Environmental Justice in the 21st Century: Threats and Opportunities

April 13, 2018

Rep. Raul Ruiz (D-CA) and a panel of experts will discuss strategies to promote environmental justice at a time of receding federal enforcement at Georgetown Law on Monday.

Rep. Ruiz will offer keynote remarks and discuss the pending bill he coauthored with Sen. Cory Booker, The Environmental Justice Act of 2017, which requires federal agencies to address environmental justice through agency actions and permitting decisions, and strengthens legal protections against environmental injustice for communities of color, low-income communities, and indigenous communities. Panelists will then explore how states, cities and communities can address environmental injustices, even as EPA and other federal enforcement efforts decline. Topics will include climate justice, toxic-siting and ramifications of extreme weather events on marginalized communities.

The event is co-sponsored by Georgetown Law and its Environmental Law Society, the Environmental Law Institute, the American Bar Association’s Section on Civil Rights and Social Justice, and the D.C. Bar Association’s Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Community.

A reception will follow.


Representative Raul Ruiz (D-CA)


Sheila Foster (moderator), Georgetown Law
Dr. Adrienne Hollis, Climate One
Leslie Fields, Sierra Club
Lucia Silecchia, Catholic University of America


Monday, April 16
6:00 – 7:30 pm


Georgetown University Law Center
McDonough Building, Room 207
600 New Jersey Ave.
Washington, DC 20001

The event will also be live streamed – please inquire to receive a link.

