Online Articles

Giraffes have been undergoing silent extinction for the past several decades.

The Endangered Species Act: Revisited

December 5, 2024 by Lexi Amos Endangered Species Forests

After seven years of petitioning, giraffes will likely receive endangered species protections under the ESA. But is this approach adequate to save the thousands of species in peril?

Aerial image overlooking a winding river in the Amazon Rainforest. Source:,h_1683,c_limit/gettyimages-1044285108.jpg

Are We Out of the Woods? What Brazil’s Elections Could Mean for Climate Change

November 9, 2022 by Katya Simon Forests International Natural Resources Sustainability

For decades, the Amazon rainforest has been an important natural resource in the fight against climate change due to its ability to absorb high levels of carbon dioxide from the air and act as a “carbon sink” for emissions from human activities.[1]…

Forest Fires: A Concern that Warrants More Attention

October 26, 2019 by ustin Holtshouser Air Climate change Endangered Species Forests International Natural Resources Wildlife

With the consequences of forest fires being felt on both local and global levels, more needs to be done to mitigate these events – domestic government action is essential.

China's Green Desert

March 28, 2019 by Timothy Park Endangered Species Forests International Natural Resources Public Lands Wildlife

China has been one of the largest contributors to reforestation efforts through its Grain for Green Program. However, have all of their efforts actually helped the environment? One fatal flaw in the program is severely limiting the programs impact on the environment.