For Faculty
The Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations (CFR) is a resource for Georgetown Law faculty and staff searching for non-governmental research sponsors.
Our assistance ranges from conducting prospect research to providing assistance in drafting grant application materials to processing grant awards. We also manage the Law Center’s existing relationships with non-governmental grantmakers and organizations. Before applying to external funders, please contact us for guidance and assistance.
If you are seeking assistance in regards to governmental grantmakers (e.g. -NSF, EPA, HUD, USAID, etc.), please contact the Office of Sponsored Programs.
The Corporate and Foundation Relations staff also offers personalized support to Georgetown University Law Center faculty, institutes, centers, and clinics. From the inception of an academic project to the close of a grant, we are eager to work with scholars in developing strategies for building and sustaining support for academic research. We provide strategic support by collaborating with programmatic staff in shaping an idea or program so that it meets all of the following goals: appeals to funders, aligns with the university’s initiatives within the Law Center and on other campuses, contributes to the Law Center’s reputation of sponsoring academic excellence, and enhances academic rigor in the broader legal community.
If you are ready to begin searching for funding opportunities and would like our assistance, please contact us!
Who is eligible to submit grant proposals to foundations?
Proposals submitted for any project must be led and submitted by those with Principal Investigator (PI) status (determined by individual departments).
Can student organizations fundraise from foundations?
Student fundraising from external entities, including foundations, requires prior approval by contacting the Office of Student Life. Following approval, please inform the Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations of your fundraising efforts.