justice (1870-2005) -- Digest of the published opinions of the Attorneys-General, & of the leading decisions of the federal courts, with reference to international law, treaties and kindred subject (1877) -- Official opinions of the Attorneys General of the United States (1791-1982) -- Opinions of the Office of Legal Counsel of the United States Department of Justice (1977-1996."

HeinOnline: U.S. International Trade Library

Subjects: International Trade, International Trade, Trade Regulation

HeinOnline’s U.S. International Trade Library: A Current and Historical Archive is a collection that will bring together more than one million pages’ worth of content, including USITC Publications Archive, Legislative Histories, CFR & U.S. Code Title 15: Commerce and Foreign Trade, Notable Publications, Scholarly Articles, and much more. Plus a complete history of Section 337 Investigations will be added, which will be available exclusively in HeinOnline.

HeinOnline: U.S. Presidential Library

Subjects: Political Science And Government

"HeinOnline’s U.S. Presidential Library contains Messages and Papers of the Presidents, v.1 (1896)- v.10 (1899) / James D. Richardson -- Compilation of Messages and Papers of the Presidents, vol.1 (1897)-v.20 (1916) / James D. Richardson -- Compilation of Messages and Papers of the presidents (new series), vol. 1 (1897)-vol. 20 (1929) / James D. Richardson -- Public Papers and Addresses of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, vol. 1 (1928)- vol. 5 (1936), 1937-1945 / Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Samuel L. Rosenman -- Public papers of the Presidents of the United States (Herbert Hoover-George Bush, 1931-2005) -- Code of Federal Regulations: Title 3 (1936-2001) -- Inaugural Addresses of the Presidents of the United States, vol. 1 (1989) -- Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents, vol. 1 (1965)-vol. 45 (2009)."

HeinOnline: U.S. Supreme Court Library

Subjects: Constitutional Law

"HeinOnline's U.S. Supreme Court Library includes complete coverage of the official U.S. Reports bound volumes as well as preliminary prints, slip opinions, and books and periodicals related to the U.S. Supreme Court."

HeinOnline: United Nations Law Collection

Subjects: International Law, International Organizations

"The United Nations Law Collection is made up of 9 unique sections including Treaty Publications, International Court of Justice (ICJ), United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL), International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS), United Nations Yearbooks, United Nations Serials, Codification and Progressive Development of International Law, United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR), and Other Related Works."

HeinOnline: World Constitutions Illustrated

Subjects: Constitutional Law

"The initial release of World Constitutions Illustrated includes the current constitution for every country (193 countries) and substantial constitutional hierarchies for the United Kingdom, France, Brazil and Colombia. HeinOnline connects thousands of other historical constitutional documents from the British & Foreign State Papers (of which there is a complete set), Peaslee's Constitutions of Nations, Dodd's Modern Constitutions, and other sources. Hein will be continually adding constitutional documents, books, periodicals, articles, and links to expand the constitutional timeline for every country."

HeinOnline: World Trials Library

Subjects: e-Book Collection, Legal History

"The World Trials library on HeinOnline contains, in addition to trial transcripts and other critical court documents, trial-related resources such as monographs which analyze and debate the decisions of famous trials as well as biographies of many great trial lawyers in history."

Historical abstracts

Subjects: Legal History

"Historical Abstracts provides bibliographical coverage of the history of the world from 1450 to the present (excluding the United States and Canada). Included are article abstracts from over 2,000 journals published worldwide, plus citations to books and dissertations."

Homeland Security Digital Library

Subjects: Security War And Peace

The HSDL collection provides quick access to important U.S. policy documents, presidential directives, and national strategy documents as well as specialized resources such as theses and reports from various universities, organizations and local and state agencies.

Human Rights Documents Online

Subjects: Human Rights Law

"The Human Rights Documents Online ( HRDO ) database will ultimately contain all human rights documents collected by the Human Rights Internet ( HRI ) in Ottawa in Canada since 1980.These documents emanate from 483 non-governmental human rights organizations ( NGOs ) worldwide, some of which have a universal scope, whilst others focus on the attainment of human rights in a specific area of the world. The documents themselves are also available on microfiche in the Wolff Library."

IBISWorld Industry Market Research

Subjects: Business

Collection contains key statistics and market analysis in the form of comprehensive reports. Each report, of 25-30 pages in length, is updated regularly, ensuring that the report reflects the current state of an industry.

ICC dispute resolution library

The ICC Dispute Resolution Library contains extracts from ICC arbitral awards published in the Bulletin from 1990 to date, and well as procedural decisions, statistical data, commission reports and articles (dossiers) that are not free on the open web. This site also contains a country-by-country enforcement guide. The database is searchable by keyword and publication as well as enabling the user to browse by year of publication in the titles provided, such as the Procedural Decisions, Country Answers, Awards, Articles, Commission Reports, Statistical Reports, and news. Georgetown Law users may retrieve a username and password to access the ICC Digital Library.

ICC Trade finance.

Current Georgetown Law students, faculty and staff may retrieve a username and password to access the ICC Digital Library.

ICLR: the Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for England and Wales

This database includes case reports in all major UK reports: The Law Reports; Queen's Bench, Chancery and Family divisions of the High Court and appeal cases heard in the UK Supreme Court as well as references to the European Court of Justice. The Weekly Law Reports, Industrial Cases Reports Business Law Reports, Public and Third Sector Law Reports. These all cover the High Court as well as tribunal levels and appeals to the Court of Appeal and Supreme Court. The last covers also Upper Appeals Tribunal and Ecclesiastical Court, as this Third Sector includes charity, social enterprise, and public service law. A citator, case notes on cases not reported in full, and integrated linking with the free BAILII site are included to provide access to transcripts of judgments.

IEEE Electronic Library

Subjects: "Medicine, Science and Technology", Journals and Journal Indexes

"IEEE Xplore is a digital library providing full text access to technical literature in electrical engineering, computer science, and electronics. IEEE Xplore contains full text documents from IEEE journals, transactions, magazines, letters, conference proceedings, standards, and IET (Institution of Engineering and Technology) publications."

IEL corporations & partnerships

The Corporations and Partnerships subset of the International Encyclopaedia of Laws provides quick and easy guidance on a variety of corporate and partnership considerations that arise in international business, such as mergers, rights and duties of interested parties, stock exchange directives, labor laws, and takeovers.

IEL insurance law

"Insurance Law is an in-depth updated reference source concerning all aspects of insurance law in the industrialised countries of the world. Using the same comprehensive format as the other International Encyclopaedia of Laws publications, this set on insurance law includes general background information and specific country law in each national monograph. In addition to national monographs, Insurance Law contains a Codex with the basic legislation, which the European Union, the European Economic Area and the Swiss Confederation have adopted with regard to private insurance. Forthcoming international monographs will examine European Community Insurance as well as the roles of prominent associations such as AIDA (Association Internationale de Droit des Assurances), BIPAR (Bureau International des Producteurs d'Assurances et de Riassurances) and C.E.A.(Comiti Europien des Assurances)"--About.

IEL media law

The IE for Media Law intends to offer a country-by-country survey of media law throughout the world. It will survey each country's media landscape and analyse the laws governing press freedom, including those concerning access to information, defamation and privacy. Each national monograph will outline the regulatory structures controlling print and electronic media (radio and television, but also new media, like online and mobile services) in these countries. Legal acts, case law, as well as ethical codes used by journalists, will be presented and analysed.

IEL migration law

"The International Encyclopaedia for Migration Law deals with international and national rules on immigration and right of residence of non-nationals. It contains national monographs on the migration law applicable in each country. This information is completed by monographs on the legal instruments on migration law adopted by supranational, international and regional organisations"--About.

IEL privacy and technology law

"Essential brief practical guides to law and regulation of information and communications technology (ICT), privacy rights and personal data protection in a wide variety of global jurisdictions"--

IEL property and trust law

"The Property and Trust Law volume of the International Encyclopaedia of Laws series deals with the diversity of rights and interests in all kinds of property and assets. Because property law has developed along completely different lines in the diverse legal families, this practical country-by-country analysis and guide takes a functional approach to the subject matter. The perception that legal solutions, concepts, terms and mechanisms vary, and may even seem at some points to be diametrically opposed, should not conceal the fact that such solutions are often functionally equivalent, in spite of their technical or conceptual differences. This work primarily contains national monographs, based on a standard outline ... In addition to national monographs, this work will also focus on international treaties and conventions related to property and trust law."--About.

IEL social security law

Online version of the loose-leaf publication: Social security law, published as part of the International encyclopaedia of laws. Provides a country-by-country survey of social security laws throughout the world, guidelines from international organizations, and selected case law.

IEL sports law

"Sports Law encompasses both autonomous as well as state created rules regarding the variety of economic, social, commercial, cultural and political aspects of sports activities. This regulation may take the form of autonomous self-regulation, e.g. by national and international associations of sport. These private regulations or by-laws, including organisational, disciplinary rules as well as rules of play, constitute the so-called 'lex sportiva'. However, the trend towards more professionalism in sport and the growing economic, social and cultural relevance of sport have prompted an increasing reliance on legal rules adopted by the public authorities. These regulations include for example criminal law, labour law, commercial law, tax law and so on, which may vary following a particular type or sector of sport. The structure of the Sports Law is basically built up around two parts: monographs and documents. The documentary section provides the most relevant legal materials of an international concern in the area of sports. The monographs are structured per country, region or organisation. In the national monographs, attention will be paid to the distinction between public regulation (laws and regulation from governmental or public authorities) and private regulation (regulation and by-laws from sports organisations)."--About.

IEL transport law

"The national monographs in this subset of the International Encyclopaedia of Laws deal with transport law in its broadest sense: jurisdiction, state immunity, and the main sources of transport law. With reference to maritime law, the reader will find information on the legal status of the vessel, its acquisition, ownership and registration. Other topics discussed are maritime liens and mortgages, the position of master and crew, liability and limitation of liability (L.L.M.C. Convention 1976), charter parties and Transport under Bill of Lading (Hague-Visby Rules), transport by air (Warsaw Convention and related conventions), transport by rail (C.O.T.I.F. Convention) and inland navigation. A special chapter is devoted to Multimodal Transport. Finally, European Union competition law in the field of transport is also discussed."--About.

IMD World Competitiveness

Subjects: Business, Economics

IMD World Competiveness analyzes and ranks the ability of nations to create and maintain an environment that sustains the competitiveness of enterprises. It covers 61 countries using 312 criteria grouped into four competitiveness factors and aggregates data over a five-year period. Data are updated twice a year.

IMF eLibrary

The IMF e-Library contains in-depth, independent analysis on the financial crisis, development, macroeconomics, poverty reduction, trade, globalization, and much more."" The IMF eLibrary simplifies analysis and research with direct access to the IMF’s periodicals, books, working papers and studies, and data and statistical tools. You will find information and perspective on macroeconomics, globalization, development, trade and aid, technical assistance, demographics, emerging markets, policy advice, poverty reduction, and so much more.

