Update on Georgetown Law Fall 2020 Planning
Dear Alumni,
I hope this email finds you and yours safe and well during these trying times. I am writing to you with an update on our fall academic planning. Through diligent work we have developed a model that will allow students to attend classes on campus in the upcoming semester. The plan allows students who need or prefer to participate remotely to do so, and will also provide unique programming to sustain our special community.
As you may have seen, President DeGioia sent a message updating the community on Georgetown’s Fall 2020 planning. We have been similarly engaged in planning at the Law Center in ways that are aligned with the University’s plans for the fall, but that also reflect the distinctive mission and academic environment of the Law Center.
- Here are some key elements of the plan, subject to approval by the District of Columbia:
We are planning for a hybrid academic model where some students will be in the classroom and some will not, and where some faculty will be in the classroom and some will not. - We are focused on creating smaller classes for full-time, first-year students in the fall, which will allow for social distancing, as well as the opportunity for students who choose to do so to be in person.
- We have also decided that, for public safety reasons, in-person classes will end on the Saturday before Thanksgiving and classes will meet only online after that to the end of the fall semester. All final examinations will be take-home.
As I wrote to our students, our goal for the fall is to restore as much of the energy of our campus life as we are allowed. Of course, we will do that with the community’s well-being and safety front and center, following the best advice of our health experts and adhering closely to the evolving public health restrictions imposed by the District and federal governments.
I am so deeply appreciative of the creativity that our faculty and staff working groups have demonstrated as we think through this unprecedented way to structure our learning environment. And, while this is challenging for us all, I am enthusiastic about the opportunities it affords us to continue to innovate for our students. This is yet another moment when I am proud to be a part of the Georgetown Law community.
I want to reiterate that as we plan, we will continue to make decisions informed by public safety and subject to the requirements of the District of Columbia and the law. We are mindful that all of our plans are ultimately subject to approval by the District, so we may need to adjust as we move forward. I will continue to keep you informed of those changes in the same way that I have since we have moved to a virtual format in March.
The past few months have been immensely challenging for the school and the world, and the coming months will present new obstacles for all of us to overcome. However please know that we remain focused on our mission. And I remain grateful for all the support you – our alumni – have provided to sustain that mission
You have my very best wishes for a healthy and restorative summer.
William M. Treanor
Dean and Executive Vice President
Paul Regis Dean Leadership Chair