Davorka Čolak Headshot

Davorka Čolak is a Senior Prosecutor from Croatia with more than 15 years of experience adjudicating atrocity crimes at the national and international levels. Currently she is a senior legal expert and associate fellow with the Atrocity Crimes Advisory Group for Ukraine at Georgetown University and a Deputy County Prosecutor in the County Attorney’s Office in Zagreb assigned to the War Crimes Department, which covers atrocity crimes, terrorism cases and sex-crimes cases. In her distinguished career as a prosecutor, she has worked in the Office of the Attorney General in Croatia, both as a Liaison Prosecutor to the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY); as the Croatian national Contact Point at the European Network for investigation and prosecution of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes within EUROJUST; and as a Senior State Attorney’s Adviser in the War Crimes Department. In her various roles, she has not only directly prosecuted atrocity crimes cases, including sex crimes cases, but also has been responsible for coordination of inter-state and regional cooperation, coordinating evidence collection, establishing and managing a War Crimes Database, serving as a case manager and legal advisor, and supervising the prosecution of cases.