October 18, 2018
by Gregory Harned
Endangered Species
This federal district court’s decision [to reverse the de-listing of the grizzly] has angered state officials and sparked a new debate about federalism and institutional competence
October 5, 2018
by De Vann Sago
Endangered Species
By Rebecca Strauss, Staff Contributor.
The Supreme Court opened the 2018 term with a case on the Endangered Species Act, focusing on the dusky gopher frog. With only eight sitting justices, what are the Court's options?
October 3, 2018
by Caroline McHugh
Endangered Species
Public Lands
State and Local
The Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act of 1971 protected horses and burros in the American West. Now the population has recovered (and then some). How do federal agencies approach increasingly conflicting mandates for public land management?