Online Articles

Houston in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey

Houston at a Crossroads: Land Use Post-Harvey

October 17, 2018 by Cecilia Turchetti Climate change State and Local

In the wake of Hurricane Harvey, Houston has continued to develop at an incredible rate. Historically, the city and its residents have strongly opposed zoning, but development in floodplains has sparked a debate about how expansion should look for the booming city. How can Houston continue to grow while ensuring the safety of its residents?

Protestors march in downtown San Francisco ahead of the Global Climate Action Summit.

The Global Climate Action Summit: What happened, who protested, and why?

September 23, 2018 by Lauren Phillips Climate change International

The 2018 Global Climate Action Summit brought thousands of people to San Francisco last week to announce commitments to fighting climate change. Outside the summit, however, protestors demanded that leaders set more ambitious goals. What happened inside and outside the summit, and did it represent a meaningful step to fighting climate change?

By Lauren Phillips, Online Managing Editor