Independent voices

Subjects: Newspapers and N. Indexes

Independent Voices is a digital collection of alternative press newspapers, magazines and journals, drawn from the special collections of participating libraries. These periodicals were produced by feminists, dissident GIs, campus radicals, Native Americans, anti-war activists, Black Power advocates, Hispanics, LGBT activists, the extreme right-wing press and alternative literary magazines during the latter half of the 20th century.

Index to Legal Periodicals and Books (EBSCOhost)

Subjects: Journals and Journal Indexes

"The Index to Legal Periodicals & Books ( ILPB ) database indexes over 1,025 legal journals, law reviews, yearbooks, institutes, statutes, bar association publications, university publications, and government publications dating back to 1982. In addition, this database also includes coverage of 1,400 monographs per year."

INFORMS Journals Online

Subjects: Journals and Journal Indexes

Informs Journals Online contains the full content of each issue of the journals published by INFORMS, including all figures and tables. In addition, the full text is searchable by keyword, and the cited references include hyperlinks to Medline and to the full text of many other online journals.

Subjects: Environmental Law is an online news service for subscribers to one or more of the 9 publications that comprise the Inside EPA family of environmental newsletters. Inside E.P.A. Weekly Report is the only newsletter that Georgetown subscribes to. In addition to this newsletter, we have access to daily news reports, plus a growing database of thousands of environmental documents. These include policy papers, comments, draft and final regulations, court decisions, legislation, state proceedings, and many other types of information of immediate interest.

Subjects: Environmental Law

Read the latest news on Climate Change, including information on litigation, regulations and statutory law. The Docket Room provides access to regulatory comments on a updated basis.

International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation

Subjects: International Taxation, Taxation

The IBFD database contains over 40 online publications on international taxation covering every country in the world, access to Tax News Service for the latest tax news from around the globe, and a copy of almost every book published by IBFD (excluding books published in cooperation with 3rd parties). A major focus is the taxation systems of Europe.

International Court of Justice

Subjects: International Law

"The ICJ home page makes available the Court's entire jurisprudence since 1946 as well as that of its predecessor, the Permanent Court of International Justice. The full texts of ICJ and PCIJ decisions (in text format for the more recent cases and in PDF format for the older ones), as well as the principal documents from the written and oral proceedings of various cases, are online."

International Encyclopaedia of Laws: Civil Procedure Online

IEL Civil Procedure Online provides in-depth descriptions and analyses of numerous domestic systems. National monographs describe the main features of each country’s judicial organization, the rules governing the jurisdiction of the courts, the actual court proceedings, the rules of evidence, the principles governing preliminary seizure and the enforcement of judgments, and some elements of national arbitration. In addition, a forthcoming EU monograph analyzes the Regulation 44/2001, as well as the Conventions of Lugano and San Sebastian. An international monograph will deal with international multi-lateral treaties.

International Encyclopaedia of Laws: Constitutional Law Online

Subjects: Comparative Law, Constitutional Law, International Law

"IEL Constitutional Law Online presents a country-by-country survey of constitutional law throughout the world, and will eventually contain all of the constitutions of the world in English translations. Each national monograph includes detailed information of the country’s political system, historical background, sources of constitutional law, form of government (outlining the legal status, the competence and the working of central state powers, etc.), state form and subdivisions of the state, component states and decentralized authorities, citizenship (especially nationality and the legal position of aliens), and specific problems such as foreign relations, taxing and spending power, emergency laws, the power of the military, and the constitutional relation between Church and State."

International Encyclopaedia of Laws: Contracts Online

Subjects: Comparative law, Contracts, International law

"The Contracts database encompasses the national monographs of a wide variety of countries, written by experts from those countries. Each national monograph is divided into two parts: the first addresses the general principles at issue, and the second covers the specific types of contracts. The work also addresses international aspects of contract law. For each jurisdiction, the work provides: List of Abbreviations, Preface, General Introduction, Introduction to the Law of Contracts and Selected Bibliography."

International Encyclopaedia of Laws: Criminal Law Online

Subjects: International Criminal Law, International Law

"The national monographs in this database provide a general insight into criminal law and procedure in different countries. For each country, an introduction presents the requisite background knowledge for understanding the principles of criminal justice, and then proceeds to a detailed examination of substantive criminal law – its general principles, the principles of criminal responsibility or liability, and the grounds for the justification of criminal offences. A third part is focused upon criminal procedure in each country: the general characteristics of the procedure, the organization of investigation, pre-trial proceedings, trial stage and appeals. A final part covers the execution and extinction of the sanctions."

International Encyclopaedia of Laws: Energy Law Online

Subjects: Comparative law, Energy And Utilities, International law

"Energy Law Online covers national and international energy law. Each national monograph contains a general introduction, a description of the country’s energy legislation, an overview of the basic principles of energy law, the historical background, the role of governmental institutions, and the sources of energy law in that country’s legal system. Each country’s regulatory framework concerning electricity, gas, petrol and coal is fully set forth, with emphasis on the aspects of production, exploitation, transport, distribution, and consumption. Each monograph also deals with the interactions of energy law with environmental law, tax law and competition law. In addition, Energy Law includes international monographs covering international legislation and treaties and the energy law of the European Union."

International Encyclopaedia of Laws: Environmental Law Online

Subjects: Comparative Law, International Environmental Law, International Law

"IEL Environmental Law Online covers national and international environmental law. National monographs contain, besides a general introduction, a description of the country’s environmental legislation, an overview of the basic principles of environmental law, the historical background, the role of governmental institutions, and the sources of environmental law. International monographs cover international legislation and treaties and the environmental legislation of the European Economic Community."

International Encyclopaedia of Laws: Family and Succession Law Online

Subjects: Comparative law, Domestic Relations, International law

"This database covers family law together with marital property law and succession law. In addition to the national monographs, this subset of the International Encyclopaedia of Laws currently includes a monograph for the European Union. Forthcoming supplements will include international monographs describing the activities of several international organizations in the domain of family and succession law, such as the United Nations, the Council of Europe, and the International Commission on Civil Status."

International Encyclopaedia of Laws: Intellectual Property Online

Subjects: Comparative Law, Intellectual Property Law, International Law

IEL Intellectual Property Online provides an overview of intellectual property for understanding legislation and policy on the subject in different countries. Analyses and describes theory and practice in a large number of countries. Information is also provided on all major and important international conventions and on international bodies like the EU and WIPO/OMPI.

International Encyclopaedia of Laws: Intergovernmental Organizations Online

Subjects: Comparative law, International law

"Intergovernmental Organizations Online currently comprises monographs on 24 organizations (AU, UN, ILO, IMF, WHO, IAEA, WMO, OPCW, IFC, NATO, OSCE, EEA/EFTA, NAFTA, EIB, ESA, ASEAN, MIGA, Andean Common Market, OAS, Asian Development Bank, UNICJRI, ICCS, CEPES, UNIDROIT) and will soon include monographs on other important organizations, such as EU, WTO, Mercosur, ICAO, Council of Europe, WIPO, Benelux, World Bank, BIS, Interpol, IOM, OECD (incl. NEA), OIC, COMESA and SADC. Its purpose is to cover all significant global and regional intergovernmental organizations and bodies. A collection of source materials (fundamental treaties, constitutive acts and relevant international case-law) complements the collection."

International Encyclopaedia of Laws: Labour law

This is the online version of the 36 -volume looseleaf: International Encyclopaedia of Industrial Labour Law and Industrial Relations. It features: Country overviews of over 60 countries, English translations of the important labour and industrial relations laws of over 20 nations, and covers individual as well as collective labour relations.

International Encyclopaedia of Laws: Medical Law Online

Subjects: Comparative Law, International Law, Medical Jurisprudence

"IEL Medical Law deals with the practice of medicine in the large sense, covering national and international medical law. Each national monograph contains, besides a general introduction, a description for the country in question. An international monograph covers the World Health Organization in both its international and regional aspects. A Codex of International Medical Law and Ethics is also included. Forthcoming international monographs will cover international declarations on medical ethics such as the Declaration of Helsinki on Medical Experiments (1964) and the European Code of Medical Ethics."

International Encyclopaedia of Laws: Private International Law Online

Subjects: Comparative Law, Conflict of Laws, International Law

"Private International Law presents country-by-country national monographs dealing with the statutes, regulations and case law each country applies to cases involving transnational issues in, e.g., business, family or inheritance law. It provides access to the conflict rules of countries, presented clearly and concisely by local experts. Beginning with a general introduction to the private international law of the country concerned, each monograph goes on to discuss choice of law technique, sources of private international law, the relevant connection with the law of a country and the connecting factors, the rules of choice of law on natural and legal persons, contractual and non-contractual obligations, movable and immovable property, intangible property rights, company law, family law, marriage, cohabitation, registered partnerships, property, maintenance, child law, and succession law, including testamentary dispositions. Each national monograph concludes with an overview of the country's relevant civil procedure, examining lex fori and issues of national and international jurisdiction, acceptability and enforcement of foreign judgements, and international arbitration."

International Encyclopaedia of Laws: Religion

The International Encyclopaedia for Religion covers national monographs, as well as regional and international monographs concerning the place and role of religion in international treaties, as a universal human right and so on. It also contain monograph describing and giving an in depth picture of the most important religions like Christianism, Protestantism, Islam, Buddhism.

International Encyclopaedia of Laws: Tort Law Online

Subjects: Comparative Law, International Law, Torts

"Tort Law Online sheds light on the way legal systems protect rights and interests through, among others, tort law. There are basic differences in approach between the legal systems and the dividing line does not always match the classic divide between the countries of the Civil Law tradition and those belonging to the Common Law tradition. In the General Introduction, particular attention will be paid to the aims of the law of Torts and to the distinction between tort and crime and to the relationship between tort and contract (is concurrence between tortious liability and contractual responsibility permitted or not? what about precontractual liability?). For each country, the scope of protection will be tackled as well (are all interests equally protected?). The monograph is then divided into six Parts: Liability for One's Own Act; Liability for Acts of Others; Forms of Strict Liability; Defenses and Exemption Clauses; Causation; Remedies."

International Financial Statistics

Subjects: Banking and Finance, International Finance

"The IFS database contains approximately 32,000 time series covering more than 200 countries and areas and includes all series appearing on the IFS country pages; exchange rate series for all Fund member countries, plus Aruba and the Netherland Antilles: major Fund account series; and most other world, area, and country series from the IFS world tables."""""

International Political Science Abstracts

Subjects: Political Science and Government

"International Political Science Abstracts (IPSA), is a bibliographic database that indexes and abstracts articles from periodicals published throughout the world. Articles in English are abstracted in English; those in other languages are abstracted in French, with all titles translated into English."

International trade practice center.

