Library Liaisons
Full-time and long-term visiting faculty are assigned a liaison librarian as a contact for questions, research, and any other questions pertaining to the library. The liaison librarian will coordinate with other library staff as needed. Additionally, the liaison librarian will gain a greater understanding of the faculty member’s research, scholarship and teaching needs. We’ve attempted to base liaison librarian assignments on research subject areas so that multiple faculty having a primary interest in a particular subject will be assigned to the same librarian, but this is not always possible. As duties and responsibilities shift within the library, we may need to adjust assignments.
Please note that this is not intended to restrict faculty access to other library personnel (e.g., ILL, Circulation), so faculty may continue to contact such individuals directly. Our Library Research Services Department (formerly Faculty Services) will continue to support faculty research, in coordination with your liaison.
If you don’t remember the name of your librarian liaison, please contact either the Reference Department at or the International & Foreign Law Department at