B.A., Syracuse; J.D., Northwestern
B.A., magna cum laude, Syracuse University; J.D., Northwestern University. Professor Russell-Hunter is the Director of the Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals, United States Department of Defense and is the Senior Executive Service official currently responsible for the oversight and leadership of all of DOHA’s Administrative Judges, Department Counsel, Claims Division attorneys and paralegals, and administrative staff. He regularly teaches the personnel security clearance process in courses at what was known as the Defense Security Service Academy (now the Center for the Development of Security Excellence). He served on the DoD/DNI Joint Security and Suitability Process Reform Team since its inception in June of 2007. Along with the other charter members of the original Joint Reform Team, he received the Director of National Intelligence’s Meritorious Unit Citation in 2009 for leading the transformation of the security clearance process. Professor Russell-Hunter teaches trial advocacy and deposition skills to practicing attorneys as part of the NITA trial and deposition programs. He also teaches the D.C. Bar course on Department of Defense security clearance cases. He is also a former member and past president of the Federal American Inn of Court, where he taught programs on litigation and trial advocacy skills, professionalism, ethics, and civility to practicing attorneys and law students.