The Bloomberg Law International Trade Practice Center provides coverage of import and export requirements, international trade news, relevant cases, dockets, statutes, and regulations, practical guidance, as well as practice tools such as country chart builders.


Job search resource designed for international students by former international students. Find detailed information on U.S. and foreign employers, visa and immigration requirements and support, networking and mentoring, webinars and workshops, comprehensive country guides for students considering opportunities abroad, student resources and services including scholarships, help settling in (furniture rental, driver’s licenses, tax help, etc.), and productivity tools and resources. Available to current students and alumni with Georgetown email.

Investment Arbitration Reporter

Subjects: Conflict of laws, International Arbitration

Investment Arbitration Reporter is a news and analysis service focusing on cross-border lawsuits between foreign investors and their host governments. IAReporter specializes in tracking and chronicling so-called investor-state arbitrations. These arbitrations are often-confidential in nature, but may have major financial, legal and policy impacts.

Investment Claims

Subjects: International Arbitration

"Investment Claims provides access to investment arbitration materials, including full-text investment awards, relevant international treaties (including bilateral investment treaties or BITs) and domestic legislation from the UK, Canada, Sweden, Germany and others; arbitral rules, and online versions of selected Oxford University Press arbitration books and journal articles. The Oxford Law Citator is a service carried through this and other Oxford Online collections which links each text to related commentary, cases cited, and relevant domestic legislation."

Investor-State Law Guide

Investor-State Law Guide contains full text of investment treaties, including bilateral investment treaties, along with dispute settlement in publicly available ICSID, NAFTA and ad hoc tribunal decisions. It maps the world of investment treaty law by capturing the relationships between treaties, arbitral rules, cases and other key materials.

Jane's News Centre

Subjects: Security, War and Peace

To access, enter your Georgetown email in the login box. You will be taken to the standard Georgetown NetID login screen to complete authentication. Jane's Terrorism and Insurgency Centre includes profiles of terrorist and insurgent groups, chronologies and descriptions of terror related events, expert analyses and case studies. Search options include limiting by country, territory, and group. A separate event search is provided that includes searching by country, event type, tactic, casualties and affected countries.

Jus mundi : academic research.

Jus Mundi is a user-friendly search engine for international law and arbitration. Subject Coverage: international commercial arbitration; investor-state arbitration; international trade; public international law; and the law of the sea. Content Coverage: multilateral and bilateral treaties focusing on dispute settlement, trade, and investment (including BITs); decisions issued by international tribunals (ICJ, PCIJ, PCA, ITLOS, WTO) in inter-state disputes; decisions issued by arbitral panels in transnational commercial disputes and in investor-state disputes; procedural and evidentiary rules; and practitioner-written commentary (“wiki notes”). While most of this content is available elsewhere, Jus Mundi offers enhanced search capabilities and the ability to search for content across multiple subject areas and tribunals on a single platform.

Justis UK Statutes

Subjects: Foreign Law, Great Britain, Legal History

The Justis UK Statutes database (with JustCite add-on) contains the full text of all Acts of Parliament in England, Wales and Scotland as enacted from 1235 to the present day. UK Statutes is the only statute law database to contain Scottish Acts of Parliament and repealed legislation. All Acts appear as enacted, with links to amended and amending legislation allowing the user to trace the development of the law. A notable feature of the Justis services is the JustCite tabs, which provide users with a visual display of the path of legislation. You can also use this link for JustCite (NB: Georgetown does not subscribe to Justis content other than UK Statutes, JustCite and International Law Reports.)

Keesing''s World News Archive

Subjects: Newspapers and Newspaper Indexes, Political Science And Government

Keesing's World News Archive is a database of more than 95,000 articles, first from 1931-87 as Keesing's Contemporary Archives, and then as Keesing's Record of World Events from 1987 to the present. They continue to publish and add to this archive at the rate of about 150 articles per month, providing a detailed summary of the world's political, social, and economic events.

Kluwer Competition Law

Subjects: International Trade

"Kluwer Competition Law is a fully searchable database of primary source material, commentary, and analysis of EU competition law. Includes e-Competitions, published by the Institute of Competition Law, a weekly bulletin on national competition laws and regulations and on the implementation of EU competition law by member states. Also included are press releases, decisions and key documents from the European Commission (DG Competition) and the European Court of Justice. Kluwer Merger Check is an online tool that enables you to determine whether a contemplated transaction (merger, acquisition or joint venture) meets the thresholds for notification under the concentration control regimes of one or more jurisdictions."

Kluwer IP law.

"Kluwer IP Law offers authoritative analysis, case law, news and legislation combined with tools enabling IP professionals to conduct efficient research on their chosen area of IP Law across a vast range of jurisdictions."--Publisher's website.

Labor & employment practice center.

The Bloomberg Law Labor & Employment Practice Center provides a comprehensive labor and employment practitioners' toolkit including a range of primary sources, secondary analysis, news and practice tools.

Latin American Newspapers

Subjects: Area Studies, Latin America, Newspapers and Newspaper Indexes

Latin American Newspapers collection provides more than 35 fully searchable Latin American newspapers published in the 19th and 20th centuries. Featuring titles from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Cuba, Guatemala, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela and elsewhere, Latin American Newspapers offers coverage of the people, issues and events that shaped this vital region between 1805 and 1922.

Subjects: Law

Access Note: Georgetown Law users may create a user ID for customized features like searches, alerts, and newsletters sent directly to your inbox for ALM news sources. Register at – Registration using your Georgetown Law email. After you complete your registration, sign in to or any of the ALM websites using your Georgetown Law email and password. IDs expire annually, and re-registration is required. Legal news and analysis from ALM Media, including curated articles on the industry. Rankings of law firms and the legal industry are features including the Am Law 100 & NLJ 250. ALM Legal Intelligence provides firm profiles and industry spreadsheets. radar.

Access Note: Georgetown Law users must create a user ID by registering at – Registration using your Georgetown Law email. After you complete your registration, sign in to Radar using your Georgetown Law email and password. You can use the settings to tailor your “My Radar” feed to provide you with news and filings about the industries, companies, areas of law, law firms, jurisdictions, and courts you want to follow. Then you can set up alerts that will allow you to receive push notifications or emails when your feed is updated. IDs expire annually, and re-registration is required. Radar is a legal news source from ALM that delivers short, easy-to-read summaries of developments in commercial litigation and corporate transactions, allowing readers to keep up with client industries, companies, law firms, and what's happening in the commercial legal world. Radar includes notifications of filings in federal courts in its base subscription, and allows users to keep up with the world of commercial and corporate law by tailoring their news feed and setting alerts by practice area, law firm, company, industry, jurisdiction, and more.

Subjects: Law

Lexis law school users may also register for an individual ID with the "Sign In With LexisNexis" button on the Law360 login page. Note that your Lexis ID needs to be associated with your Georgetown Law email.


Subjects: China, Foreign Law

"LawInfoChina is an English-language web site that publishes Chinese statutes, regulations, cases, government policies, legal news, treaties, law review articles, and law links. The English versions are for reference only. Use the Chinese versions for authority. ChinaLawInfo is an online legal database in Chinese, including more than 270,000 pieces of laws, regulations, legal essays, and other legal information of China, as well as the content of all legal gazettes published in China, such as the Gazette of the Supreme People's 'Court of the People's Republic of China' and others. The Chinese database contains more content than the English database."

Leadership Connect

Subjects: Directories, Electronic Resources Services- Server & Systems Coordinator, Reference

A searchable database that provides information on individuals in business, federal, state, and local government, journalists, lobbyists, and more. It also provides other information, such as congressional calendars and organizational charts. Users can also build lists using multiple categories, such as job title, education, organization, and location. Includes information found in the Federal Yellow Book and other Yellow Book directories. Note: Current Georgetown Law students, faculty, and staff may sign in with their University NetID for on-campus and off-campus access.

Legal Information Archive: the Chesapeake Digital Preservation Group

Subjects: Government Documents

The Chesapeake Digital Preservation Group features government, policy, and legal information archived from the Web through a partnership between state and academic law libraries. The collections include: * Reports relating to U.S. government and policy * Selected state, federal, and foreign government documents * Materials relating to public policy and legal issues in Maryland * Publications issued by Virginia's judicial branch * Materials relating to the District of Columbia


Subjects: Journals and Journal Indexes

"LegalTrac is a cumulative index to approximately 1300 legal publications. It includes law related articles from more than 1,000 additional business and general interest periodicals as well. It is also called Legal Resource Index, and it is the online version of the print publication called Current Law Index. This database contains some articles, and it also has Full Text at Gtown Law"" links that will take you to the cited articles in other databases."""

Subjects: Foreign Law, Great Britain

" brings together the legislative content previously held on the Office of Public Sector Information (OPSI) website and revised legislation from the Statute Law Database to provide a single legislation service. is the official site for UK Legislation as it is originally made (as enacted) and with a latest version, which shows how the legislation has changed. (Internet resource: free on the Web.)"

Lexis%2B e-Treatises

Subjects: Legal Research and Bibliography

Lexis contains legal and law-related documents, including federal and state cases, statutes, regulations, administrative rulings, legislative histories, legal newspapers and journals, and looseleaf services. Free LexisNexis printers are located on the 4th floor of the library in Room 435A and on the 3rd floor of the Hotung building. New Georgetown Law students will receive registration information during Orientation. Students who do not receive registration codes or need new ones should contact the Reference Desk. Georgetown Law faculty and staff should contact Library Research Services.

LexisNexis China Law Database

Subjects: China, Foreign Law

"The LexisNexis China Law Database is a collection of Chinese laws, regulations, tax information, judicial decisions, and other legal documents, collected from government sources, and TRANSLATED INTO ENGLISH by LexisNexis China Online (COL) in Beijing. Government sources include the National People's Congress, the State Council, the Supreme Court, the Ministry of Justice, Finance and other ministries, the State Environmental Protection Administration, and other departments and offices. You can search for all available documents classified by topic (e.g. tax, trade, environment, insurance), or create your own word search. Excluded: laws of public service, social policy, constitution, criminal law, employment and human resources and procedure laws."

LexisNexis Company Dossier

Subjects: Business

"LexisNexis Company Dossier covers more than 35 million global companies, both public and private. Each report includes details from the extensive universe of authoritative LexisNexis sources, including: Company description and history * Key financials (balance sheet, income statement, earnings projections, ratio analyses) * Executive, structure, subsidiaries, auditor, and bank information * News by region, topic, and publication * Patents, Trademarks, and Brands * Litigation."

Lexology Getting the Deal Through

Subjects: Foreign Law, Business

Getting the Deal Through on Lexology Pro provides detailed, practitioner-written summaries of national laws in over 160 jurisdictions that govern over 120 practice areas by using a question and answer format. Best to begin by selecting a practice area which focus primarily on commercial law and regulatory compliance. Users can easily compare jurisdictions too. For on campus and off campus use, log in credentials are required to access full text content on the site.

