Online Articles

A consumer considers which product to buy off the shelf and seems interested in one that claims to be “green.”

GREENWASHING: The Beginning or End of an Era of Environmental Deception?

September 28, 2023 by Charlie Dwight Chemicals Climate change Litigation Regulations

As American consumers focus more on how their consumption habits impact the environment, companies are seeking to capitalize by claiming their products are “green” even if these claims are dubious – a practice known as greenwashing. In this article, Charlie Dwight walks through the legal landscape of greenwashing and argues FTC and SEC enforcement would help crack down on the practice.

Oil rigs operate in the ocean surrounded by floating sea ice (Creative Commons | Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement)

Climate Change, the Willow Project, and U.S. Security: a Maelstrom of Unreadiness

September 11, 2023 by Blake Hite Climate change Oil and Gas

Oil has long been a key factor in U.S. national security considerations. In this article, author Blake Hite argues the combination of climate change and oil extraction in the Arctic poses unique national security concerns that should be considered before U.S. officials approve additional Arctic drilling.

A skiier hitting the slopes in the American Rockies after a large snowfall.

Take Me to the River. . . Let’s Conserve the Water

February 13, 2023 by Allie Williams Climate change State and Local Water

Unprecedented, warmer, wetter winter seasons have ski communities across the Alps fearful of how rising temperatures and the looming reality of climate change might impact the winter sports industry in the years to come.[1]  By contrast, in the Western…

Crabs, the Climate, Congress, and the Court

November 2, 2022 by Danny Shokry Climate change Oceans Wildlife

Background Seafood lovers are familiar with the coveted Alaskan snow crabs. This culinary delicacy made headlines in October 2022, when experts reported that an estimated one billion snow crabs in the Bering Sea had disappeared over the prior two years…

Using the Explore the Map tool to view data for a specific community in Washington, D.C.

The Biden Administration’s New Tool to Address Environmental Injustice

October 23, 2022 by Casey Hellman Climate change Regulations Sustainability

WHAT IS THE CLIMATE AND ECONOMIC JUSTICE SCREENING TOOL? On January 27, 2021, President Biden issued Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad, an executive order intended to increase the primacy of climate issues in domestic and foreign policy…

Chemical symbol for carbon

The Viability of Personal Carbon Trading

April 11, 2022 by Hunter Johnston Climate change Regulations Sustainability

Personal carbon trading refers to a variety of downstream cap-and-trade policies that allocate rights and responsibilities for those greenhouse gas emissions caused by individual consumption of energy during household energy use and/or personal travel…