Right to Health
Between a Rock and a Hard Place: The Global Gag Rule’s Impacts on Women’s Reproductive Health and Abortion Law in Malawi
The global gag rule conditions U.S. global health funding for foreign aid recipients on a recipient's promise that it will not perform or support abortions as a method of family planning—even if it uses its own funds or those provided by other governments to do so. The authors argue that the rule endangers the lives of countless women and girls in Malawi and around the world and subjects health providers in these countries to the partisan political winds in the United States. They conclude that Congress should revoke the global gag rule once and for all.
No Choice: Attacks on Health as a Driver of Forced Displacement in Syria
Students in Georgetown Law’s Human Rights Fact-Finding Practicum conducted interviews over the course of the 2020-2021 academic year with individuals who had been displaced as a result of attacks on healthcare and generalized violence, as well as with legal and subject-matter experts on the conflict in Syria.
A Prescription for Failure: Health and Intellectual Property in the DR
In 2009-2010, researchers investigated the impact of of the DR-CAFTA trade agreement and intellectual property protections on access to affordable medicines in the Dominican Republic.