LGBT life with full text

Subjects: Gender Studies

LGBT Life with Full Text contains all of the content available in the LGBT Life index as well as full text for 50 of the most important and historically significant LGBT journals, magazines and regional newspapers, as well as dozens of full text monographs. The database includes comprehensive indexing and abstract coverage as well as a specialized LGBT Thesaurus containing over 6,300 terms." "Provides indexing and abstracts for more than 400 magazines, journals books and news sources, and also provides coverage for gray literature such as case studies and important speeches. Additionally, GLBT Life with Full Text includes full text for 50 of the most important and historically significant GLBT journals, magazines and regional newspapers, as well as dozens of full text monographs."--EBSCO Web site.

Library, Information Science and Technology Abstracts (LISTA)

Subjects: Journals and Journal Indexes, Reference

LISTA indexes more than 600 periodicals, plus books, research reports and proceedings. Subject coverage includes librarianship, classification, cataloging, bibliometrics, online information retrieval, information management and more. Coverage in the database extends back as far as the mid-1960s. It is EBSCO Publishing's intention to provide free access to LISTA on a continual basis.

LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn Learning (formerly is an online library of training videos and self-guided courses on a wide range of topics, including: Business (Excel, Online Marketing Fundamentals, Time Management...) Web & Interactive (Wordpress, Dreamweaver, Javascript...) Design (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign...) Home Computing (iPad Tips & Tricks, Mac OSX, Word... )

LLMC Digital

Subjects: Government Documents, Legal History

"LLMC Digital is an electronic database of historical legal materials containing case reporters, statutes of the U.S. and selected foreign nations, U.S. government documents, and many other legal materials. It is a rich source for legal history researchers."

Macey on Corporation Laws

Subjects: Corporations, Treatise with supplements

"Macey on Corporation Laws provides a detailed examination of three of the most important bodies of corporation law: the Model Business Corporation Act, the Delaware General Corporation Law, and the American Law Institute's Principles of Corporate Governance. Accessed via the CCH Business and Finance Network."

Making of America

Subjects: History, Journals and Journal Indexes

Created and maintained by the Cornell University Library, MoA is a digital library of primary sources in American social history from the antebellum period through reconstruction. It is particularly strong in the areas of education, psychology, American history, sociology, religion, science, and technology.

Making of Modern Law: American Civil Liberties Union Papers

Subjects: Legal History

"The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) records offer researchers a unique view of the inner workings of the organization and the hundreds of groups with which the ACLU interacted. Covering the years from before the ACLU’s official founding in 1920 through the 20th century, this archive offers primary source materials on some of the most important issues that affected the United States. Now includes 650,000 pages of digitized files from the Southern Regional Office. This unique collection documents the ACLU’s legal battle to enforce the Civil Rights Act of 1964 in thirteen Southern states. Consisting of case files, correspondence, newspaper clippings, manuscripts, and more, this collection offers a primary source perspective on civil rights issues from voting rights to the dismantling of the Jim Crow system."

Making of Modern Law: Foreign Primary Sources

Subjects: Foreign and Comparative Law, Inernational Law in General

"Hundreds of foreign primary source publications in their native language. This Making of Modern Law Resource includes documents from 1600 through 1970 from Germany, the United Kingdom, France and others. This collection features historical codes, regulations and commentaries. Foreign Primary Sources II adds content from from Spain, Portugal, Italy, Latin America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Africa, and Asia. Analogous materials from canon law and Roman law are also included."

Making of Modern Law: Foreign, Comparative and International Law 1600-1926

Subjects: Foreign and Comparative Law, Inernational Law in General

The Making of Modern Law: Foreign, Comparative and International Law, 1600-1926, brings together foreign, comparative, and international titles in a single resource. Its International Law component features works of some of the great legal theorists, including Gentili, Grotius, Selden, Zouche, Pufendorf, Bijnkershoek, Wolff, Vattel, Martens, Mackintosh, Wheaton, among others. The Foreign Law component features foreign legal treatises of a variety of countries. Because the term treatise"" is more of a common-law category, the equivalent works in civil-law systems may have other names such as commentaries, encyclopedias, textbooks, monographs, or festschriften. The Comparative Law component features books that compare more than one legal system and includes Ancient, Roman, Jewish Law, and Islamic Law. These documents showcase that the roots of English common law can be found in the deep recesses of European history.

Making of Modern Law: Legal Treatises 1800-1926

Subjects: e-Book Collection, Legal History

"MOML is a full-text searchable collection of 21,000 British and American legal treatises from the 19th and early 20th centuries. The 10 million+ pages available in this database are viewable as PDF images. Content was originally published in the microfilm sets Nineteenth-Century Legal Treatises"" and ""Twentieth-Century Legal Treatises."""""

Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources I, 1620-1926

Subjects: Legal History

The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources, 1620-1926 contains a fully searchable digital archive of the published records of the American colonies, documents published by state constitutional conventions, state codes, city charters, law dictionaries, digests and more. It is cross-searchable with Primary Sources II.

Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources II, 1763–1970

Subjects: Legal History

The Making of Modern Law Primary Sources II database consists of United States state and territorial codes, municipal codes, and constitutional convention and compilations. Scholars of America's common law heritage will find this resource invaluable for tracing major legal topics across all states and territories. It is cross-searchable with Primary Sources I.

Making of Modern Law: Trials, 1600-1926

Subjects: e-Book Collection, Great Britain, Legal History

The Making of Modern Law: Trials, 1600-1926 is comprised primarily of holdings of the Harvard and Yale law libraries. The Harvard collection contains a vast number of popular printed accounts of sensational trials for murder, adultery, and other scandalous crimes. The overall archive comprising more than 10,000 titles and almost two million pages also contains unique documents from the Library of the Bar of the City of New York. It includes unofficially published accounts of trials; official trial documents, briefs, and arguments; and official records of legislative proceedings, administrative proceedings, and arbitrations.

Making of Modern Law: U.S. Supreme Court Records and Briefs, 1832-1978

Subjects: Constitutional Law, Legal History

The Supreme Court Records & Briefs database contains nearly 11 million pages of records and briefs brought before the U.S. Supreme Court in the period 1832-1978. The collection is derived from two essential reference sources. For the period 1832 (when printed Court records began) through 1915, the documents are based primarily on the holdings of the Jenkins Memorial Law Library, America's first law library, located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. For 1915-1978 the source is the Library of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York, a nationally recognized research facility and the single largest member supported law library in the United States.


Subjects: Newspapers and N. Indexes

This news resource from Malaysia is one of the few non-government owned news agencies. The site is available in English, Malay, Chinese and Tamil. Current Georgetown Law students, faculty and staff may retrieve a username and password to access the Malaysiakini website.


Subjects: Directories, Reference contains biographical information on practicing attorneys and brief profiles of U.S. and international law firms

Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law

"The Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law Online represents a new edition of the Encyclopedia of Public International Law that was published between 1991 and 2001 under Professor Dr. Rudolf Bernhardt. The online publication begins in summer 2008, and will be steadily expanded until all of the nearly 1700 articles are made available by 2010. In addition to extensive search functionality and click-through cross references to other Encyclopedia entries, users will have access to the Oxford Law Citator. The Citator offers easy access linking to related content available in all new Oxford online legal services."

Medieval and Early Modern Sources Online (MEMSO)

Subjects: Legal History

"Medieval and Early Modern Sources Online (MEMSO) is a resource for the study of Britain and its place in the world during the medieval and early modern period (c. 1100-1800). It contains digital versions of key printed sources for English, Irish, Scottish and Colonial history and original manuscripts ."

Mergent InvestorEdge

Subjects: Business, Corporations

Company profiles, Corporate Bond reports, price data, annual reports, SEC filings and industry reports. Includes Ford Equity Research Reports, Moody’s Bond Reports, ratings, and Corporate Bond Yield Averages.

Mergent Online

Subjects: Business, Corporations, Securities Law

Full-text information on U.S. and non-U.S. companies. Includes company history, officers, subsidiaries, financial data, and annual reports. Access to SEC filings (EDGAR) back to 1993. Also includes Company Archives for historical information and US and International Industry Reports. Provides up to 30 years of historical daily international stock pricing.

Subjects: International Relations, Middle East Countries provides concise summaries in English of news stories and opinion pieces published in the media of the 22 Arab countries and the Arab diaspora and in the media of Iran. Coverage extends to key political, cultural, and economic developments in the region and in individual countries. Links to stories in their original language are provided. Georgetown faculty and students may subscribe to a daily email digest by contacting MideastWire using your Georgetown email account.

MPI Migration Data Hub

Subjects: Immigration Law, Statistics and Data

Data Hub showcases the most current national and state-level demographic, social, and economic facts about immigrants to the United States; as well as stock, flow, citizenship, net migration, and historical data for countries in Europe, North America, and beyond.

National Journal

Subjects: Computer Law, Health Law and Policy, Legislation, Politics

" incorporates content and resources from all branches of National Journal Group Inc.: Congress Daily, The Hotline, American Health Line, Technology Daily. Also features Hotline Mobile, polling results, campaign and issue ads, the online Almanac of American politics, buzz columns, a calendar of Washington events, and top stories from the weekly National Journal." Access Note: Georgetown Law students, faculty, and staff may create a user account for customized features like alerts, saving articles, etc. Register at the National Journal account page using your Georgetown Law email. A representative will get back to you within 24 hours with your web user account details.

National Law Journal

Note: Current 6 months available on ALM website above. Older content may be searched by article title on Lexis under Legal News > Publisher: ALM Media or on Bloomberg Law > ALM Media News. Contact the Reference Desk for assistance.Access Note: Georgetown Law users may create a user ID for customized features like searches, alerts, and newsletters sent directly to your inbox for ALM news sources. Register at – Registration using your Georgetown Law email. After you complete your registration, sign in to or any of the ALM websites using your Georgetown Law email and password. IDs expire annually, and re-registration is required.

New York Times

Registration required: follow the instructions on the New York Times guide and complete registration before accessing. Provides unlimited access to the New York Times’s content from 1861. National and international news, arts, politics, and legal news from the U.S. paper of record. Includes coverage of important speeches and documents, Supreme Court cases, and transcripts of presidential press conferences.

Newsbank All Titles (Single Title access)

Newbank's comprehensive collection of full-text newspapers, featuring the majority of U.S. newspapers, international news sources, video clips and blogs. For more information:

Niles' register

Subjects: History

"This index to Niles' Register provides a link to historical news coverage of the United States Congress, Presidents, Courtrooms and more from 1811-1849. More than 350,000 people, places and events are indexed. Includes over 350,000 listings of people, places, and events"

OECD iLibrary

Subjects: e-Book Collection, Foreign Law, International Law, International Organizations

"OECD iLibrary contains all the publications and datasets released by OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development), International Energy Agency (IEA), Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA), OECD Development Centre, PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment), and International Transport Forum (ITF) since 1998 -- some 390 complete databases, 2.500 working papers, 5.500 books, 14.000 tables and graphs, 21.000 chapters and articles. The OECD iLibrary is a new platform that replaced SourceOECD and hosts all content equally so users can find -- and cite -- tables and databases as easily as articles or chapters. The citation tool for datasets and tables is new and unique to the OECD iLibrary."


