ESCR-Net: the International Network for Economic, Social & Cultural Rights
Human Rights Law
ESCR-Net is a collaborative initiative of groups and individuals from around the world. It creates a way for human rights activists to share information and collaborate. The ESCR-Net Caselaw Database contains cases, broadly defined to include decisions of courts, administrative tribunals, international judicial and quasi-judicial bodies, review bodies of international financial institutions, national human rights institutions and other legal entities. Cases are searchable by keyword, country, 22 global forums, and over 70 thematic issues. The entire database is browse-able.
Human Rights Documents Online
Human Rights Law
"The Human Rights Documents Online ( HRDO ) database will ultimately contain all human rights documents collected by the Human Rights Internet ( HRI ) in Ottawa in Canada since 1980.These documents emanate from 483 non-governmental human rights organizations ( NGOs ) worldwide, some of which have a universal scope, whilst others focus on the attainment of human rights in a specific area of the world. The documents themselves are also available on microfiche in the Wolff Library."
Oxford Reports on International Law
Human Rights Law, International Criminal Law, International Immigration Law, International Law
"ORIL covers case law from international courts and dispute settlement bodies, in addition to states and certain territorial entities that are not generally classified as states. The full text of new decisions of relevance to any of the ORIL modules is sourced by the reporters for that module as soon as possible after the judgment is given or the decision is made. For all modules except ICGJ a full case report is then commissioned, together with expert analysis if appropriate, to draw out the important points in the case and illustrate the relevance of the decision in the landscape of the law and practice covered by that module, or indeed in the wider sphere of international law covered by other ORIL modules."""""
United Nations Treaty Collection
Foreign Law, Human Rights Law, International Law, Treaties
"The United Nations Treaty Collection includes includes Multilateral Treaties Deposited with the Secretary-General, the Status of Treaties, Depository Notifications, Certified True Copies, the Journal of the UN, Photographs of Treaty Actions, and other related information."
University of Minnesota Human Rights Library
Human Rights Law, Treaties
"The University of Minnesota Human Rights Library houses one of the largest collections of more than fourteen thousand core human rights documents, including several hundred human rights treaties and other primary international human rights instruments. The site also provides access to more than four thousands links and provides multiple web site searching capabilities. [Internet resource: free on the Web]"