Professor Thompson teaches courses in the corporate and securities area, including mergers and limited liability. He joined the Georgetown faculty in 2010 after visiting in 2009-10. Previous positions include service as the New York Alumni Chancellor’s Professor of Law and Professor of Management at Vanderbilt University and the George Alexander Madill Professor of Law at Washington University. He has visited at New York University and Northwestern University and has taught intensive courses at the University of Sydney. He has authored or co-authored casebooks on corporations and on mergers, treatises on Close Corporations and Oppression of Minority Shareholders and LLC Members, and more than 50 articles. Professor Thompson has testified before committees of Congress, a state legislature, and the New York Stock Exchange. He has served since 1991 as editor of the Corporate Practice Commentator, served as an adviser for the American Law Institute’s Restatement (Third) of Agency and chaired two sections of the Association of American Law Schools.



A.C. Pritchard & Robert Thompson, A History of Securities Law in the Supreme Court (New York: Oxford University Press 2023). [BOOK]
Charles R.T. O'Kelley, Robert B. Thompson & Dorothy S. Lund, Corporations and Other Business Associations (New York: Wolters Kluwer Law & Business 9th ed. 2022). [BOOK]
Charles R.T. O’Kelley, Robert B. Thompson & Dorothy S. Lund, Corporations and Other Business Associations: Selected Statutes, Rules, and Forms (New York: Wolters Kluwer Law & Business 2021, 2023).

Contributions to Law Reviews and Other Scholarly Journals

Robert B. Thompson, The New Unocal, 65 Ariz. L. Rev. 695-739 (2023). [W] [L] [SSRN]
A.C. Pritchard & Robert B. Thompson, Texas Gulf Sulphur and the Genesis of Corporate Liability Under Rule 10B-5, 42 Quinnipiac L. Rev. 121-143 (2023)(reprinting 71 SMU L. Rev. 927-946 (2018)). [HEIN] [W] [L]