Subjects: Development, Energy, Environment, Government, International Trade, International Taxation, Trade, International Organizations, Statistics

OECD.Stat enables users to search for and download data from the many series of monthly, quarterly, and annual statistics compiled by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, a forum in which 36 of the most developed countries in the world share data and develop solutions to common problems related to economic and social policy. Subjects covered include general economic indicators, agriculture, development and foreign aid, foreign trade, industrial production, labor markets, national accounts, science and technology, and taxation. Users may work with individual data sets, build tables, and extract data from multiple datas sets.

Official Document System of the United Nations

Subjects: International Law, International Organizations, International Relations

The Official Document System (ODS) is a searchable database that includes the full texts of born-digital United Nations documents from 1993-present. The database also includes digitized scans of the following types of paper documents created between 1945 and 1992: all resolutions adopted by the UN's principle organs, all Security Council documents, and official records of the General Assembly's plenary meetings. Digitized scans of other documents dating from 1945-1992 are gradually being added to the database. The ODS does not include the following types of documents: press releases, UN publications (yearbooks, statistical compilations, the UN Treaty Series, etc.), working papers and other internal documents not released for public distribution.

Opinion Archives

Searches opinion pieces and editorials from across the political spectrum. Indexes Harper's Magazine (1850 - ), The Nation (1865 - ), LaFollette's Magazine (1909 - ), The Progressive (1909 - ), The New Republic (1914 - ), Commonweal (1924 - ), The New Leader (1924 - ), The New Yorker (1925 - ), Commentary (1945 - ), Dissent (1954 - ), The National Review (1955 - ), NY Review of Books (1963 - ), American Spectator (1967 - ), Washington Monthly (1969 - ), Moment (1975 - ), Irion Magazine (1982 - ), The Weekly Standard (1995 - ). Does not include full text for all of these, but merely makes searchable. [Free resource.]

Otzar Online

"The database is a collection of electronic books on all aspects of Jewish Law, including civil law. It covers the Bible and its commentaries, and , as described at the web site, a wealth of rabbinic and Talmudic material: Tannaitic literature including Mishnah, Tosefa, Midrash Halakhah and Aggadah as well as their Commentaries: Talmudic Literature from both Babylonian and Jerusalem Talmuds and their Commentaries, as well as Geonic works."" It also includes ""Halakhah and Customs from the Rishonim and Acharonim, as weel as Responsa Literature."""""

Ovid Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Journal Legacy Archive

Subjects: Journals and Journal Indexes

"The LWW Journal Legacy Archive is comprised of backfiles of more than 200 journals that have over the years chronicled important breakthroughs in research and techniques in major clinical and medical specialties, including nursing, infectious disease, surgery, and cardiology. Includes original research, reviews, notes, letters, and case studies."


Collection of peer-reviewed articles published by the APA Journals™ (American Psychological Association) and affiliated journals.

Oxford African American studies center: the online authority on the African American experience

Subjects: African American Periodicals, History, Newspapers And Newspaper Indexes, Race And Ethnicity

"Comprehensive collection of scholarship focused on the lives and events which have shaped African American and African history and culture, coupled with precise search and browse capabilities. Features more than 10,000 articles by top scholars in the field, over 1,750 images, more than 300 primary sources with specially written commentaries, nearly 150 maps, 150 charts and tables, and over 6,000 biographies. The core content includes: Africana: the encyclopedia of the African and African American experience, second ed.; Encyclopedia of African American history, 1619-1895; Encyclopedia of African American history, 1896 to the present; Black women in America, second ed.; African American national biography; Dictionary of African biography; The Oxford encyclopedia of African thought"

Oxford Dictionary of National Biography

Subjects: Biography, History, Legal History, Reference

"The ODNB an illustrated collection of 50,000 specially written biographies of the men and women who shaped all aspects of Britain's past, from the fourth century BC to the year 2001. It excludes living persons. It has themed entries (e.g. Roman Britain) and groups of subjects with a common attribute (e.g. Archbishops of Canterbury). The database contains 10,000 images. The print edition is in the Williams Law Library's Reference collection."

Oxford English Dictionary

Subjects: Reference

"Updated quarterly with at least 1000 new and revised entries, OED Online offers unparalleled access to the greatest continuing work of scholarship that this century has produced."

Oxford Historical Treaties

Oxford Historical Treaties includes the digitized texts of treaties published in Parry’s Consolidated Treaty Series, the only comprehensive collection of treaties from all nations concluded from 1648 through 1919. Treaty texts are reproduced in their original languages. For some treaties, an English or French translation also is provided. Editorial commentary, relevant Oxford University Press publications, and subject terms are linked to the treaty descriptions through the Oxford Law Citator, which is part of the larger Oxford Public International Law platform.

Oxford Islamic Studies Online

Subjects: Philosophy And Religion

"Oxford Islamic Studies Online contains more than 4,000 reference articles and chapters by leading scholars and specialists. It includes entries from the Oxford Encyclopedia of the Islamic World; Qur'anic studies resources, including two Oxford World's Classics translations of the Qur'an, linked to the first online version of A Concordance of the Qur'an by Hanna Kassis; primary source documents with editorial introductions; and timelines covering major events in the Islamic world and corresponding events in general world history for context. Images provide useful visual perspectives on Islam."

Oxford Reference Library

Oxford Reference Library is made up of specialized works including Oxford Companions and multi-volume Oxford Encyclopedias. For more information:

Oxford Reports on International Law

Subjects: Human Rights Law, International Criminal Law, International Immigration Law, International Law

"ORIL covers case law from international courts and dispute settlement bodies, in addition to states and certain territorial entities that are not generally classified as states. The full text of new decisions of relevance to any of the ORIL modules is sourced by the reporters for that module as soon as possible after the judgment is given or the decision is made. For all modules except ICGJ a full case report is then commissioned, together with expert analysis if appropriate, to draw out the important points in the case and illustrate the relevance of the decision in the landscape of the law and practice covered by that module, or indeed in the wider sphere of international law covered by other ORIL modules."""""

Oxford scholarly authorities on international law.

Oxford Scholarly Authorities on International Law contains full-text online editions of market-leading reference works and treatises published by Oxford University Press, such as Oppenheim, and the Oxford Commentaries on International Law.

Oxford Scholarship Online: Law Collection

Subjects: e-Book Collection

"Collection of monographs in the area of law. Each book is cataloged and has an individual record in the catalog. At the OSO web site, you can find a particular book in the indexes, or you can search the contents -- of just one book or all the books together."

Oxford Scholarship Online: Literature Collection

Subjects: Arts and Literature, e-Book Collection

"Oxford Scholarship Online indexes Oxford University Press books on literature, from Medieval, Renaissance, and Victorian periods through the twentieth century. Includes books on African American, Women's and American Colonial literature as well as Shakespeare, film, drama, and poetry. Georgetown has access to the full text of titles published to OSO in the September, 2007 and the January, 2008 updates."

Oxford University Press Journals Archive

"Collection of Oxford Univeristy Press journals over 180 titles, many in partnership with the world’s leading prestigious learned societies. The collections cover Life Sciences, Mathematics & Physical Sciences, Medicine, Social Sciences, Humanities, and Law, and include some of the most authoritative journals in their fields."

PAIS Index

Subjects: International Relations, Journals and Journal Indexes, Political Science and Government

PAIS Index covers issues in the public debate through a wide variety of international sources including journal articles, books, government documents, statistical directories, grey literature, research reports, conference papers, web content, and more. PAIS International is the current file covering 1972 to present, and PAIS Archive includes the content from printed volumes published 1915-1976

Philosopher's Index

Subjects: Electronic Resources Services - Server & Systems Coordinator, Journals and Journal Indexes, Philosophy and Religion

"Philosopher's Index provides indexing and abstracts from books and journals of philosophy and related interdisciplinary fields. It is a major source of information in the areas of aesthetics, epistemology, ethics, logic and metaphysics; it is also a rich source of material on the philosophy of various disciplines, such as education, history, law, religion and science."

PLI Plus

"Practicing Law Institute treatises, forms and presentation transcripts are searchable by keyword or natural language. Users can also browse through Course Handbooks and Answer Books. These practice oriented materials provide practical guidance to lawyers in real estate law, securities law, intellectual property, family law and much more." You may create an individual account for search alerts and other personalized features. From PLI Plus, select “Sign In” and then “Create Account.” Enter your Georgetown Law email. You can then log in directly to PLI Plus using your individual account.

Policy File Index

Subjects: Political Science and Government, Social Sciences

Policy File Index is a unique resource for U.S. public policy research. Users are able to access timely, updated information from over 350 public policy think tanks, nongovernmental organizations, research institutes, university centers, advocacy groups, and other entities.

Politico Pro

POLITICO Pro gives direct access to the POLITICO website, and adds in-depth reporting by POLITICO’s experts on topics ranging from agriculture to transportation. Also included are DataPoint infographics, and reporting on communications, technology and other specialized areas of regulatory reform and political policy debate. In addition to DC news, POLITICO also aggregates political news of interest from New York, New Jersey, and Florida.

Privacy & data security practice center.

The Bloomberg Law Privacy & Data Security Practice Center offers authoritative legal analysis, and practice tools addressing important issues in privacy and information security, in combination with full text of the statutes, regulations, agency documents and case law that privacy lawyers need in daily practice. Practitioner-authored treatises, Insights articles, and checklists and forms offer practical, in-depth analysis.

ProQuest Accounting and Tax

Subjects: Accounting, Journals and Journal Indexes, Taxation

"ProQuest Accounting & Tax database contains accounting, auditing, taxation, and financial management information. The database includes over 2,170 titles, as well as IASB, AICPA, and FASB accounting standards. It is national and international in scope, providing information on accounting policies and standards, state and national legislation, corporate and individual taxation, compensation and pension plans, and corporate financial management. This database contains the text of some articles plus FULL TEXT AT GU LAW links out to the articles in other databases. USE THIS LINK TO SEARCH THE ENTIRE DATABASE OR FIND INDIVIDUAL TITLES IN THE LIBRARY CATALOG."

ProQuest Asian Business

Subjects: Area Studies, Business, Journals and Journal Indexes

"PQ Asian Business contains economic and business data, as well as analyses, current news, policies, statistics, and political developments for countries in Asia. The database includes: full text articles from over 75 journals; official government publications from countries in the region; business and scholarly publications from Asia, the U.S. and Europe; publications from inter-governmental agencies, NGOs, think-tanks, and research institutions worldwide. This database contains the text of some articles plus FULL TEXT AT GU LAW links out to the articles in other databases. USE THIS LINK TO SEARCH THE ENTIRE DATABASE OR FIND INDIVIDUAL TITLES IN THE LIBRARY CATALOG."

