With over 40 years of service in the Boston Police Department, Phillip Terenzi is a dedicated, resourceful, and versatile professional with proven expertise in designing, developing, and delivering exceptional training and scenario-based exercises to ensure seamless operations across the organization while having commanded many Units and Divisions in the organization.

Beginning his career in 1979 when joining the Boston Police Department as a Police Cadet, Phillip worked in many assignments that included various Districts thrPhillip Terenzi Headshotoughout the City. Some Specialized Units that he was assigned to included Mounted Patrol, Harbor Patrol, Communications Division, and Training and Education.

Currently holding the rank of a Civil Service Captain, the highest level achievable by testing in the Boston Police Department, Phillip is in Command of the Training and Education Division at the Boston Police Academy. Other notable Command assignments include the Boston Police 911 Operations Center, Commander of the Underwater Recovery Team, Harbormaster for the City of Boston, and Zone Commander for various Special Events, including the Boston Marathon, Victory parades for Major League National Champions (Bruins, Celtics, Red Sox, and Patriots), and Prominent National Security Events.

Besides holding Instructor Certificates from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and Municipal Police Training Committee of Massachusetts, Phillip is an Adjunct Instructor at Regis College in Weston, Massachusetts. Phillip was in ABLE Session #2 and is now participating with the ABLE National Team.
