International Encyclopaedia of Laws: Constitutional Law Online
Comparative Law, Constitutional Law, International Law
"IEL Constitutional Law Online presents a country-by-country survey of constitutional law throughout the world, and will eventually contain all of the constitutions of the world in English translations. Each national monograph includes detailed information of the country’s political system, historical background, sources of constitutional law, form of government (outlining the legal status, the competence and the working of central state powers, etc.), state form and subdivisions of the state, component states and decentralized authorities, citizenship (especially nationality and the legal position of aliens), and specific problems such as foreign relations, taxing and spending power, emergency laws, the power of the military, and the constitutional relation between Church and State."
International Encyclopaedia of Laws: Contracts Online
Comparative law, Contracts, International law
"The Contracts database encompasses the national monographs of a wide variety of countries, written by experts from those countries. Each national monograph is divided into two parts: the first addresses the general principles at issue, and the second covers the specific types of contracts. The work also addresses international aspects of contract law. For each jurisdiction, the work provides: List of Abbreviations, Preface, General Introduction, Introduction to the Law of Contracts and Selected Bibliography."
International Encyclopaedia of Laws: Energy Law Online
Comparative law, Energy And Utilities, International law
"Energy Law Online covers national and international energy law. Each national monograph contains a general introduction, a description of the country’s energy legislation, an overview of the basic principles of energy law, the historical background, the role of governmental institutions, and the sources of energy law in that country’s legal system. Each country’s regulatory framework concerning electricity, gas, petrol and coal is fully set forth, with emphasis on the aspects of production, exploitation, transport, distribution, and consumption. Each monograph also deals with the interactions of energy law with environmental law, tax law and competition law. In addition, Energy Law includes international monographs covering international legislation and treaties and the energy law of the European Union."
International Encyclopaedia of Laws: Environmental Law Online
Comparative Law, International Environmental Law, International Law
"IEL Environmental Law Online covers national and international environmental law. National monographs contain, besides a general introduction, a description of the country’s environmental legislation, an overview of the basic principles of environmental law, the historical background, the role of governmental institutions, and the sources of environmental law. International monographs cover international legislation and treaties and the environmental legislation of the European Economic Community."
International Encyclopaedia of Laws: Family and Succession Law Online
Comparative law, Domestic Relations, International law
"This database covers family law together with marital property law and succession law. In addition to the national monographs, this subset of the International Encyclopaedia of Laws currently includes a monograph for the European Union. Forthcoming supplements will include international monographs describing the activities of several international organizations in the domain of family and succession law, such as the United Nations, the Council of Europe, and the International Commission on Civil Status."
International Encyclopaedia of Laws: Intellectual Property Online
Comparative Law, Intellectual Property Law, International Law
IEL Intellectual Property Online provides an overview of intellectual property for understanding legislation and policy on the subject in different countries. Analyses and describes theory and practice in a large number of countries. Information is also provided on all major and important international conventions and on international bodies like the EU and WIPO/OMPI.
International Encyclopaedia of Laws: Intergovernmental Organizations Online
Comparative law, International law
"Intergovernmental Organizations Online currently comprises monographs on 24 organizations (AU, UN, ILO, IMF, WHO, IAEA, WMO, OPCW, IFC, NATO, OSCE, EEA/EFTA, NAFTA, EIB, ESA, ASEAN, MIGA, Andean Common Market, OAS, Asian Development Bank, UNICJRI, ICCS, CEPES, UNIDROIT) and will soon include monographs on other important organizations, such as EU, WTO, Mercosur, ICAO, Council of Europe, WIPO, Benelux, World Bank, BIS, Interpol, IOM, OECD (incl. NEA), OIC, COMESA and SADC. Its purpose is to cover all significant global and regional intergovernmental organizations and bodies. A collection of source materials (fundamental treaties, constitutive acts and relevant international case-law) complements the collection."
International Encyclopaedia of Laws: Labour Law and Industrial Relations Online
Comparative Law, International Law, Labor Law
This database provides country overviews of 67 countries. In includes English translations of important labor and industrial relations laws for over 20 nations. It covers individual, as well as collective labor relations, as well as major international bodies such as NAFTA and OECD.
International Encyclopaedia of Laws: Medical Law Online
Comparative Law, International Law, Medical Jurisprudence
"IEL Medical Law deals with the practice of medicine in the large sense, covering national and international medical law. Each national monograph contains, besides a general introduction, a description for the country in question. An international monograph covers the World Health Organization in both its international and regional aspects. A Codex of International Medical Law and Ethics is also included. Forthcoming international monographs will cover international declarations on medical ethics such as the Declaration of Helsinki on Medical Experiments (1964) and the European Code of Medical Ethics."
International Encyclopaedia of Laws: Private International Law Online
Comparative Law, Conflict of Laws, International Law
"Private International Law presents country-by-country national monographs dealing with the statutes, regulations and case law each country applies to cases involving transnational issues in, e.g., business, family or inheritance law. It provides access to the conflict rules of countries, presented clearly and concisely by local experts. Beginning with a general introduction to the private international law of the country concerned, each monograph goes on to discuss choice of law technique, sources of private international law, the relevant connection with the law of a country and the connecting factors, the rules of choice of law on natural and legal persons, contractual and non-contractual obligations, movable and immovable property, intangible property rights, company law, family law, marriage, cohabitation, registered partnerships, property, maintenance, child law, and succession law, including testamentary dispositions. Each national monograph concludes with an overview of the country's relevant civil procedure, examining lex fori and issues of national and international jurisdiction, acceptability and enforcement of foreign judgements, and international arbitration."
International Encyclopaedia of Laws: Tort Law Online
Comparative Law, International Law, Torts
"Tort Law Online sheds light on the way legal systems protect rights and interests through, among others, tort law. There are basic differences in approach between the legal systems and the dividing line does not always match the classic divide between the countries of the Civil Law tradition and those belonging to the Common Law tradition. In the General Introduction, particular attention will be paid to the aims of the law of Torts and to the distinction between tort and crime and to the relationship between tort and contract (is concurrence between tortious liability and contractual responsibility permitted or not? what about precontractual liability?). For each country, the scope of protection will be tackled as well (are all interests equally protected?). The monograph is then divided into six Parts: Liability for One's Own Act; Liability for Acts of Others; Forms of Strict Liability; Defenses and Exemption Clauses; Causation; Remedies."