ProQuest Banking Information Source

Subjects: Banking and Finance, Journals and Journal Indexes

"ProQuest Banking Information Source is a database covering more than 250 of the most important publications that provide information on the financial services industry. The coverage includes not only leading journals and newspapers such as American Banker but also such sources as industry newsletters, School of Bank Marketing Papers, Stonier theses, and the Bank Marketing Associations Golden Coin Awards competition entries. This database contains the text of some articles plus FULL TEXT AT GU LAW links out to the articles in other databases. USE THIS LINK TO SEARCH THE ENTIRE DATABASE OR FIND INDIVIDUAL TITLES IN THE LIBRARY CATALOG."

ProQuest Central

This database serves as the central resource for researchers at all levels. Covering more than 160 subject areas, ProQuest Central is the largest aggregated database of periodical content. Features a diversified mix of content including scholarly journals, trade publications, magazines, books, newspapers, reports and videos

ProQuest Civil War Era

Subjects: History, Newspapers and Newspaper Indexes

"ProQuest Civil War Era contains primary source materials that cover a vast range of topics including the formative economic factors and other forces that led to the abolitionist movement, the 600,000 battle casualties, and the emancipation of nearly 4 million slaves. It combines complete runs of regional newspapers, as well as pamphlets covering a wide range of topics. It focuses on the entire era, from Manifest Destiny through the end of the Civil War."

ProQuest Congressional

Subjects: Government Documents, Legal History, Legislation, Political Science and Government

Bills & Public Laws 1987-present; Committee Prints & misc. publications 1817-present; Congressional Record Bound Edition & predecessors 1789-2001; Congressional Record Daily Edition 1985-present; Congressional Research Service (CRS) Reports 1916-present; Hearings 1817-present; House & Senate Documents 1817-present; House & Senate Reports 1789-present; Serial Set publications 1789-present; Serial Set Maps 1789-1969; CIS Legislative Histories 1969-present.

ProQuest Congressional Hearings Digital Collection

Subjects: Government Documents, Legislation

"The Congressional Hearings Digital Collection contains unpublished and published hearings. It includes full transcripts of the proceedings, all oral statements, committee questions and discussion. House unpublished hearings through 1979 are included. Published hearings also contain texts of related reports, statistical analyses, correspondence, exhibits and articles presented by witnesses or inserted into the record by committee members and staff. Former name of database: LexisNexis Congressional Hearings Digital Collection."

ProQuest Congressional Record Digital Collection

"Full text of the Congressional Record Bound Edition from 1789 in PDF format, including Congressional Record (1873-1997), the Congressional Globe (1833-1873), the Register of Debates (1824-1837), and the Annals of Congress (1789-1824). Former name of database: LexisNexis Congressional Record Digital Collection"

ProQuest Congressional Serial Set

Subjects: Government Documents, Legal History, Legislation

"The ProQuest Congressional Serial Set I & II database includes indexing, bibliographic information, and searchable PDFs for all U.S. Congressional Serial Set publications from 1789-1969 and 1970-current. The Serial Set contains the House and Senate Documents and the House and Senate Reports. Database name in earlier years: LexisNexis Congressional Serial Set."

ProQuest Digital U.S. Bills and Resolutions 1789-2016

"ProQuest Digital U.S. Bills and Resolutions Collection includes fully searchable PDFs for all versions of all U.S. bills and resolutions from 1789-present. Includes bill number and version, date of action, summary, and sponsor."

ProQuest Dissertations and Theses

Subjects: Education, Reference

ProQuest Dissertations and Theses with Full Text includes 2.4 million dissertation and theses citations from around the world from 1861 to the present day together with 1 million full text dissertations that are available for download in PDF format. The database offers full text for most of the dissertations added since 1997 and strong retrospective full text coverage for older graduate works.

ProQuest Ebook Central - Law

Subjects: e-Book Collection

"The law subject collection covers legal topics related to medicine, business, the environment, religion, and other key areas. Current Georgetown Law students, faculty and staff may retrieve a username and password to access ProQuest Ebook Central - Law. The platform supports unlimited access."

ProQuest Education Journals

Subjects: Education, Journals and Journal Indexes

"The ProQuest Education Journals database gives users access to over 760 top educational publications, including more than 600 of the titles in full text. This database contains the text of some articles plus FULL TEXT AT GU LAW links out to the articles in other databases. USE THIS LINK TO SEARCH THE ENTIRE DATABASE OR FIND INDIVIDUAL TITLES IN THE LIBRARY CATALOG."

ProQuest Environment Abstracts

Subjects: Environmental Law

"Contains the Environment Abstracts database as well as news, journals and commentary related to environmental issues. Has citations, abstracts, and selected full-text of published articles, papers or reports containing information on all aspects of the impact of humankind and technology on the environment, including air, water, and noise pollution; solid and toxic wastes; energy and natural resources management and conservation; radiological contamination; population growth and control; and geophysical and climatic changes; relevant portions of law reviews and legal reports; and U.S. and State codes, regulations and agency decisions related to the environment."

ProQuest European Business

Subjects: Area Studies, Business, International Trade, Journals and Journal Indexes

"PQ European Business covers the latest European business and financial information. Includes quality resources such as The Economist, Fortune, European Business Journal, and many more. This database contains the text of some articles plus FULL TEXT AT GU LAW links out to the articles in other databases. USE THIS LINK TO SEARCH THE ENTIRE DATABASE OR FIND INDIVIDUAL TITLES IN THE LIBRARY CATALOG."

ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Wall Street Journal

Subjects: Newspapers and Newspaper Indexes

The Wall Street Journal Historical collection contains full page and article images with searchable full text back to the first issue in 1889. The collection includes digital reproductions providing access to every page from every available issue. The Wall Street Journal is available from 1984 forward in ProQuest's National Newspapers database.

ProQuest Indian claims insight

Subjects: Government Documents, Legal History, Legislation, Political Science and Government

Research the history of U.S. Indian claims from 1789-present. Trace the history of Indian claims by Indian Nation, geography, or case docket number. Includes comprehensive Indian Claims Commission collection 1948-1978, with briefs, docket books, decisions, expert testimony, oral transcripts; content related to pre-1948 claims presented to Congress and/or brought before the Court of Claims; content related to post-1978 claims brought before the US Court of Claims (through 1982) and US Court of Federal Claims (through 2006); documents related to post-2006 settlement of claims; and treaties and claims-related statutes. Includes congressional publications directly related to Indian claims, indexed by docket numbers and claims-related maps.

ProQuest International Index to Music Periodicals

Subjects: Journals and Journal Indexes

"Offering the widest span of scholarship available, IIMP Full Text indexes articles from 1874 to the most recent issues. IIMP Full Text includes current-file journal content but also contains backfile (index and full text) from the first published issue for a number of core music journals. IIMP Full Text's subject coverage is comprehensive - from music education, performance studies, composition, theory and ethnomusicology to hip-hop, rap and all forms of popular music."

ProQuest International Index to the Performing Arts

Subjects: Journals and Journal Indexes

"IIPA is a dynamic resource for the performing arts that provides indexing and abstracts and full text. Covering a broad spectrum of the arts and entertainment industry, you can locate articles on dance, film, drama, theatre, stagecraft, musical theatre, performance art, storytelling, opera, pantomime, puppetry, magic and more. An essential resource for institutions offering courses in the performing arts, IIPA indexes the widest span of scholarship and research, ranging from 1864 to recent issues."

ProQuest International Newsstand

Subjects: International Relations, Newspapers and Newspaper Indexes

"World News Connection contains the fulltext summaries of non-U.S. newspaper articles, conference proceedings, radio and television broadcasts, periodicals and non-classified technical reports. (It is the successor to the Daily Reports from the FBIS and the JPRS Reports provided through the NTIS.) See also the FBIS Daily Reports Digital Collection, which covers 1974-1996."

ProQuest Latin American Newsstand

Subjects: Journals and Journal Indexes, Latin America

"Latin American Newsstand offers the full text of articles in 37 major Latin American newspapers and major international newswires like BBC Monitoring and Noticias Financieras. Users will get the entire, cover-to-cover text of the newspapers rather than a selection of articles. Titles include El Universal"" (Mexico), ""O Globo"" (Brazil) and ""La Nacion"" (Argentina)"""

ProQuest Legislative Insight

Subjects: Legislation

This federal legislative history service makes available thoroughly researched compilations of digital full-text publications relevant to enacted U.S. public laws. Researchers can search between collections when more than one module is purchased. Part A (1929-2012) delivers 18,000 histories; Part B (1789-1960) offers 9,000 histories. Individual modules cover the years 2013-present.

ProQuest Political Science

Subjects: Journals and Journal Indexes, Political Science And Government

ProQuest Political Science gives users access to over 150 leading political science and international relations journals. This database provides full-text of many core titles included in Worldwide Political Science Abstracts. It contains the text of some articles plus FULL TEXT AT GU LAW links out to the articles in other databases.

ProQuest Regulatory Insight

Subjects: Regulations United States

Companion to Legislative Insight and Supreme Court Insight,Regulatory Insight (1936-2016 and 2017 modules) offers unique features and functionality to work with Federal Register(FR) and Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) content. FR articles are compiled by human editors into regulatory histories associated with Public Laws and Executive Orders. Unique Agency compilations allows users to research FR articles organized according to the CFR Parts over which each Agency has jurisdiction, and to link between historic and current agencies with related jurisdiction. Includes direct links to histories in Legislative Insight and related Supreme Court cases for entitled customers.

ProQuest Religion

Subjects: Journals and Journal Indexes, Philosophy and Religion

"ProQuest Religion is a comprehensive collection of journals covering religious issues and perspectives, including religious news and information, commentary on topics of general interest from the perspective of a particular religion, and formal theological studies. This database contains the text of some articles plus FULL TEXT AT GU LAW links out to the articles in other databases. USE THIS LINK TO SEARCH THE ENTIRE DATABASE OR FIND INDIVIDUAL TITLES IN THE LIBRARY CATALOG."

ProQuest Research Library

Subjects: Book Reviews, Journals and Journal Indexes

"ProQuest Research Library includes more than 3,700 titles -- over 2,500 in full text. It features a diversified mix of scholarly journals, trade publications, magazines, and newspapers. This database contains the text of some articles plus FULL TEXT AT GU LAW links out to the articles in other databases. USE THIS LINK TO SEARCH THE ENTIRE DATABASE OR FIND INDIVIDUAL TITLES IN THE LIBRARY CATALOG."

ProQuest Science Journals

Subjects: "Medicine, Science And Technology", Journals and Journal Indexes

"ProQuest Science Journals database covers over 490 titles -- with more than 380 available in full text -- in science and technology. Subject coverage includes computers, engineering, physics, telecommunications, and transportation. This database contains the text of some articles plus FULL TEXT AT GU LAW links out to the articles in other databases. USE THIS LINK TO SEARCH THE ENTIRE DATABASE OR FIND INDIVIDUAL TITLES IN THE LIBRARY CATALOG."

ProQuest Telecommunications

Subjects: Communications Law, Journals and Journal Indexes

"The PQ Telecommunications database includes over 120 journals, magazines and newsletters, with more than 100 publications available in full text. This database contains the text of some articles plus FULL TEXT AT GU LAW links out to the articles in other databases. USE THIS LINK TO SEARCH THE ENTIRE DATABASE OR FIND INDIVIDUAL TITLES IN THE LIBRARY CATALOG."

Proquest U.S. Newsstream

Subjects: Newspapers and Newspaper Indexes

"The core of the database is the Major Newspapers collection, which includes national and leading regional papers such as The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, USA TODAY, Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, The Atlanta Journal- Constitution, Barron's, The Boston Globe, The Guardian, The Christian Science Monitor, and The Washington Post. Abstracting and indexing are available for more than 500 papers; of these, 350 papers are available in full text."


"PsycINFO is the primary index to the literature of psychology and its related fields. Since 1887, it covers journal articles, and since 1987, books and book chapters. International in scope, topics include psychological aspects of related disciplines, such as medicine, psychiatry, nursing, sociology, education, pharmacology, physiology, linguistics, anthropology, business, and law."


Subjects: "Medicine, Science and Technology", Journals and Journal Indexes

"PubMed is a service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine that includes over 16 million citations from MEDLINE and other life science journals for biomedical articles back to the 1950s. PubMed includes links to full text articles and other related resources. MEDLINE is the NLM's premier bibliographic database covering the fields of medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, and the preclinical sciences. MEDLINE contains bibliographic citations and author abstracts from more than 4,800 biomedical journals published in the United States and 70 other countries. The database contains citations dating back to the mid-1960's . Coverage is worldwide, but most records are from English-language sources or have English abstracts. OLDMEDLINE currently contains citations to articles from international biomedical journals from 1950 through 1965."


Subjects: Library Tools, Reference


Subjects: Administrative Law, Government Documents is the federal government's central website for posting notices of proposed agency regulations and for receiving public comments on those notices. You can also use this site * to read others' comments on proposed regulations; * to identify and view a variety of documents on a regulatory docket; * to get email alerts as documents are added to a regulatory docket; and * to get an RSS feed of documents from the daily Federal Register.

Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Subjects: Philosophy and Religion

"REP Online has as its core the full contents of the classic 10-volume print set, but REP Online is a resource designed to grow along with the discipline itself. Each year the REP editorial team adds a diverse range of new material, including newly commissioned entries by leading scholars."

RSC Online Journals

Subjects: Medicine, Science And Technology, Journals and Journal Indexes

The Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) publishes all of its journal articles on the web as soon as they have completed the production process, typically 4-6 weeks in advance of being published in print. Articles are available in full HTML and are assigned a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) to allow the referencing of the articles before the Volume, Issue and Page details, of the article are known.

SCC Online Web Edition

Note: First-time users must register and create an account using a Georgetown Law email address. Returning users should enter a Georgetown Law email address to log in. No password is required. SCC Online is a subscription database that provides access to case law issued by federal and state courts in India; statutes, ordinances, rules, and regulations enacted at both the federal and state levels; and selected secondary sources on Indian law. Multiple search options are supported. It is also possible to retrieve cases by citation and by party name.


Subjects: "Medicine, Science And Technology", Journals and Journal Indexes, Social Sciences

"Elsevier journals (published under the imprints of Pergamon, Academic Press, Elsevier North-Holland, and others) are available on the ScienceDirect platform. ScienceDirect contains more than 8 million articles from more than 2,000 peer-reviewed journals published in 24 fields of science. ScienceDirect also includes PsychARTICLES: journals published by the American Psychological Association and allied organizations."

ScienceDirect Freedom Collection

Subjects: Journals and Journal Indexes

"This Collection provides access to virtually all of the journals published by Elsevier, with strong content in the health, life, physical, and social sciences. Over 1,100 more titles (865 in active publication) are now available beginning with 1995 content, in addition to other previously existing Elsevier ScienceDirect subscriptions."

Securities practice center.

The Bloomberg Law Securities Practice Center provides a comprehensive securities practitioners' toolkit including a range of practice tools, primary sources, secondary analysis, and news.

Shakespeare Collection

Subjects: Arts and Literature, Journals and Journal Indexes

"Shakespeare Collection is the subject's most comprehensive and authoritative online resource, bringing together general reference data, full-text scholarly periodicals (including Shakespeare studies, Shakespeare bulletin, Studies in English literature, 1500-1900, Medieval and Renaissance drama in England, Early modern literary studies), reprinted criticism, primary source material and the full-text annotated works from The Arden Shakespeare complete works."

Singapore Law Reports

The Justis legal research platform provides access to the Singapore Law Reports, which selectively publishes important decisions issued by the Court of Appeal, the High Court, and the Constitutional Tribunal of Singapore. Coverage is from 1965-present. When searching, be sure to enter the acronym SLR into the "series" box within the search form to limit your search to cases published in The Singapore Law Reports.

Slavery and Anti-Slavery: a Transnational Archive

Subjects: e-Book Collection, History, Race and Ethnicity

"Slavery and Anti-Slavery includes documents from the United States and Europe, as well as other parts of the world. In addition to newspaper collections and books published in the antebellum era, Slavery and Anti-Slavery contains documents from several archives originally available only on microfilm."" To be be published in 4 parts, over several years, starting in 2010 -- Pt 1: Debates over Slavery and Abolition, Pt 2: Slave Trade in the Atlantic World, Pt III: Institution of Slavery, Pt IV: Age of Emancipation."""

Social Issues Essential Primary Sources Collection

Subjects: e-Book collection

"This 10-volume set of primary source documents focuses on leading social issues of the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries. The collection is international in scope, and each title is devoted to one topic. You can search the entire collection simultaneously."

Social Science Research Network

Subjects: Accounting, Economics, Jurisprudence

The SSRN eLibrary consists of two parts: an Abstract Database containing abstracts of scholarly working papers and forthcoming papers and an Electronic Paper Collection containing downloadable full text documents. SSRN is organized by field, including the ones that Georgetown has site licenses to: Legal Scholarship Network, Financial Economics Research Network, Corporate Governanca Networkand Accounting Research Network. You can sign up to receive by email SSRN's abstract "journals" in these fields. Georgetown contributes papers to two series on SSRN: Georgetown Public Law & Legal Theory and Georgetown Business, Economics & Regulatory Law.

Sociological Abstracts

Subjects: Education, Gender Studies, Journals and Journal Indexes, Social Sciences

"Sociological Abstracts abstracts and indexes the international literature in sociology and related disciplines in the social and behavioral sciences. The database provides abstracts of journal articles and citations to book reviews drawn from over 1,800+ serials publications, and also provides abstracts of books, book chapters, dissertations, and conference papers."


Subjects: Journals and Journal Indexes, Sports Law

"Provided by the Sport Information Resource Centre, SPORTDiscus offers comprehensive, bibliographic coverage of sport, fitness and related disciplines. This database contains well over 1,660,000 records with journal and monograph coverage going back to 1800; over 22,000 dissertations and theses and reference to articles in 60 different languages."

SpringerLink Journals

Subjects: International Law, Journals and Journal Indexes, Medicine Science And Technology

Springer Link Journals is a searchable database of articles published in more than 2,300 academic journals. Disciplines covered include business, engineering, medicine, science and technology, social sciences, and law. Most journals are published in English, but some journals published in German, French, and other European languages are included. Full-text articles are available for download for most journals from 1997-present.

Standard and Poor's netAdvantage

Subjects: Business, Corporations

Broad spectrum of industry, company and investment analysis including S&P Industry Surveys, Stock Reports (S&P Equity Research), and “Markets” tab with drill downs to industry and sub-industry key ratios, benchmarks, constituents, etc. Company data covers a global universe of over 3 million private and public companies. Print equivalents include Standard & Poor's: Stock Reports, Company Profiles, Bond Guide, Corporation Records, Mutual Fund Reports, Security Dealers of North America, Register of Corporations, Directors & Executives, Industry Surveys, and The Outlook.

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Subjects: Philosophy and Religion

"The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy is a dynamic encyclopedia published by the Center for the Study of Language and Information ... at Stanford University. Over 1000 professional philosophers are donating their time and labor to collaboratively write, referee, and maintain this reference work, which contains up-to-date content, in-depth coverage, extensive bibliographies, and links to other current web resources. Free: Internet resource"

State and Local Government on the Net

Subjects: Government Documents, State and Local Government Law

This free State and Local Government Internet directory provides one-stop access to the web sites of thousands of state agencies and city and county governments. Only sites that are controlled and actively managed by state and local government agencies are included. Features a State Topical Guide providing easy access to one-page listings of key government functions across all 50 states.

Statesman's Yearbook Online Archive 1864-2004

"The Archive is the complete collection of every edition of The Statesman's Yearbook since it began publishing in 1864. Each yearbook contains links that take you to PDFs of the original book. View maps, tables and detailed descriptions of every country of that year."

Statutes of the Republic of Korea

Subjects: Foreign Law, Korea

Statutes of the Republic of Korea is the only database of the Statutes in English rendered in Korea, providing access [to] about 800 Statutes including the Constitution and other major Acts and enforcement decrees from among the current Statutes of the Republic of Korea.

Subjects: International Taxation, Taxation

Note: First-time Georgetown Law users need to create an individual account. On-campus users should register at the Tax Notes registration page. Off-campus users should register at Tax Notes - Registration for Off-Campus Users. Register for your profile using your Georgetown Law email. After you complete your registration, sign in to Tax Notes using your individual username and password. The Law Library has subscriptions to the electronic versions of three weekly publications: Tax Notes (Federal News & Analysis), State Tax Notes, and Tax Notes International. In addition, the library subscribes to Tax Practice, Federal Research Library, Tax Notes Today, State Tax Today and Worldwide Tax Daily. Georgetown faculty and students can sign up to receive daily emails of Tax Notes Today plus access an archive going back to 1987 on the web site.

Tech & telecom practice center.

The Bloomberg Law Tech & Telecom Practice Center provides a comprehensive range of practice tools, primary sources, secondary analysis, and news.

The making of the modern world the Goldsmiths'-Kress library of economic literature.

"MOME is a collection of digital facsimile page images from more than 61,000 books from the period 1460-1850, and 466 pre-1906 serials. It focuses on economics interpreted in the widest sense, including political science, history, sociology, and special collections on banking, finance, transportation and manufacturing." It provides full-text and full-page-image access to books from the 1460-1850 period, and pre-1906 serials. It focuses on economics interpreted in the widest sense, including political science, history, sociology, and special collections on banking, finance, transportation and manufacturing. It combines the strengths of two pre-eminent collections--the Goldsmiths' Library of Economic Literature at the University of London Library and the Kress Library of Business and Economics at the Harvard University Graduate School of Business Administration--along with supplementary materials from the Seligman Collection in the Butler Library at Columbia University and from the libraries of Yale University.

Thomson Reuters Practical Law

Subjects: Legal Research and Bibliography, Practice and Procedure

Offers a number of practice-oriented tools. Includes articles and updates, practice notes, standard documents and forms, standard clauses, checklists, state Q&As, global guides, timelines and flowcharts, tables, decision trees, and lists of issues. Access by content type or via area-of-law-specific practice centers. Continually maintained and updated.

Times Digital Archive, 1785-1985

Subjects: Newspapers and Newspaper Indexes

Searchable, electronic version of The Times, Britain's newspaper of record, essential for primary source research in British history, politics, and culture. Provides a complete full-text and full-image archive of The Times from 1785 to 1985. You can search the full-text of the entire newspaper, including articles, editorials, and advertising.


Subjects: International Trade, Trade Regulation

TradeLawGuide provides comprehensive research tools that facilitate methodical research of international trade law, including WTO law and regional trade agreements (RTAs). Its primary document collection consists of the WTO agreements and instruments, jurisprudence, dispute settlement procedural documents, negotiating history and the agreements and codes from the pre-WTO GATT regime. A suite of citators provides comprehensive substantive jurisprudence references to WTO, pre-WTO and Vienna Convention provisions as well as cross-references within the jurisprudence. Researchers can quickly pinpoint the most recent developments for a provision or research its complete jurisprudential and negotiating history. Additional resources, such as the Annotated Agreements, Treaty Interpretation, Terms & Phrases, Subject Navigator, and Dispute Settlement Body Minutes (for policy issues arising in jurisprudence) provide value-added content to facilitate dynamic and thorough research. In addition, TradeLawGuide provides a fully searchable database of regional trade agreements (RTAs), providing researchers with ready access to the texts of bilateral and plurilateral agreements currently in force throughout the world. Researchers have one-click access to the full legal text of agreements as well as shortcuts to the key sections, such as the rules of origin, tariff elimination schedules, market access commitments, reservations (non-conforming measures), and side instruments. A comparison tool for selecting and reviewing the text in two or more agreements at the same time allows researchers to efficiently assess similarities and differences between RTAs.

Transnational Dispute Management

Subjects: Dispute Resolution, International Arbitration

Transnational Dispute Management (TDM) publishes an online journal featuring peer-reviewed articles covering all aspects of transnational commercial dispute resolution. The TDM platform also includes a searchable database of primary legal materials ("legal and regulatory documents"), which encompasses investment treaties, national laws governing alternative dispute resolution, arbitral awards, and court decisions.

U.S. Declassified Documents Online

Subjects: Government Documents, Legal History

Provides access to post World War II previously classified documents from the CIA, FBI and other agencies covering major international events such as the Cold war, Vietnam, foreign policy, and civil rights. Includes correspondence and memoranda, minutes of cabinet meetings, technical studies, national security policy statements, and intelligence reports.

Ulrich's Periodicals Directory

Subjects: Directories, Reference

"Ulrich's Periodicals Directory is a bibliographic database providing detailed information on serials published throughout the world. It covers all subjects, and includes publications that are published regularly or irregularly and are circulated free of charge or by paid subscription."

UNdata: a world of information

Subjects: International Organizations, Statistics and Data

UNdata provides access to official statistics, as well as statistical estimates and projections. Data are initially collected by national governments and subsequently compiled and aggregated by various United Nations agencies. Subjects covered include agriculture, education, energy, industry, labour, national accounts, population, and tourism. Also included are indicators such as millennium development goals.

University of Minnesota Human Rights Library

Subjects: Human Rights Law, Treaties

"The University of Minnesota Human Rights Library houses one of the largest collections of more than fourteen thousand core human rights documents, including several hundred human rights treaties and other primary international human rights instruments. The site also provides access to more than four thousands links and provides multiple web site searching capabilities. [Internet resource: free on the Web]"

Uniworld Online

Subjects: Business, Directories, Reference

"Uniworld Online provides contact information for headquarters, branches, subsidiaries, and affiliates of multinational firms. Georgetown Law Library's premium global subscription includes access to American Firms Operating in Foreign Countries and Foreign Firms Operating in the United States."

VitalLaw (formerly Cheetah)

VitalLaw (formerly Cheetah) is a searchable database of forms, articles, tables, legal decisions and laws pertaining to human resources, labor and employment law, payroll, pensions and benefits, employee safety, workers' compensation, health law, food and drug regulations, unemployment, and social security.

Voting and Elections Collection

Subjects: Politics, Legal History, History, Statistics and Data

Integrates data, authoritative analyses, concise explanations, and historical material to provide a research and reference tool on voting and elections in America. This collection provides context-driven intelligence on the state of elections in America, from the American voter, to major and minor political parties, to actual races for Congress, the presidency, and governorships. Chronological coverage varies by office. Presidential coverage begins 1789. Election data can be downloaded.

Washington Post

Direct access to the for Georgetown Law students, faculty, and staff. Use your email address (rather than to set up an account to use the app for off-campus access. More information in the Washington Post Guide. Full coverage of national, international, and local news. The Washington Post is renowned for its political reporting, editorials, and columnists.

Web of Science

Subjects: "Medicine, Science And Technology", Arts and Literature, Journals And Journal Indexes, Social Sciences

"Web of Science is a multidisciplinary bibliographic database that indexes and abstracts journals in the sciences, social sciences, and arts and humanities. Distributed by the Institute for Scientific Information ( ISI), Web of Science at Georgetown University is a cumulation of three databases: Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index, and Arts and Humanities Citation Index. In addition to traditional author, title and keyword searches, the citation databases offer access to articles' cited references - the footnotes from authors' bibliographies. You may take a known, relevant paper and find other, more recent papers that cite it."Please use '' to create a personal account.

West Academic study aids

The West Academic Study Aids platform contains Nutshells, Concepts & Insights, the Law Stories series, Hornbooks, Gilbert's Law Summaries, and several others. If you would like to take notes, highlight, and download titles for offline access, you will need to sign-in using a West Academic account. To create or use an existing West Academic account, please go to West Academic. Click “Create an Account” in the upper right-hand corner and follow the prompts.Be sure to verify your Georgetown email address from the confirmation email that West Academic sends to you. If you already have a West Academic account, click “Sign-in” and verify your Georgetown email address.

Westlaw Edge e-Treatises

Subjects: Legal Research and Bibliography

Westlaw contains legal and law-related documents, including federal and state cases, statutes, regulations, administrative rulings, legislative histories, legal newspapers and journals, and general news. New Georgetown Law students will receive registration information during Orientation. Students who do not receive registration codes or need new ones should contact the Reference Desk. Georgetown Law faculty and staff should contact Library Research Services.

Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1600-2000

Subjects: Gender Studies, History

The Scholar's Edition of Women and Social Movements in the United States includes 100 document projects and archives plus additional full-text documents, written by some 2,150 primary authors. It also includes book, film and website reviews, notes from the archives, and teaching tools. This edition also includes the Women's Commission reports collection, an archive of the publications and documents of local, state, and federal Commissions on the Status of Women from 1963 to the present, and the full text of the complete five volumes of Notable American Women: A Biographical Dictionary, available for the first time in electronic form.

Women and Social Movements, International 1840 to Present

Women and Social Movements, International is a collection of primary materials. Through the writings of women activists, their personal letters and diaries, and the proceedings of conferences at which pivotal decisions were made, this collection lets you see how women’s social movements shaped much of the events and attitudes that have defined modern life. This release includes about 4,600 sources spanning approximately 150,000 pages, as well as links to 124 online resources.

World Bank Data Catalog

Subjects: Business, Economics, Statistics and Data

"The World Bank's Open Data initiative is intended to provide all users with access to World Bank data. The data catalog is a listing of available World Bank data sources. This listing will continue to be updated as additional data resources are added. These resources include databases, pre-formatted tables and reports. Each of the listings includes a description of the data source and a direct link to that source. Where possible, the databases are linked directly to a selection screen to allow users to select the countries, indicators, and years they would like to search. Those search results can be exported in different formats. Users can also choose to download the entire database directly from the catalog. Internet resource: free on the web."

World Religion Database

Subjects: Philosophy And Religion, Statistics And Data

"The World Religion Database (WRD) contains detailed statistics on religious affiliation for every country of the world. It provides source material, including censuses and surveys, as well as best estimates for every religion to offer a definitive picture of international religious demography. It offers best estimates at multiple dates for each of the world's religions for the period 1900 to 2050."

World Scholar: Latin America & the Caribbean.

World Scholar: Latin America and the Caribbean provides full text, searchable access to a digital collection of primary (and secondary) source documents about Latin America and the Caribbean. The scope ranges from the colonial period to the present and includes monographs, manuscripts, pamphlets, letters, expedition records, journals, periodicals, reports, maps, diaries, descriptions of voyages, newspaper accounts, news feeds, audio and video, and more.

World Trade Online

Subjects: International Trade, Trade Regulation

World Trade Online is an electronic news service that provides access to all content published in the weekly Inside U.S. Trade newsletter from 1993-present, plus trade-related news from around the world, and special reports. Use the buttons on the red menu bar at the top to browse by topic. Or search by keyword.

Subjects: Library Tools, Reference

Over 100 million records for books and other materials in over 60,000 libraries. Items found in WorldCat may be requested through InterLibrary & Consortium Loan services.

Subjects: International Trade, World Trade Organization provides detailed summaries and commentaries on WTO panel and Appellate Body reports. Each Dispute Settlement Commentary (DSC) provides a basic summary of the panel's or the Appellate Body's legal findings and conclusions, a timeline, references to other reports and materials, and expert analysis on many of the key issues in the report. also provides access to the full texts of WTO panel and Appellate Body reports, as well as the full texts of the WTO and GATT agreements.

Worldwide Political Science Abstracts

Subjects: International Relations, Journals and Journal Indexes, Political Science and Government

"Worldwide Political Science Abstracts provides citations, abstracts, and indexing of the international serials literature in political science and its complementary fields, including international relations, law, and public administration / policy. The database is building on the merged backfiles of Political Science Abstracts, published by IFI / Plenum, 1975-2000, and ABC POL SCI, published by ABC-CLIO, 1984-2000. Since 2000, development of the serials list has focused on expanding international coverage. As of November 2005 approximately 1,500+ titles are being monitored for coverage; of these, 67% are published outside the United States."